UAW endorses Harris, giving her blue-collar firepower in industrial states to – 485 points –
UAW endorses Harris, giving her blue-collar firepower in industrial states

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Kamala isn’t perfect but she at least gives me hope that we will escape this dystopian fascist nightmare.

Idk about escape, but she can help us delay it's worsening for a bit longer lol.

Demographics will bring about the extinction of the republican traitor filth. Delaying for a few cycles may be all that’s necessary to save the Republic.

It's been remarkably resilient over the decades. The Civil War didn't kill the mentality. Reconstruction didn't kill the mentality. The Great Depression and New Deal didn't kill the mentality. You can't count on it going away on its own.

None of those have faced the test of shifting demographics. The country will be majority minority in 2 decades.

You can't take it for granted that those newly formed majority-minority groups will be further to the left. Just for starters, Democrats took for granted that Latino groups in Florida and Texas would vote for them, and it hasn't always worked out.