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Joined 1 years ago

The weirdest thing about this whole antivaxx movement is that it has spread to Europe too. Greece has conscription, so 90%+ of greek males have served in the greek military. And almost all of them got vaccinated with a trillion vaccines, including ones against gozzila(you can never be too safe). And thats on top of whatever vaccines babies usually receive.

Noone complained about it. There was some antivaxx movement before but with covid, everyone went crazy with the vaccines. Suddenly vaccines were evil, noone knew what they had in them, it's a global conspiracy. Everyone became a vaccine expert.

America needs to stop exporting their brain rot, we already have enough on our own.

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If the cars run over people while going 30kmh because they use cameras and a bug crashed into the camera and that caused the car to go crazy, that is not acceptable, even if the cars crash "less than humans".

Self driving needs to be highly regulated by law and demand to have some bare minimum sensors, including radars, lidars, etc. Camera only self driving is beyond stupid. Cameras cant see in snow or dark or whatever. Anyone who has a phone knows how fucky the camera can get under specific light exposures, etc.

Noone but tesla is doing camera only "self driving" and they are only doing it in order to cut down the cost. Their older cars had more sensors than their newer cars. But Musk is living in his Bioshock uber capitalistic dream. Who cares if a few people die in the process of developing visual based self driving.

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Tankie has been a thing for over half a century. The Soviets used tanks(from other countries) to invade and crush antisoviet revolutions/protests in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

This was considered shocking for some communists and other leftists while some communists supported those actions. Those who supported this "intervention" were called tankies, in order to differentiate them from the non tank invasion supporting communists.

In Greece(my country), which was in the "West", this event caused the split of the greek communist party(KKE) into 2 separate parties, KKE(Moscow controlled tankies) and KKE "interior"(weak ass soy communists who cant stomach the use of tanks in order to create a better tomorrow).

KKE "interior" kinda eventually became SYRIZA which surprisingly won the elections in 2015(breaking the 2 party status quo). Then the EU decided that the greek people decided poorly and punished them. So when the greek people decided correctly(elected a right wing government), the EU rewarded them. Carrots and sticks make the world go around. Thats how you make a majority leftist country, into a right wing one.

PS Greek debt is as high as it has ever been but Greece issued negative interest bonds. Tell me again how is the economy supposed to work? Noone talks about the greek debt anymore, it's a non issue, Greece has been accepted into the EU's infinite money glitch scheme.

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Designing phone ui for fingers first. While there were many other touch phones, many of which could be used with your finger(especially if you were a hipster, you could modify them to be more finger friendly), their ui was primarily designed for stylus use. This is a huge point that basically defined the OS and app design for the next 15 years.

Making capacitive screen popular. Before iphones, almost all(all?) phones had resistive touch screen, which required you to actually push your finger on the screen to do stuff. This was fine with stylus, less fine with finger. Capacitive worked with the lightest touch, which gave a smoother user experience.

Made multitouch mainstream and a core part of touch interface. Again, older touchscreen phones were mostly made to be used with a stylus, so multitouch wouldnt make much sense.

It is important to note that one of the reasons apple succeeded was because nokia was too stubborn and late to adopt and promote touchscreen phones. Thats why while nokia was the phone bid dog of that day, users had turned to sony ericsson(SE) for their flagship, touchscreen phones.

And for 5 years before the iphone, people were using phones like the p800, that had a large touchscreen and even a removable keyboard for that full touchscreen experience. SE had taken nokia's symbian OS and made it more touch friendly. Nokia continued releasing super capable(great cameras, video, fm radio, etc) but non touchscreen phones or with a small touchscreen for years after that, allowing SE to dominate that market. For example nokia released the 6600, which was a great phone but didnt have a touchscreen and its screen was small in comparison to SE's touchscreen flagships.

The first iphone had a terrible camera and couldnt even film videos. Something that other "smart" phones could do for many years. The first iphone didnt have third party apps. Competitive smart phones had had apps for over a decade. The first iphone wasnt 3g, couldnt share stuff over bluetooth, etc. It was a pretty but pretty stupid phone in comparison to the competition.

But over time, apple kept improving, catching up and often surpassing competition in every aspect. I remember when iphones had shitty resolution and when apple caught up, they advertised it as retina display. Nowadays, iphones are the best or almost the best in everything. Now if only apple gave 120hz refresh on base iphones and a faster charging rate. And werent closed garden assholes.

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By a greek in Canada inspired by chinese dishes. Truly mr worldwide food.

In case you are wondering, this is swedish for "final station"/"terminal".

Ukraine atm has millions if not tens of millions of mines all over the place. Adding a few hundred or thousand bomblets wouldnt make things measurably worse.

Many of these wont even be used as artillery shells, they will just strip them and ducktape the bomblets on fov drones.

Both sides have been extensively using mines and cluster munitions, because they are extremely effective. Sending Ukraine extra ammunition will save countless ukranian lives.

After the war, both sides will have a strong incentive to remove mines. Mines are often an issue for poorer countries, who dont have the funds to clear them out. Of course even in Ukraine there will be incidents decades later, but they should be comparatively low(to the amount of mines used).

Ultimately, the issue with cluster munitions is mostly about conflicts that dont already have millions of mines, because failed bomblets can act like mines. Thats less of an issue in Ukraine, because it already has millions of mines, acting like mines.

PS Russian cluster munition are terribly unreliable, much more than even old nato ones

What he is saying is that Gotland is extremely strategically important to Russia(and Sweden/NATO). It is also an island with 50k population, basically deserted, which can be used as an excuse(would countries be willing to go to WW3 over such an island?). An island that Sweden demilitarised in the past.

If Russia wants to fuck with the Baltic States(high probability, especially if things go well for them in Ukraine), Gotland will be part of that plan. Russia wants to deploy anti-air missile systems there that would enable them to air blockade the Baltic States.

This messaging is essential in order to signal to the world that a threat exists so if shit goes down, the world(NATO allies) will be mentally prepared to be involved.

It is "very easy" for Russia(or many countries who dont care about diplomatic fallout) to create a fait accompli and conquer small stuff. And then it is up to the morale of your country and your allies, to see if they have the will to fight back, like Ukraine did for example.

A treaty is not valid because a paper was signed. Trump does not need to leave NATO in order to make NATO invalid. A statement like the one in the article is enough. Ultimately, NATO is about trusting that the other members will come help you. Once that trust is gone, NATO is just a piece of paper(well technically more but still).

Trump is charismatic and funny, thats why he was on tv. If only people didnt take him seriously or give him actual power. Let me remind you that /r/the_donald was a joke subreddit.

Hillary has no charisma. Also her campaign literally promoted Trump, because she thought he would have been an easier opponent. She is smart and capable(or was, she is kinda getting older nowadays) but her political positions are abhorrent. She could have been the perfect "reasonable republican" candidate.

Greece is gonna pay 4 or 8 billion dollars for the F-35(depending on whether it buys 20 or 40 of them). The US is just giving old surplus crap to Greece so that Greece will give its even older surplus crap to Ukraine.

And while i am not the biggest supporter of the current conservative government, i think Greece will continue having elections, wont use chemical weapons on any minorities or invade a tiny neighbour. So i dont see how Greece is comparable to Iraq.

It isnt about China collapsing, the West didnt collapse in 2008, it is about understanding reality and taking measures to deal with issues. China used construction similarly to how people in the West used the stock market. As a speculative investment scheme. And similarly to stocks, there were some underlying issues that caused a massive bubble(on top of your typical capitalism issues).

I want wireless headphones that can play audio sound from 2 devices simultaneously. And while doing that, you can still use your microphone and your audio wont have shit quality.

I know in windows, when you want to use your microphone on your wireless headphones, audio quality goes to shit because it doesnt have enough bandwidth to drive both excellent sound quality and microphone recording.

I want to be able to play a game on my phone(with audio), while watching a video on my pc and voice chatting on discord, all at the same time with perfect audio quality. This cant be that hard yet for some reason, even after 10 years of wireless headphones, we cant do that.

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The greeks had colonies everywhere. Odessa and Marseille started as greek colonies. They copied the phoenician model of "where there is sea, we can colonize, reinforce, conquer and trade with".

And then Alexander the OK conquered the "entire" world. After his death, his empire was split into multiple hellenic(ie greek) kingdoms. Greek became the lingua franca, since the ruling class was greek, and greek culture was spread everywhere. Thats why the New Testament was written in greek.

Hanukkah is actually the celebration of the uprising of the jews against their greek rulers. If you are somewhat familiar with the history of the era, you might have heard about the Seleucids or the Ptolemies. Those were greek kingdoms. Cleopatra was a Ptolemy and she was the first in her dynasty who bothered to learn egyptian. All previous Ptolemy rulers only spoke greek, their court was greeks and some hellenized(greekified) jews and egyptians. The Ptolemies were extremely incestuous.

Then the romans came and conquered most of that. Some other greek kingdoms were taken back by their local population. Funnily enough, the last independent "greek" kingdom that survived was the most remote one, the Indo-Greek Kingdom.

An indogreek kingdom that fought chinese raiders. Thats an interesting crossover.

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“Without immediate action, this situation could escalate into a major environmental crisis,” said Julien Jreissati, program director at Greenpeace MENA.

“As well as any further leaks of fuel oil from the engines, the sinking of the vessel could further breach the hull, allowing water to contact with the thousands of tonnes of fertilizer, which could then be released into the Red Sea and disrupt the balance of the marine ecosystems, triggering cascading effects throughout the food web.”

Good job Houthi, you saved Gaza.

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This kind of super high tech manufacturing is something that only a couple companies in the world can do, it is literally the most technologically complex thing humans have created. And they can only do it by using machines and technology from all over the, "western", world. For example the taiwanese TSCM might use extremely specialized machines from the Netherlands or lenses from Switzerland, etc.

If China wants to replicate that, they would need to create everything from scratch, since they wont have access to the knowledge, technology, machines and manufacturing techniques the other(taiwanese, american and korean) companies have access to.

This is a matter of time and money. Obviously at some point China would succeed as long as there is political will and funding. But there is a difference between China succeeding within the next 3 years or within the next 15 years.

If these claims are true(and it is a big IF), China is way ahead than expected.

No other country in the world can do it alone. The US isnt producing high end chips. But thats because it didnt need to, since their allies are doing it. But because the situation in Taiwan is becoming hotter, both the US and the EU are inviting companies(tsmc and Intel) to create factories in their lands.

TSMC is kinda reluctant in creating a cutting edge fab outside of Taiwan, since having all cutting edge fabs there, provides Taiwan with a security advantage(increasing the chance the EU and US will come to Taiwan's assistance in case China invades). However it seems they are willing to make "last gen"(still very high end in comparison to what China has) fabs outside of Taiwan.

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Do you honestly think they are actually choosing which ships to target? They literally attacked a ship going to Iran

Would you be ok if the american navy started shooting iranian civilian ships? Are we saying that civilian targets going through international waters are valid military targets? Should other countries do that too?

What would become of the world then? Do you think that would improve the world? If any country starts hitting civilian targets? Why stop at ships? Why not start nuking cities because you dont like something? As long as you have, what you consider, a "valid" ethical issue you should be allowed to do anything you want.

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It is actually a thing, called greeklish. It used to be more common/popular during the earlier days of computing/internet due to limited support of the Greek alphabet. It remained popular even later on and even today but i feel it is getting less popular nowadays.

Google translate supports greeklish, you can select Greek and type greeklish and it will work.

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Greece actually. The whole Hanukkah thingie is from when the jews revolted against their greek rulers.

Make Jerusalem Great Again, bring back the hellenistic kingdoms.

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The slogan is being used by far right israelis too. And it is implicitly genocidal for both sides. Israel is here to stay and so is Palestine. Both sides need to accept this so we can move towards the next goal, defining which lands go to which side.

Israel needs to be charitable and give back land, remove settlers, etc. And in response Palestine needs to control its people and guarantee the safety of Israel.

A lot of Israel's landgrab is because of security concerns or at least thats Israel's excuse. If Palestine can remove that excuse by providing security, things can become a lot simpler.

The problem is that Palestine does not exist as a country with a unified government, partly because of Israel(supported hamas, etc), so Israel continues having legitimate security concerns.

It is important to note that this government was the party that prevented the previous leftist government from making gay marriage legal(they could only get gay civil union passed). So there is no actual political opposition, they are the opposition but decided that making gay marriage legal deprives a strong weapon from the opposition.

They have US military bases there

There are no US military bases in Cyprus. There are british ones(since Cyprus used to be part of the British Empire).

And there is 0% chance that Cyprus would let israeli military launch attacks from Cyprus.

Nor is there much strategic reason to do so, unless Hezbollah has some s-300/400 and Israel needs to go around them and attack from a different direction. But they dont. And even if they had, Cyprus has basically no reason to allow Israel to do that and there is 0 precedent for that either.

I think it is just Hezbollah being an attention whore.

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The control scheme and lack of coop are fundamental to the design and story telling of the game. The only game i have played that tells a story through actual gameplay. Playing it solo and with a controller are a must.

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No it isnt. We arent computers, we are humans. In most uses, the year is the least relevant information for us. The most important information is the day, which should be in front. And computers can be programmed to understand the date in whichever format we want.

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Greece was always a majority leftist country, till it wasnt. It only took 15 years of austerity and a brief leftist stint during which Troika(EC/ECB/IMF) turned off liquidity for the greek banks and forced the leftist government to vote the most austere economic measures(otherwise they would nuke the greek economy). This lead to even more suffering, more brain drain, etc. Many young and educated greeks(who are usually leftist), left Greece.

And then when the right wing conservative government got elected, everyone in the EU celebrated the "return to normality". Greek debt is still as high as it has ever been, yet Greece now has access to EU's free money scheme. Greece even issued negative interest bonds a while back. How can a country with 200% debt/gdp issue negative interest bonds? Remember when this was a disastrous amount of debt?

Unsurprisingly, in the last elections, the conservative government dominated and on top of that, 3 far right parties got elected too. The right wing got a combined 53% of the votes. Participation was low, because everyone in the Left is disappointed, burnt out or have left the country.

PS The IMF eventually even admitted that the austerity measures were counterproductive and were actually hurting the greek economy. But Germany insisted in moralizing economics.

No, it isnt anything like that. The EU elections are different than the national ones and they arent explicitly connected in any way.

But they are implicitly connected. His party just did very badly in the EU elections. He could technically continue to govern till the next national elections or he could go to early national elections and ask the voters "hey, you didnt vote for me in the EU elections, do you still want me to rule this country or not? Please confirm that you still continue to support me".

Basically Macron is saying "You just saw how fucked things are, with the far right getting over 30% of the votes in the EU elections. Vote for me or the fascists will win". It is a move intended to rally the voters to his party but he also risks losing the elections(resulting in a fascist government).

As a general rule, in many countries the governing party does worse in the EU elections, because the EU elections are often used as an opportunity to vote for small/minor political parties or protest vote. The EU parliament isnt as legislatively relevant. They dont make laws, they just approve/reject laws proposed by the EU Commision.

The EU Commision isnt directly elected by the voters. The european country governments appoint EU Commission members(one from each country) and the EU parliament votes for the EU Commission leader. This is a point of contention.

Technically it is "democratic" because eventually everything comes down to either national european governments(who are democratically elected) or the EU parliament(which is also democratically elected). But many people think it is weird to have the most powerful EU institution appointed instead of directly elected. The procedure isnt as transparent as people would like and it involves a lot of backdoor "politicking".

PS On the other hand, directly electing the EU Commission would give its members a lot more political power, basically on par or higher with the elected country leaders. Being directly elected greatly increases your political power.

Darmanin said the man had twice shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is greatest”) before being arrested and had told police he could not stand Muslims being killed in “Afghanistan and Palestine”

Someone should tell him that the only people killing muslims in Afghanistan are the Taliban and ISIS-K, ie "his own" team.

The marketing for the Civil War movie is getting out of control.

This number is "verified dead". Obviously, the real number will be higher. Both sides have similar casualties, Ukraine has a few less(defender's advantage) but ultimately it doesnt matter.

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I have news for you, China has already banned everything and if any western app exists in China, it must have its servers in China and it only works in "cooperation" in a local chinese company(which has complete or partial ownership of the chinese part of the app). Have you ever heard the Great Firewall of China?

In fact, both facebook/instagram and twitter have been banned from China.

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Either Ukraine or Russia(accidental friendly fire) shot it down. It was probably Ukraine, risking one its few precious patriots and moving them close to the front. Ukraine is trying to shape the battlefield for the arrival of the F-16, so shooting down flying radar planes is very desirable.

Generally these radar planes are not only rare but extremely valuable for Russia's war efforts.

Supporting Palestine's right to exist and palestinians not getting ethnic cleansed is not rioting for Hamas.

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I mean atm, Russia is on the offensive and has gotten some actual results. They conquered Marinka, a 10k population village(before war), which defined the line of conflict, and Avdiivka, a major fortress town that has been holding through the entire war, since 2014, is being threatened with encirclement. Zaluzhnyi even said that they might be forced to abandon it within the next couple months. This would be a significant win for the russians if it happens, much more important than Bakhmut.

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  1. Lego horizon Adventures looks neat, hopefully it has more depth than other lego games but i dont expect much. At least it looks pretty. Atm it isnt on steam, but it is announced that it will be.

  2. I am very hyped for Space Marine 2. This might be the best warhammer 40k game ever.

  3. I am optimistic for Star Wars Outlaws by the division devs(i liked division 1 and 2). But it isnt even on steam, so it will fail.

  4. Civilization 7 is definitely one of the most anticipated games ever.

  5. And hopefully Battle Aces will revive the rts genre.

God of War? Elder Ring? Baldur's Gate? Spiderman? Last of Us? Super Mario? Zelda? Red Dead Redemption? Cyberpunk?

Bitcoin is deflationary because there is a fixed amount of currency. But wealth isnt fixed, new wealth can be generated(or destroyed). And you want a currency that can adapt to that, otherwise you get a deflation(or inflation).

For example, i buy wood for 1 bitcoin. I make a chair that i want to sell for 2 bicoins(to compensate for my work). Thus i changed something that was worth 1bitcoin, into something that is now worth 2bitcoins(or at least 1+ bitcoin).

In a world where no new money can be created, money will just rise in value over time. Why? Because new wealth is created but no new money is generated. So current money can buy more things(since more things are generated over time).

But if 1 bitcoin can buy more things tomorrow than it can buy today, why would i spend it? I wouldnt. Thus i will be removing currency from the circulation(essentially hiding it under my matress). Which creates even more deflation and deflation is literally the worst thing it can happen in the universe.

Deflation discourages purchases and discourages investment. Why would i spend 1 bitcoin to buy wood to make a chair, when i can just save that 1 bitcoin under my mattress and get a chair with it in the future(since its value will rise).

The only people who support these things are economically illiterate people. There is a reason why there are almost no modern economist who are proponents of gold. It isnt because they are all sold out to governments, who just want to print endless money. It is because printing money is necessary for an economy.

The when and how money should be printed differs depending on the school but they all agree on this.

One of the main reasons that we abandoned gold as a currency was because rich people kept hording it, which meant that it was removed out of circulation. So you literally didnt have enough currency for the economy to function. Money is not a thing, it is a medium of commerce.

Also modern day production enables us to generate wealth orders of magnitude faster. Industrial revolution and the internet means that even if metal based economies could somewhat work in the past(due to mining), modern day economies have a much larger need for a fiat currency.

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It is free. But they can gather data, get you into their ecosystem, hopefully making it more likely you buy a playstation or other playstation published games. Eventually maybe they want to have cross progress between pc and playstation or have playstation achievements on pc, maybe their own steam like client.

Ultimately these countries are probably responsible for less than 5% of their total sales. Most of them are either tiny or poor or both. It does have countries like Egypt, Albania, Serbia, Morocco and Algeria but most of the banned countries are irrelevant in terms of sales.

Should the american navy start sinking russian civilian ships to make Russia stop invading Ukraine?