0 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

You do realise that the potassium alone in your body is more radioactive than that water, right?

You are literally more radioactive.

This isn't even worth a story.

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Make every car moan when you start it

Why is google plus on the keyboard?

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They're talking windows in general

This goes for both chrome and bing: If a service is free, you are the product.

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I lived under him for 8 years, I don't want 4 more...

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Jokes on you, I'm a murderer

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All my homies hate children. - unity devs

Not sure if meme or cry for help

Crohns and colitis say hi

"Nearly all 50 states"

Good news, there's a number for that.

We have more in common than everyone wants to believe.

But of course that doesn't make headlines.

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It came together shortly after I saw mom "wrestling" with my uncle

Definitely feels worse than the 70s

Not gonna lie, I was expecting far worse by now

Stop thinking logically!

Make flashlights scream when you turn them on.

Have every squeeze of tooth paste contain an air bubble that spews a bit on you.

Have a single dead pixel in the center of every display.

Make fridge doors not close automatically.

Make cars moan, whether ICE or electric.

Name checks out, this is the way

Our sedvior!

But they aren't repairable now because you keep setting your fucking wrenches on top of them

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What do you mean by "Like arch" exactly? What part of it would you like to keep in your next distro?

I've tried quite a few and have been on the debian train for ~5 years simply due to stability and usability

Wait, this game finally has linux support? I've been waiting so long.

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A+ Tier meme, well done

Year month day, take it or leave it

Hey, no more taxes, I'm in.

What sort of effects would that have? I imagine stuff like surface tension wouldn't exist anymore.

Oh also microwaves wouldn't work.

First time trying RSS, giving it a shot. Thanks!

I remember my friends and I smoked like $500 in weed in one night to celebrate our high school graduation. It was my first time. The only difference I remember feeling is my throat hurting and getting the munchies.

Thanks for the write up!

41 or 43?

This is why we all need to shop local. I can't remember the last time I've been to Walmart

So attacking white supremacy is now defending white supremacy?

I call that an average Saturday night

Downvotes on this comment remind me why the political discussion on lemmy is dead. It's only an echo chamber.

If you don't like someone's politics, attack them politically. insulting things they have no control over is superficial and only makes you (the antagonist) feel better

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I still use it. It pays for discord nitro for me, and an app or three every year.

So you plan to solve this by isolating yourself? I'm just trying to understand why you're thinking the way that you are.

Find that out the hard way?

Do you just hate the french that much? Because I do.

You do realize mindsets like this are a significant contributor to the political division we see today, right? This is not the way.

Instead of shutting them out of your life and trying to cancel them, try to educate. Show them why certain views are wrong and show them the outcomes of their beliefs. Rome wasn't built in a day.

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Yes everything is about nazis. Love when people cry wolf.

Also we didn't see the entertainment outlet link the first time.

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I would too, but that would imply we trust our judicial system. Given their wrongful conviction rate, I guarantee there's at least a few falsely accused in there.