Gmail serving straight up malware rule

setVeryLoud(true); to – 327 points –

(the link is not paid for, nor does it go to, McAfee, it's malware)

Can't wait to fully migrate to Proton.


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Why are there ads in Gmail what is this? I have never seen ads in my Gmail app

They only show if you have categories enabled, and then only on the Promotions category.

Just realized you're right. They show in all the tabs other than Inbox. Weak.

It made me so mad when they appeared in updates. I don’t use categories anymore and went full inbox zero.

And this is why I leave automatic updates off and stopped updating Gmail as soon as I heard they were inserting ads. I know something will probably break to force me to update eventually, but not today!

...updating Gmail?

Is that a thing? It's a website...doesn't it update whenever they update it?

It's an Android app, too. The screenshot you're seeing is from the app. For the website, I wouldn't have to worry thanks to uBlock Origin.