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I’m not advocating for anything but I want to point out that the threat of gun violence is a near daily occurrence for most Americans. So I’m not shedding any tears for Trump.

Go fuck yourself, Nicky Jam.

Elon is a cancer on society.

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“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it” - Pedo Donald Trump

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Translation: Donnie is terrified and he will use some excuse to weasel his way out of a debate.

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Just more stochastic terrorism and inciting violence like he has done for years. And no one will do anything about it.

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They’re scared.

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Hahahahaha. It’s dawning on the MAGA turds that this won’t be an easy win for them now.

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True dickheads make fun of how other people laugh. Laughter is a pure form of human expression, a way for people to open up and connect to each other. It is a low-hanging fruit to use when insulting someone.

Coward, pedophile, felon, traitor.

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60 greedy assholes who need to pay more taxes are backing the oldest, most corrupt nominee in American history.

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I’m not wishing anyone dead but I’m also not shedding any tears for this guy. I read some of his social media posts and he was an absolute psycho.

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So that’s why the Musk Rat has latched onto Pedophile Donald. Pedos of a feather flock together.

Cucker Carlson finished his Putin’s Cumsock Tour and is now back to firmly attaching his mouth to Pedo Trump’s asshole like some kind of right wing remora fish.

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Viktor Orban and Donald Trump are two cumsocks for Putin.

There’s stupid and then there’s Republican. And this is coming from the party that is falling in line behind an incoherent, dementia-ridden, treasonous pedophile.

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Reading that article and the snarky comments from his campaign staff really pissed me off. They can all go fuck themselves for disrespecting Arlington like that.

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Joe Biden is a good man who really did the right thing here. That’s in addition to his other accomplishments.

I saw parts of his RNC “speech” and he could barely string a coherent sentence together. Really low energy and kept falling asleep. He needs to drop out.

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He’s lying so that means it’s the opposite and he’s shitting his diapers.

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Well, MAGA is aching to send members of the LGBTQ community to concentration camps so this is a little bit of an understatement.

Kamala isn’t perfect but she at least gives me hope that we will escape this dystopian fascist nightmare.

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Pedophile-felon insults a woman who shows respect for human rights, hosts war criminal at shithole in Florida.

My guess is that Pedo Donnie will use Vance as a scapegoat when his campaign fails miserably.

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Thanks, Louis DeJoy.

Trump is really weak, old and tired. I prefer the younger, energetic Kamala rather than a whining, fat old man.

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And then she needs to call him out constantly for being a weak ass bitch. Provoke him until he loses his shit.

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Fuck you, Putin.

“The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.” - Gandhi

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I have paid more in taxes thanks to Trump’s handouts to the wealthy. Also, he wants to INCREASE TAXES AND ELIMINATE TAX DEDUCTIONS for all people earning under $70,000- $100,000 per year.  This is directly from Project 2025.  This fact alone should sink his campaign but it’s one of many aspects that aren’t being covered by the media.  This pisses me off and for as much as Americans hem and haw about taxes, there aren’t enough people outraged about it.

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How many of these companies will use this as an excuse to pay less?

I watched as much as I could stomach and Trump really looks like shit. He looked like he didn’t know where he was and was falling asleep with that maxi pad on his ear boo-boo. He has that stiff Parkinson’s look to him. And JD Vance stumbled through his speech and sounded like a robot. Biden has issues but it doesn’t compare to this dynamic duo.

Lord, do I hate that man. Rules for thee, fucking peons.

Why don’t you clean up your own house before criticizing others? Start with the pedo priests that the church likes to hide.

Trump is already considering him for a position on his cabinet.

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Or his pedophilia.

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Conservatives really have their panties in a twist now that their orange pedo god king won’t get an easy win.

Lying is as natural for him as pounding cheeseburgers and groping underaged girls so no surprises there.

What a fucking dickhead. Sounds like he needs to pay more taxes.

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“Woke” is a term that sociopaths use instead of the word “empathy.”

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