87 Post – 109 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Absurdist, Security Architect (Magician), Beer and Bourbon connoisseur, Gamer, lover of Dark Humor (Lovecraft was a comedian), Maker, Apistevist, Agnostic, Atheist.

I don't know how to make this not about me. So, I'm just going to say it. Friday I closed a 13 year old Reddit account. Saturday and Sunday I brought up multiple Fediverse servers. I now have Mastodon, Lemmy, PixelFed, Owncast, and NextCloud working. I have yet to get Element Chat and PeerTube running. They will happen by Friday. When I opened my Owncast I killed my Twitch account. When PeerTube is up and running I drop YouTube. My point is, I want to thank Reddit for providing me the motivation to leave corporate social media and switch to my own platform. I'm not going back... I'm going forward.

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They should have been forced to do it the other way. “You advertise as free, so you have to provide this for free.”

I’m going to tell you a secret…. Yes.

All those things could happen. Some people could run a site that has ads. Some people could run a site that charges a membership. Some sites could have a Patreon membership. Some sites could do subscriptions….

And some sites could be completely free.

The funny thing is, because of the federation, no one will be harmed. Let’s say I startup a site and all I do is pass through the cost of the site to each user. No profit, just what it costs to maintain the server is shared among the members.

Is that unreasonable?

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Could you please create a middle ground between the nuclear option (banning sites) and the whack a mole option of banning users. It would be effective to be able to ban communities (at least temporarily) during bot spam attacks while you wait for admins to police up their site. Could there also be a way for admins to notify other admins that their site is spamming garbage so that admins know that their board is the cause of a problem and what that problem is?

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“IDK why the OG FPS are now a considered subgenre”

I don’t know why people keep thinking, saying, and implying this. The OG shooters are not being called “boomer shooters.” Modern games based on them are. I don’t know why the confusion.

Doom (1993) NOT a boomer shooter. Quake (1996) NOT a boomer shooter. Boltgun (2023) IS a boomer shooter.

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I’m thinking of all the times I’ve said, “You know what makes this game great? The microtransactions.” All ZERO times.

There are bad games and good games. Microtransactions make bad games worse AND good games worse. I intentionally only pay for games without microtransactions. THEY move the game from “I’m interested” (like with the rerelease of dungeon keeper) to “Well, I can play the OG version on GOG. Without microtransactions, I’ll do that.”

That business model ONLY works out for the business. It is NOT for the best interest of the customer.

So while what you said is right, you are incorrect.

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Pull up a list of Lemmy instances with 100% uptime. That’s not a big list. Look for a location in the U.S. you find an even smaller list. And if your monolingual and speak English bestest… well, then you’re in the realm of a vary small list indeed. is second on that list for size AND speed of growth. Plus, where else are you going to find communities that teach you how to use the Fediverse to your advantage? Drop by and subscribe to the boomer shooter community… We all know they did it right in lo-fi…

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This argument is absurd. What happens, right now, if Reddit shuts down? Where can you take your account to access what’s on Reddit?

The fact is federations CAN be set up this way. Lemmy is new and the people providing the service are working to get things functional as fast as possible. Federating authentication is possible. Can you do it right this second? Nope.

Can you do it with Reddit right this second?

“I’m not gonna do this because it doesn’t work the way I think it should.” News flash, Reddit doesn’t work that way either, while you’re not doing it on Reddit…. Lemmy CAN work that way, Reddit… yah good luck.

I get it, mediocrity now is better than improvements later…

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The fact that we’re not talking about arena shooters would be a big reason.

Right up until Twitter shut everything off unless you were logged in and throttled you if you are logged in I’d have agreed with you… YouTube is preventing you from watching YouTube if they decide they can’t advertise at you… The point is, big social media has come up with creative ways to make using their service miserable if not impossible. Even reddit is doing it right? I find your assessment of possible versus likely incomplete at best.

Belief is the acceptance of a claim without evidence. There is evidence that Lemmy and Mastodon can, with time, replace their centralized counterparts.

So do I believe it? No. I know it can happen though. Will it happen? Definite maybe. First, all the users that are bunched up on three big servers need to learn the painful lesson of how a federated architecture works. It’s in their best interests to find small instances of lemmy and have accounts there. Why, because all the huge instances of lemmy are having trouble staying functional. has 87,000 users and an uptime of 97%. That means it experiences 11 days of downtime a year. Almost a day per month. has around 10,000 users and a 99% uptime by comparison (still 3 to 4 days a year of downtime). Many smaller instances have 100% uptime. Look for yourself.

Another thing future users (not users yet) need to stop using as an argument (excuse) is, “but if I have an account on a site and it disappears, I lose my account.” Well, first, that’s true of the centralized service you’re using. And don’t talk to me about “too big to fail…” arguments. If there’s one thing Twitter, Reddit, and YoutTube have proven, it’s that you are irrelevant and disposable. They may not vanish, but the long lasting stupid they do for the sake of… I don’t even know what… has led to multiple migrations to distributed environments.

Are distributed environments perfect? No. They ARE improving though. And the fact is, in a distributed environment when one instance enacts something that you don’t feel is in your best interest… You go to another instance. No drama, no fanfare… just move.

Thanks for the good news. I’ll let rotarykeyboard know. He’ll be ecstatic.

  • Rookie Level 1 Gamer: “They’re called boomer shooters because they’re old like baby boomers”
  • Veteran Level 20 Gamer: “Baby boomers thought Doom was satanic, that’s a stupid term”
  • Enlightened Level 60 Gamer: “They’re called boomer shooters because of the huge debt they owe to the original Doom modding scene and therefore “Boom”, one of the first limit-removing source ports”
  • GigaChad Level 80 gamer: “Who cares. My ego isn’t so delicate as to have my sensibilities offended by whatever the fuck you want to call it. If you think something like ‘MyHouse.wad’ is something that is for “bOoMeRs” (a.k.a. anyone old enough to know that it’s called a “VCR,” not a “VHS player”) then you’re the one missing out… not me.” Credit to and

Mirrors Edge/Catalyst? Sorry I missed it’s already mentioned.

Phantasy Star On-Line New Genesis (male and female characters).

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If you’re running it using Docker, that’s a container not a VM. And that IS the way you would want to run it, in a container. They’re easy to set up, easy to use, and easy to maintain.

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You missed the obvious joke in what was said, didn’t you… Do peoples lawns REALLY shrink and move?

Boomer Shooter is my community, you have made my night!

Nope, regret to inform you it was written by a human. Was this commented by an AI?

Yeah, that’s not how the math works. Cost of server + cost of maintaining = X. Divide X by the number of users. Example, my time is worth $60 an hour. I spend two hours a week working on the server ($120). I spend $30 a month on the server rental. $150. I have 20 users. $150/20 is $7.50…

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I’m STEALING this and pretending I wrote it. You are a jeeneus and get all the interwebz points for the day!

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I didn’t realize that made it irrelevant. Especially when I’m using it to lead in to three other articles that are all based on that article, and one of the games that falls in the class of this article has been released today.

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Glad to be of service.

I’m basing what I have said off of work I have done with attorneys in similar situations. I don’t know evidentiary law, but I wouldn’t want to be accused of destroying evidence of something. But my question stands. Why should someone who has doxed someone get away with it by deleting their account? How is that ethical?

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This will help you find US based instances if that is what you are after.

Each one of the graphics in the article is linked to a demo of a boomer shooter with a female protagonist. I even mention a few in the article. I talk about female leads, and then apply them to boomer shooters. I didn’t think it would be that unusual…

I’m providing a best guess on that. I may be wrong. Who knows maybe it’ll be “xtxt” or xt^2 pronounced “extasy.”

The way, what was stated, was stated, indicated that docker runs virtual machines. It doesn't. It runs containers, right?

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First, stop talking to me like I don’t know this already. Second, these facts don’t make me wrong or you right. The implication of what was said is that you run VM’s on docker. The fact is, you don’t. Stop arguing.

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My ONE claim to fame is beating Myst in 19 hours of straight game play the day after it came out without reference material…

Glad to be of service. I picked this article as it relates to a couple others I did. One is on todays release of Trepang^2. It’s crossposted in the community if you are interested.

SELECT * from local_user; provides a list of users that has a password_encrypted field. That list is exactly equal (all the same accounts are listed) to what I get from: select,   p.display_name,   a.person_id,,   a.email_verified,   a.accepted_application from   local_user a,   person p where   a.person_id =;

So I can see a persons (email address), a.person_id, and their password_encrypted (hash) by correlating these tables, can I not?

These accounts are NOT ALL local to my server… So I MUST be being passed hashes, right?

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Warhammer 40k Boltgun

Glad to be of service.

Glad to be of service.

What you just said is the literal opposite of what the fediverse is. The fediverse is NOT social media.

3D realms started production in 1996. Yes it took 14 years…

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I keep hoping to find a copy of Wipeout XL for PC there. I know they made it…

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How did it happen before microtransactions?

  • Rookie Level 1 Gamer: “They’re called boomer shooters because they’re old like baby boomers”
  • Veteran Level 20 Gamer: “Baby boomers thought Doom was satanic, that’s a stupid term”
  • Enlightened Level 60 Gamer: “They’re called boomer shooters because of the huge debt they owe to the original Doom modding scene and therefore “Boom”, one of the first limit-removing source ports” Credit to
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This is answered in the comments.