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Joined 12 months ago

Yeah, it's important to remember that wikipedia, itself, isn't a source, it's a summary of different sources. It's a great resource to find sources and get an overview of a topic, though.

It's funny because the original trans sports bans were justified by saying that they would have an unfair advantage. This beauty pageant ban is just transphobes saying that trans women are unfairly attractive lmfao.

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Astroturfing is:

The disguising of an orchestrated campaign as a "grass-roots" event

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I assume because some fucking ghoul noticed people liked taking them for their cars so now we just don't get napkins!

They were probably just out and too busy to restock or something. It happens. Never been to a fast food place where they don't provide napkins and I steal napkins from the taco bell I live near regularly. What a weird overreaction.

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It's kind of hard to have thriving discussions on niche topics as one person, unfortunately.

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dInNeR WiTh eLoN BeCaUsE He wOuLd tEaCh mE HoW To mAkE 10 mIlLiOn dOlLaRs

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I'm sure he's changed a lot since then lol

They've made some pretty awful changes to the game since. That being said, I bet minecraft would have fizzled out if microsoft didn't purchase them. They're still pumping out regular updates and its popularity is huge. I'd definitely consider the acquisition an overall win.

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Genuinely can't see a future where people collectively ditch adobe. They make industry standard products that companies, educational institutions, professionals, etc... buy.

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If a lock is broken, then you might call a locksmith to fix or replace it. This is something that happens frequently and isn't as absurd as you make it out to be.

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I'm sure that the pageant organizers specifically wanted trans men to join /s

It can definitely be a good tool for studying or for organizing your thoughts but it's also easily abused. School is there to teach you how to take in and analyze information and chat AIs can basically do that for you (whether or not their analysis is correct is another story). I've heard a lot of people compare it to the advent of the calculator but I think that's wrong. A calculator spits out an objective truth and will always say the same thing. Chat GPT can take your input and add analysis and context in a way that circumvents the point of the assignment which is to figure out what you personally learned.

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I guess you could say that but brains are orders of magnitude more complex than any computer. Saying that they're "simply" organic computers is a huge understatement.

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You don't see why unbalanced power dynamics lead to abusive situations?

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Wikipedia has a more specific definition in the first paragraph:

Astroturfing is the practice of hiding the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious, or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from, and is supported by, grassroots participants. It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source's financial backers.

I think it's pretty hard to argue that labor unions can be astroturfing. It's not like they have a lot of wealthy donors who are secretly trying to push narratives to encourage workers organizing.

Ad companies figured out that sales are much better with whatever publicity they can get, even bad publicity. It doesn't work with some people, like you, but they haven statistically proven that just getting their name out in any capacity will increase sales.

Not just undercutting competition but also by subverting regulations and organizations like unions.

There's no shot youtube will be dethroned any time too. Hosting that amount of video is absurdly expensive.

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Comparing a solo dev to large corporations isn't really convincing me.

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You say this like it's not possible to be moral without religion.

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I don't know about that. I'm a sync user and some of the foss options are very good by now. I use sync because of familiarity and I like the dev so don't mind dropping some money to support him.

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Ok here's a revised paragraph for you:

Fast food places are so fundamental as a stepping stone to building a career and to say only young adults who are exploited should be working there only says you are ok exploiting young adults.

There are loads of Jews who are against what Israel is doing. The actions of a government don't indicate the views of a whole ethnicity of people. It's like calling all Germans perpetrators of genocide.

Welcome to lemmy. I hate big corporations but some of the people on this site will blame amazon when they stub their toe.

This is such an unbelievably naive take. People's time is worth something. Relying just on donations from a small percentage of users here and there is not going to cut it for someone who is developing the software full time.

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He didn't want to buy Twitter. He lost a lawsuit that forced him to buy it. None of it goes that deep.

I mean you can. Most people who interact with computers aren't that knowledgeable and just want their OS to have usable defaults which is fine.

Your question was literally answered in the first sentence lmfao. Learn to read?

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This meme will now be my desktop image.

They were trying to stop the certification of the votes. Even if they had stopped it, it's just a ceremonial thing iirc.

Fruitigo ero is more about the glossy UI design of the windows vista/7 era than those photographs.

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There was loads of bad press when he ran. I think you're misremembering.

He said that electing Trump would bring the downfall of the GOP so of course he's bipartisan/s

I think the one before the current one is my favorite. I feel like the current one is a bit blocky while the previous has a little more detail but still looks good when shrunk down. I don't hate the current one, though.

Some censorship is good tbh.

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Imagine using pornhub in light mode

Just tried and it said I needed a payment method from the country.

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Nate Bargatze had a pretty good joke about the same premise:

Loads of instances don't require an email to sign up so that doesn't make any sense.

I moderated a mid sized sub for a while. Around 100k users. It was a hobby I was into and I figured may as well moderate because I was spending a lot of time on the sub anyways. It also let me put together some community events which were always fun. Once it stopped being fun and started feeling like a job, I left. I never really thought about it as doing free work for reddit and more helping community building for a hobby I had. People do it for all sorts of reasons. The "power mods" are really the issue.

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