13 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hey now if that was the reason that would mean the Israelis are racist, but they’re the most moral country in the world. So surely it couldn’t that!

It doesn’t say they’re excluding all Jewish people, it says they’re excluding Israelis. You know, people from the country where they all serve in the military, except the most extreme religious extremists (for now anyway), the country actively violating international law in the West Bank and actively committing genocide.

There are plenty of non-Israeli Jewish people. Non-Zionist Jews are lovely people and should not be excluded.

This is the same as refusing to do business with apartheid South Africans.

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Y combinator discussion suggests this author posts completely made up garbage:

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Additional source:

Additional source on Israeli claims about their 2022 murder of Shireen Abu Aqla:

I’ve found it so far on the Daily Mail, but not on any non-tabloid sources yet.

Edited to add: here’s Barron’s

Edited again: and Reuter’s

BBC is calling him a key figure in ceasefire negotiations:

So Hamas or not, interesting choice of target by the genocidal apartheid state.

Edit: and Al Jazeera says:

Turkish politicians view Haniyeh as a dedicated figure who has tirelessly worked to broker a ceasefire, frequently travelling between Doha and Istanbul.

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So, supporting all terorrism will be treated the same way, right? Or does this only apply to terrorism not conducted by the “good guys”?

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Hey now, we’re also going to deliver another shipment of 2000lb bombs to use against civilians in tents, but with a strongly worded letter attached.


Al Jazeera’s live coverage a few minutes ago posted an update saying:

The closure order was signed after a legal opinion and intelligence assessment “determined that the offices were being used to incite terror, to support terrorist activities and that the channel’s broadcasts endanger the security and public order in both the area and the State of Israel as a whole,” a military statement said.

In some sense it is true that the broadcasts endanger the state of Israel: in the sense that accurately showing the atrocities Israel commits weakens global support for European and American colonization of the Middle East.

Protection? They also need reparations after this.

Chihuahuas don’t kill so many children.

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This feels misleading.

Vance made it clear, said Aaron Fritschner, deputy chief of staff for Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.), "that he meant no disrespect to cats, but he did mean to demean women and still holds the view in 2024 that they should be punished for not having children."

So the actual quote here is from a chief of staff of a Democratic representative, not from dolphin-loving couch-loving JD Vance. So it’s an accusation that interprets for us. And the tweet the article cites heavily edits the text it quotes:

"Obviously it was a sarcastic comment. I’ve got nothing against cats. ... People are focusing so much on the sarcasm and not on the substance … and the substance of what I said, Megyn — I’m sorry, it is true."

Heres a video of the clip without the editing:

Ok, so the edits here at least aren’t misleading..

Then based on the 9 minute clip of her show in the original article, it seems like he’s claiming the substance is not about the cat lady comment, but some lies about what Democrats believe about families (democrats think kids are for the economy, republicans want to make it easier for women to stay in the workforce (I mean, is there a more blatant lie than that? They’re the ones who fight against extending COVID-era childcare credits!), etc). That’s what says he’s doubling down on. And given the context that does truly seem to be the lies he’s doubling down on.

Let’s try to stick to sincere, defensible attacks against people for whom there are many valid attacks, and not spread misleading claims that JD is doubling down on “crazy cat ladies”. He’s shit and we can demonstrate that in good faith, or we can lie like he does.

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BBC is saying Israel claims this one took out two Hamas officials, so it seems like a typical “why kill few Palestinian when kill many do trick” case.

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I don’t want to be held responsible for the appalling actions of my government, but as a voter I understand why people in other countries would. I have more control over it than they do, so them influencing me influences my government.

While some of them have expressed desire for beachfront houses in Gaza, I think the parent was referring to lebensraum. You may also consider whether there’s any similarities to a potential Final Solution to the Palestinian Question. Maybe instead of shipping the Palestinians to Madagascar they’ll ship them to Egypt or Jordan or wherever (for now they’ve concentrated them in camps around Rafah).

But remember, per the IHRA definition of antisemitism, discussing similarities between the acts of Nazis and the acts of Israel is antisemitic.

BBC’s headline calls him “a key figure in ceasefire talks between Hamas and Israel”, so continued genocide is a potential motivation here.

Unfortunately it’s in their “live” story so this probably isn’t a great permalink:

Not that your claim was hard to believe, but because I like being well-sourced, I looked it up and you’re correct:

Most prefer to be identified as Palestinian citizens of Israel.[8][9][10] International media outlets often use the term "Arab-Israeli" or "Israeli-Arab" to distinguish Israel's Arab citizens from the Palestinian Arabs residing in the Israeli-occupied territories.[11]

source of except

Seems like international media should find a better label for them.

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I originally found it on Al Jazeera’s live coverage, which is difficult to link to. I only later found a second source, which I used. I never came across Haaretz’s coverage. I probably would have still chosen Times of Israel because “Israeli evil” coverage is less common from them than from Haaretz; I would imagine more Zionists read Times of Israel than Haaretz or they’d already care about Palestinian lives.

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They employ 30,000 people. It’s only natural that after decade of abuse, at least a few will use force against the blockading super-power that periodically kills their children at random.

And Israel made allegations against 19, only 9 of whom the UN found good evidence for so there’s a better than 50-50 chance a given “Hamas” UNRWA employee is perfectly innocent. Most “western democracies” wouldn’t take a 50-50 shot at killing civilians but Israel’s so called “precision strikes” demonstrate they’re perfectly happy to murder arbitrary numbers of children in the process of killing a maybe-terrorist.

Why do you think a life created by sexual assault is less valuable than a life created otherwise? Isn’t the resulting life the same?

Thinking this through might help you understand the tradeoffs behind most abortions. Pregnancy is dangerous, childbirth is dangerous, parenting is incredibly difficult.

A child could push a family into poverty and devastate siblings’ futures. How do you evaluate the harm caused by that against the harm caused by being forced to carry a child produced by sexual assault?

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“Worth it”? It’s a precondition to achieving their goals.

Excuse me, please keep in mind that the terms “Palestinian children” and “children of Gaza” are now antisemitic. The most moral army in the world prefers different, more holocaust/genocide-sensitive terminology.

So you’re choosing the Netanyahu fanzine to increase the chance that Zionists don’t dismiss the story out of hand?

Yes. My powers are limited, so I do what little I can.

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Ah yes, nobody expelled anyone from anywhere in 1948.

The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when Zionist paramilitaries attacked the village of Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, Mandatory Palestine, killing at least 107 Palestinian villagers, including women and children. … The massacre was carried out despite the village having agreed to a non-aggression pact. … was a central component of the Nakba and the 1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight.

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The Samson Option?

We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.

Or maybe you prefer:

What would serve the Jew-hating world better in repayment for thousands of years of massacres but a Nuclear Winter. Or invite all those tut-tutting European statesmen and peace activists to join us in the ovens? For the first time in history, a people facing extermination while the world either cackles or looks away—unlike the Armenians, Tibetans, World War II European Jews or Rwandans—have the power to destroy the world. The ultimate justice?

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I upvoted you, because your point about the occupied West Bank is valid, but let’s be clear: Hamas is very much a problem. They haven’t held real elections in Gaza for close to 2 decades and have been in severe violent internal conflict with their Palestinian opposition.

Israel being genocidal maniacs doesn’t mean everyone shooting rockets at them is automatically a good guy.

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That’s one heck of a crater for a strike on tents. I’m sure they’ll release footage of the strike showing that it was secondary explosions, and not that they used enormous munitions to obliterate bodies so the reported casualty count from bodies at hospitals is lower.

My tax dollars at work, funding genocide, and nothing I can even do about it.

Source that they’re pets and not cattle? My farmer friend had a pet cow; they didn’t eat that cow. They ate other cows.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, which tracks violent incidents in the West Bank, said in its latest update on Wednesday that Israeli settlers had carried out 25 attacks against Palestinians in the previous week.

Wow. So if you fight for your land, your territory gets leveled and you get rapidly genocided, and if you try to coexist peacefully, you get slowly genocided?

Brauchst du mehr Lebensraum?

Edit: sorry, I misunderstood your post. You’re not calling Al Jazeera lying press, you’re noticing the similarities between Nazi propaganda and Israeli propaganda.

The DW documentary “Israel - Birth of a State” is very informative if you can find a way to watch it. It’s from earlier in 2023, by one of Germany’s major news outlets.

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That’s a big crater for some tents. Does it help reduce the documented civilian body count when you just turn them entirely into mist and they become missing instead of killed?

Some do; others think it’s a valid argument because they see their media sources (or at least people around them) do it.

When you say “political agenda” do you mean, “people trying to be treated fairly and other people trying to prevent that”? I suppose that is technically a political agenda.

I actually really enjoyed replaying it recently after many many years. Other than the dialog, what bugs you about it?

By the way, the engine replacement is really good.