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Joined 12 months ago

Anyone who invests in the Reddit IPO is a sucker.

A crypto scam? All this was building to a crypto scam? They burned Reddit to the ground to pump some shitty Redditcoin going into the IPO?

I expect nothing and I'm still let down.

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I honestly don't even care anymore. Bethesda peaked at Morrowind.

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I like to Edge by using a defective browser over and over before I open Firefox and climax.

Unknown political consultant could be the first informant who might never even be charged.

Rudy offered a proffer not that long ago. If he gave them anything they didn't already have, he's worked out a deal and has flipped. If not, the case is much stronger than people are saying.

They have Eastman's phone, and they took it with zero warning, so they have all his communications.

A former colleague of Jeffrey Clark is cooperating and claims to have turned over hundreds of documents and sat through "many hours of recorded depositions."

Not a good day for Team Trump.

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Such a move would lead to an increase in “civility,” Haley believes. “When they know their pastor, their family members can see it, it's going to help our kids and it's going to help our country," she said.

That's what everyone said about posting next to your real name on Facebook. How did that turn out?

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Inside your vagina are two wolves...

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The crash is very much a part of the cycle. The rich siphon every single dollar they can during boom times, then increase their market share by buying out smaller, struggling competitors during crashes. And they use taxpayer money to fund their acquisitions.

The class war is over. We lost a long time ago.

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US Lawmakers aren't scrambling to do anything but take bribes and engage in insider trading.

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He is the very model of a Russian Major General

His remains feed sunflowers; his demise was literal

He knows the Tzars of Russia and the war crimes historical

From civilian deaths to school bombs, his denials rhetorical

Pro-Life doesn't apply when the fetus is already dead. This is pro-basic medical treatment vs. anti.

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And that's exactly what Disney's army of lawyers are known for - holding hands and singing Kumbaya when the other side asks nicely.

And both guards fell asleep simultaneously. And no inmate had successfully committed suicide in that facility in over 20 years. And...

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Friendly reminder that if you see someone shoplifting necessities, you see nothing. Stand in solidarity with fellow citizens over corporations.

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He didn't pay for a permit to do so. The police are there to protect capital, but under clearly-defined rules. Anyone who isn't a fuckwit knows to pay the city its fees before doing something like this.

When JPMorgan Chase buys out a smaller bank, they apply for the permit in triplicate and pay all the fees, then make a donation to the Fraternal Order of Police. The cops then show up to attack protestors.

Primal scream therapy. Great for keeping you awake. Plus it keeps terrified coworkers from bothering you at all ever.

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We must seize the means of not giving a fuck.

Of course they go with a boring headline when "Chesebro Rats!" was right there.

Good things happen to winners because they're smart and strong. Bad things happen to losers because they're dumb and weak. Bad things happen to winners because the losers cheated. Anything a winner does by definition is not cheating because he's supposed to win.

He has the mentality of a middle school bully from an 80s movie, but he's definitely consistent.

Musk buys Comet Pizza and relocates all his child sex slaves there. "Once we get the cages installed, the Libs will be fully owned."

It really makes you wonder if all the "billionaires" aren't exactly like this. Born into infinite privilege, surrounded by yes men and sycophants every minute of their lives. They become walking disasters who have to be managed and distracted constantly, kept far away from the actual business.

In the last few years, we've gotten an up close and personal look at two such figures - Musk and Trump. Musk is increasingly being revealed to be an idiot on at least a weekly basis. Trump is about to face his 3rd round of indictments out of who knows how many are coming? Putting a spotlight on these people gone well for them, to say the least.

I wonder what would happen if a camera crew had near-constant access to Jamie Dimon, Jeff Bezos, etc. I wonder if they have teams positioned around them to screen them out of important decisions as much as possible, because the privilege created by their disgusting levels of wealth and power has rotted their brains. I also wonder if you were to look closely enough at their dealings, they wouldn't all be under indictment.

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win at least 10% of support from the delegates at the Republican party’s biennial convention

Boebert's gonna need to bring some lotion.

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This Court has perverted justice so horribly that the courthouse itself tried to kill them.

The horn plays the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

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That's why I start off every date by throwing a chair across the room and screaming at a random stranger.

freeze frame

"This Duke boy has got himself in one heck of a pickle. Let's see if he can get out of it after these messages from our sponsors."

It's just like the popular Sci-Fi classic, Do Not Under Any Circumstances Build Autonomous War Robots.

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Cases like these illustrate why the death penalty is such a terrible idea. The process itself is imperfect, and in some places filled with bad actors looking to close cases quickly while maximizing sentences.

Kissinger's lifespan is controlled by the agreement he made with Satan.

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I doubt Trump will be able to resist attacking Jack Smith, but I'm 100% certain he's going to violate the rule against targeting "potential witnesses." That's a very, very long list of people who are targeted regularly.

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What is dead may never die!

I find it to be derivative and banal, because I am very important and sophisticated and everything should always be about me. Look at me being smart on the internet. I'm a very special boy.

Makes perfect sense. Bill Gates puts Chinese 5G into third party printer ink. It's used to activate the spikes in vaccinations.

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Watch the insurance companies. They're already pulling out of Florida. They extracted wealth from citizens for all this time, but they're not going to stick around in places where they'll have to pay mass claims due to repeated climate disasters.

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Overthrow the tyrants that keep us in chains! Physically occupy residential property en masse and claim squatter's rights. Bring back crucifixion for white collar criminals on Wall Street. Raid the pharmaceutical industry's warehouses and distribute medication for free. In Minecraft, of course.

"Oppressors are way too soft these days. Colonizers from back in my day knew how to handle indigenous populations - biological warfare and slavery."

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You see, Ivan, we explode grenade in controlled environment to develop resistance to grenade on the battlefield.

Time to add "a new schism in the Catholic Church" to the end of days bingo card.

The problem isn't exactly apathy. The problem is that the system has failed everyone but the rich and powerful, and there are zero signs that it will improve. A lot of people don't see a difference between Trump and Biden, because their lives are hopeless either way. The American Empire is collapsing, and the politicians are doing nothing to stop it.

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"Our company is invested in the dynamic strategy of using people to solve problems. Person Intelligence or PI, as we call it. We know our strategy is out of favor now, but given that it has worked consistently throughout all of human history, we are hopeful for the future."