2 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

translation: "I don't like you. Therefore, you deserve to have your civil liberties violated."

That's because they have no grounds to. However, that operation -- -- is illegal because they hack their users and even mere readers.

Yes I really should. Perhaps a professional would clarify whether I'm perceiving reality correctly -- that is, after having posted on, a fed honeypot forum, I came under intrusive monitoring and was placed on a watchlist for 1st amendment protected speech and whether feds trail me online to accuse me of being schizo whenever I make these claims. A professional could indeed help me make sense of these things but currently I am uninsured and have no choice but to seek the advice of the masses.

That did happen. Could be just schizo though. Feds would never be so hateful.

yes, my schizo mind thought it was under "intrusive monitoring" under the "Countering Violent Extremism" program aimed at domestic dissidents. My schizo mind reached the conclusion that feds -- in order to better monitor me -- rented apartments next to mine. What a preposterous thing to believe, only a schizo would think feds would do that.

When I posted on the web forum, to my surprise and shock I learned that it was a DHS operation. The feds there themselves encourage extremist rhetoric. Just imagine how unfair this is. They haven't publicly announced that they are censoring incels but have in fact done so. They then set up honeypot forums where feds larp as incels and feed the public image of incels as one of extremism and violence. A user ends up there thinking this is what incel culture is and then gets subject to being put on a watchlist. It's the government itself calling for censorship and restrictions on free speech, something I know all too well given my (run by DHS) experience.

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The definition of who is or is not an "extremist" can be abusively politicized by people who have the ear of the government that just so happen to not like this or that ideology or perspective.

Nope just speaking in the abstract.

But it really happened. They rented the units surrounding my apartment in order to monitor me. Is this so out of the realm of possibility for them to do to someone they deemed a "domestic extremist/terrorist"? Also, note: feds have real time access to my digital activity. every time i make claims like this on this space, they appear like rats and insubstantially say “you need help, take your meds, blah blah” but never care to get to specific as to why my claims are unreasonable.

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That's not a random forum. It's a DHS operation. Stop trying to deflect my accusation that = DHS. It's DHS. It's a honeypot forum. It's run by the government. People get paid to larp as incels. They've taken over the incelosphere in what is nothing less than rank censorship and political repression. You suck for supporting that.

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For sure, but you can drive someone to insanity by depriving them of sleep. I say I am subject to intrusive monitoring. I realize that if I try to express this to normal everyday people, I will come off as schizo. On top of that to be going around sleepless -- a mental zombie -- is going to make me look crazier, and make everyone around me think I'm a loon. Maybe this leaves a "trail" of mental-health issue history that, should I snap in public or something, can be used to commit me.

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Let me ask you -- is my claim implausible?

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I do not claim to know the internal workings of DHS or the FBI. I can only attest to my experience which is that I posted on which turned out to be a honeypot operation by feds who -- in that space and places like r9k -- communicated with me. They call this "deradicalization" but it's horse manure. They're ideologue stasti-esque weirdos who HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE incels.

note: feds have real time access to my digital activity. every time i make claims like this on this space, they appear like rats and insubstantially say “you need help, take your meds, blah blah” but never care to get to specific as to why my claims are unreasonable.

But the feds legit treat incels as "domestic extremists" regardless of the accuracy of their perspective. Doesn't it then follow that they set up honeypot forums (like, operated by DHS)? They put incels in this category.

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Why are you so keen to know? Is my claim implausible? 🤔

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Here are some papers arguing that incels should be treated just like I have been. When you search "incels" on google scholar, you largely get articles like this calling on the government to treat incels as domestic terrorists by leftist academics/self-serving "security" researchers. Of course, when victim complains of the treatment, they can always be accused of having a "persecutory delusion." But I ask any observers to note just how inconsiderate and unhinged these accusations of mental illness on are. Note their desperation to call me crazy. They're feds privy to my digital activity. This is what I mean by "open air prison."

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okay, it doesn't sense to you, i'm just a yelping loon. please stop interacting with me

"intrusive surveillance" entails your phone being hacked as a recorder, their access to your phone/digital communications, snooping devices in your dwelling, and being trailed by fusion center employees when outside.

I'm not having paranoid delusions. This was my experience: I posted on the web forum -- run by DHS -- and have since been subject to intrusive monitoring which escalated into direct fed harassment of me in various ways. Part of this "intrusive monitoring" entails monitoring of my communications and online activity. Hence it's not out of the realm of possibility that some of the people here eager to label my claims as paranoid/delusional are feds...

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Bro they broke into my apartment and replaced my prozac with super-depression inducing crap. I took a few of the pills and fell into super depression. Then they started teasing me on reddit "does he notice? does he notice?" etc etc. The pills were colored differently. Not sure what their purpose was. Plus if I see a therapist they'll be privy to what I say (under the 9/11 bill they can pull your records.)

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note: feds have real time access to my digital activity. every time i make claims like this on this space, they appear like rats and insubstantially say “you need help, take your meds, blah blah” but never care to get to specific as to why my claims are unreasonable.

haha not comparable in the slightest. Dear readers: I am subject to "intrusive monitoring." That means feds trail me online too and then call me crazy when I air my complaints. Just look how empty their accusations are.

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what does monitoring entail? it's one thing if the person is unaware of it but they also let the person know. that's putting them in prison without trial. also that incels = violent is charged up rhetoric meant to invalidate their perspective.

sure you are. is it really that delusional to say = DHS and, after having posted there, I came under "intrusive monitoring" both physically and digitally and feds trail me online to invalidate my claims by hurling empty accusations of insanity?

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i didn't claim feds were deleting my posts. I put a question to Lemmy.World re their moderation policy. Of course, since feds monitor my digital activity in real time, they have an incentive to make misleading statements like yours in order to invalidate me...

advocating for violence is not illegal.

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You are conflating two things -- my question to Lemmy.World re if they were deleting my content from a place of soy censorship and whether feds trail me online (they having access to my digital activity in real time) to invalidate any claims I make about honeypot incel forums by calling me (rather emptily) "crazy." I know the latter is true. I was in interested in the other inquiry. Nice try.

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it goes beyond that in my instance. fed staff get paid to trail people online who they've labeled as "extremists." part of their work is just what's happening in this thread -- brigade and hurl empty accusations of mental illness when the person mentions what's going on.

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Yes but they defined a certain perspective as irredeemably linked to violence, even if that perspective is sociologically true. It's straight up repression. I'm not the one who mandated that the sexual revolution devolve into polygynous mating habits rendering many men partnerless.

note: feds have real time access to my digital activity. every time i make claims like this on this space, they appear like rats and insubstantially say “you need help, take your meds, blah blah” but never care to get to specific as to why my claims are unreasonable.

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how so? care to elaborate?

note: feds have real time access to my digital activity. every time i make claims like this on this space, they appear like rats and insubstantially say "you need help, take your meds, blah blah" but never care to get to specific as to why my claims are unreasonable.

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More details: I identified as an “involuntarily celibate” male and sought support from people in my circumstance. I found a forum called The people posting there purported to be men in my circumstance. I believed it and then shared opinions about my plight and the dynamics of the larger sexual marketplace (re how it’s become polygynous.) Soon after – to my shock and horror – they “took the mask off” and told me that they – the people I was posting alongside – were in fact fed agents. You see, they had in fact shutdown real incel spaces years prior and replaced them with ones operated by DHS because they had deemed incels – a class of males who are only the result of emergent polygyny – as “domestic extremists.” The feds then informed me – by revealing to me personal details about my life and my day to day activity (in own apartment no less) that I was now subject to intrusive monitoring and surveillance. When I step outside people from the creepily named “fusion centers” trail me. So in essence I am in an open-air prison without having committed a crime. Moreover, the feds over at themselves encourage extremist rhetoric which shapes the public image of the incel class. In short they are generating their own work by censoring incels across web and setting up incel forums where they (feds) larp as extremist incels. They set a trap for incelish men seeking support from their own kind. This treatment of incels is motivated by politics because after Trump’s victory in 2016 the neolib establishment went hard after any MAGA-adjacent spaces. In 2015, incels were among the first to be ecstatic about Trump. But does that mean they should be politically repressed, silenced, and treated as domestic terrorists?

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I identified as an "involuntarily celibate" male and sought support from people in my circumstance. I found a forum called The people posting there purported to be men in my circumstance. I believed it and then shared opinions about my plight and the dynamics of the larger sexual marketplace (re how it's become polygynous.) Soon after -- to my shock and horror -- they "took the mask off" and told me that they -- the people I was posting alongside -- were in fact fed agents. You see, they had in fact shutdown real incel spaces years prior and replaced them with ones operated by DHS because they had deemed incels -- a class of males who are only the result of emergent polygyny -- as "domestic extremists." The feds then informed me -- by revealing to me personal details about my life and my day to day activity (in own apartment no less) that I was now subject to intrusive monitoring and surveillance. When I step outside people from the creepily named "fusion centers" trail me. So in essence I am in an open-air prison without having committed a crime. Moreover, the feds over at themselves encourage extremist rhetoric which shapes the public image of the incel class. In short they are generating their own work by censoring incels across web and setting up incel forums where they (feds) larp as extremist incels. They set a trap for incelish men seeking support from their own kind. This treatment of incels is motivated by politics because after Trump's victory in 2016 the neolib establishment went hard after any MAGA-adjacent spaces. In 2015, incels were among the first to be ecstatic about Trump. But does that mean they should be politically repressed, silenced, and treated as domestic terrorists?

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What makes you think they aren't going to come after that too? The whole point is for elites to retain narrative control and bring the whole internet their grip so Donald Trump types never get elected again.

that's just a whine. it means "i don't like the incel perspective." you are free to whine all you like but it's not reasonable for your whine to be government policy

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I haven't said I was going to kill people.

note: feds have real time access to my digital activity. every time i make claims like this on this space, they appear like rats and insubstantially say "you need help, take your meds, blah blah" but never care to get to specific as to why my claims are unreasonable.

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What does "intrusive monitoring" entail?

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