1 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

"Palestine" is not the one that did this. Hamas is a terrorist group, and their actions do not justify the fact that the Israeli government operates an apartheid state where people are given rights, status, and property on the basis of race, and also participates in the slaughter of innocent people.

This isn't a "whoever's worse should lose" situation. Israel commits human rights violations and Hamas is a terrorist group.

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What do you mean you won't permit it? You mean you will actually try to stop Israel from doing it? Will you stop giving Israel money?

Or are you just going to do nothing?

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Christian communism. Based.

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Is commenting for engagement boost a thing?

This is incredible and I never could have imagined it. This will democratize the power of programming

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Why are there ads in Gmail what is this? I have never seen ads in my Gmail app

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The United States does not have a democracy. The United States Government is an enemy of democracy.

A serious analysis of our government and history exposes layers and layers of undemocratic rot in no particular order, and by no means exhaustively: The electoral college, police intimidation and violence against protestors, gerrymandering, regulatory capture, the historic and current slavery, segregation, and disenfranchisement of Black Americans, mass surveillance, imprisonment of Asian Americans, torture of prisoners, the genocide of Native American Indians, systematic destruction of voter registries, and the ability of our lawmakers to invest in the industries they regulate, and regulate the industries they invest in. This injury to our democracy is topped with insult as every one of these glaring injustices is either still festering in our government, or had to be taken down through immense sacrifice and pain, or for the aforementioned minority groups, represents an irreparable scar on our history.

The result is a Princeton study that, even according to its critics, describes our government as having only a 50/50 chance of serving the will of the American public.

And that's just at home.

Abroad, the United States is a zealous and brutal enemy of democracy anywhere its true goals are threatened. Over the past century, the US has overthrown dictators and democracies alike in service of private wealth and power. They have murdered countless innocent people and left countless more to live and die in the aftermath. In at least one instance, just a few people in our government with a blank checkbook and no oversight or accountability were responsible for the destruction of democratic governments abroad.

The United States does not value democracy or freedom. It values the feeling of democracy and freedom while actually crushing people and taking everything they have unless they stand to benefit us more if we let them keep it.

  1. You can eat them if they have the nutrients you need. Non-carbon-based just means it won't use carbon as the foundation of its molecular and cellular workings. By mass, there's relatively little carbon in living organisms and on earth, so whatever's out there could still use carbon and other elements enough that it has something we could eat. There's barely any telling what kinds of chemicals will be found in an organism like that, but it could easily be a mix of things we can digest and things we can't. Even carbon-based life is like that. Wood for example is biologically very similar to us, but is mainly made of cellulose, which we can't really digest at all.

  2. yes, if it fits.

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I think I might have achieved security through obscurity. My custom keyboard is a unique shape and almost all the keys are one unit. Not only is it different enough from a traditional keyboard that the neural network probably won't understand it, the function layers I use obscure whether I'm typing a letter at all.

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Things that happen inside your head = not illegal

Things that happen outside of your head = can potentially be illegal.

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In order to learn about sex you're going to have to learn about either straight sex, gay sex, or both. Turns out both types of sex happen to exist. If you're going to learn about straight sex you should probably learn about gay sex too in case you're gay. If you're trans the topic of puberty and your changing body gets 10 times more complicated. You should probably learn about that in case you're trans. It would be helpful for queer kids and the things they experience to not be left out of sex ed, also so that kids who don't know there's some form of queer yet don't grow up thinking that they're broken.

Since both straight and gay sex exists, and because trans people exist too, learning about sex from those perspectives is important.

This kind of education is what could have stopped an entire country from thinking that AIDS is caused by being gay.

Excluding queer sexuality and gender from sex education is what we've been doing since forever, and surprise it's left queer kids unprepared for the things they will encounter, and the other kids with the kinds of assumptions that you express here.

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"that it’s a true representation of what someone saw."

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but photography has never ever ever been a "true" representation of what you took a picture of.

Photography is right up there with statistics in its potential for "true" information to be used to draw misleading or false conclusions. I predict that a picture with this technology may carry along with it the authority to impose a reality that's actually not true by pointing to this built-in encryption to say "see? the picture is real" when the deception was actually carried out by the framing or timing of the picture, as has been done often throughout history.

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Well, that is a pretty ridiculous interpretation.

Workplace democracy would most likely and most broadly refer to all employees of a company having a say in how the company is run. Either by voting on policies and changes, or by electing people to various executive/representative roles, much the same way that current Western democracies work.

An example of the janitor voting on where the surgeon makes a cut makes about as much sense as us voting on where the president flies in his helicopter. At best, it doesn't pass the make sense test, and at worst is a bad faith interpretation of what people mean when they say "workplace democracy"

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Overwhelming plastic garbage

For what it's worth, every article I've seen from them was pretty poignant, relevant, and funny.


But not cuz I like the guy.

Edit: It's because death would spare him from the endless torment of living in a cell and being bored 24/7 and eating terrible food. I want to make sure he lives an entire life of that.

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I guess this fear media is like a drug. Makes people go cyber psycho.

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It's a serious question, in my opinion.

Yes, the things you enthusiastically listed are certainly antisemitic.

But other things, like calling Israel racist, is considered antisemitic by the Anti defamation league, even though the Israeli government is extremely racist.

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It's not true. Your observations may be affected by confirmation, bias, or other things.

However, barometric pressure can apparently induce labor

One of them is a well known journalist.

It is.

But the accurate perception is also really bad. Israel is committing genocide

Work will set you free

Fascism is the bimbofication of ancient Rome

You won't hear from the ones that don't.

Sometimes, but it's not as widespread. Everyone is capable of things like that.

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Löded dïper

Assuming there's enough supernatural power to sustain a torture pit of fire for all eternity, It's probably trivial to just have you suffer non-stop regardless of any hypothetical limits.

However, even in real life pain receptors are distinct receptors in your body that don't dull themselves after a while, the way our smell and sight receptors do

Vimeo is a private operation just like YouTube.

Peertube is a "federated" system where videos are hosted among the computers of the people who upload videos.

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If voting with your money is a valid way for people to collectively decide right and wrong, does that mean people with more money get more votes?

Does that mean the people with the most money get the most votes?

If that's all true, does that mean if someone has way more money than everyone else, they get to decide what's right and wrong?

A lot of those tests have already been done and were used almost exclusively to enforce segregation.

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I think it's a "sides" thing. It's mentally easy.

I think this story should be engaged with some nuance: I for example think Hamas is evil. But that does not mean I support Israel. Israel denies Palestinians their basic human rights, kills innocent people, and displaces people from their homes. It places palestinians as second class citizens.

They would be doing this whether or not there was a villain to oppose them, and they do it both when Hamas attacks and when they don't. They have an absurd amount of wealth and power. They have a military that absolutely crushes people when they do their thing, both in "peace" time and at war. The evil that Israel is capable of is simply not accessible to the likes of Hamas.

Dvorak is a cypher of Qwerty tho. Anything typed in Dvorak but transcribed as english can be reliably identified and decyphered

I haven't a lot useful to say among the comments that are already here but I will say most broadly:

Democracy in the work place. Corporations and industries are too big and affect too many people to be governed by individuals that are just there to own it, and make a profit for themselves. Things need to be run for the common good by actually representing all stakeholders fairly.

As an American who knows how evil our government is, I would be like "good for panama but also China is probably not doing this out of justice and freedom"

Ah I did a quick Google and saw the rohyngia genocide started 6 years ago so I just went with it

Oh my God it's spez

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How??? What kind of house do you live in? What kind of car do you drive?

I'm aware of all of this, but most of the software I use is Windows only. Recommending GIMP/whatever seems like enough to a proud Linux user, but it really just doesn't cut it. I'm savvy enough to get rid of all the stuff I hate about windows or switch to Linux, but I'm comfortable enough to stay with wondoes

Breathing farts is a funny idea, but the product of plants' respiration is not at all comparable to farts. It's comparable to breath

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Categorically false.

Many people with down syndrome live fulfilling, independent lives, and even have children with other people who have down syndrome

I'm convinced it was sarcasm

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