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Joined 1 years ago

The new firm he is using is probably yes dummy, give us more money to recoup nothing. Because you don’t think a law firm hired by a big corporation won’t know how to cover themselves legally.

I think the goal is not to actually get the identities since their lawyers probably told them they won’t be able to get them. The goal is to rather scare the next user who would be tempted to share his piracy tools and tips . If you scare enough people from sharing because they realize there is no anonymity , you by default reduce the amount if piracy.

It always puzzled me when I see headlines like this. Why the f*** Westerners are keep going to these countries? Countries like Russia, NK, Iran or any other countries that hates westerners. China I can understand because they’re a must for most businessman. It’s like if black people went to a KKK gathering and surprised they get a beat up.

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You summarized it very well. Russia didn’t understand a threat is only powerful as long it remains a threat. As soon as you throw the first punch, you better be strong enough to backup your threat.

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Guys don’t forget how amazing it is already just by saying the word Russian defensive line. Russia was supposed to be the top dog, but it is now in defensive position.

Canada was supposed be the one suspended the Visa service for Indians. I would love to know the proportion of non Indian decent Canadians visiting India vs Indians visiting Canada. Besides businessmen, I don’t think India is really a destination for Canadians. So I don’t think that Canadian will loses sleeps for not having Indian visa. However, I think Canada should also suspend Visa for them too.

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That musk be hurtful , it is like your ex wife is paying her lawyer that helped her got half of your money with your own money lol.

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NATO outposts in Japan was probably going to be with a majority of US soldiers, so the block doesn’t change anything since US has a big presence in the region already. It’s like that friend who never shared the bills tells you he can’t make it to the bar. Yeah Jared you will be missed.

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Ukraine is really on the offensive everywhere. Russia must be feeling the pressure now.

Thanks for taking the bullet for the team by reading it and calling out their BS clickbait title. They won’t get my click.

The Ukrainian forces just for laughs version lol

Bye Felipe

Yeah your analogy is way better lol. Yeah he is a dumbass lol.

To mostly Youtuber and other social media creators.

Best call out in history lol

Does that mean the Russians are running out of Shahed? Because they usually launched more than 2.

This is your reverse special operation card.

The guy filming really said storm shadow lol. Storm shadow the new himars.

Sorry I did it from my phone and I actually thought it was a direct link.

Doesn’t that makes it riskier for Americans to travel? Now countries can just arrest Americans on bogus charges to get what they want from the US. Don’t get me wrong, if it was my family in an Iranian prison I would love for them to get free as well.

The American intelligence and other western ones knew but were not expected Ukraine to fight a frontal war with Russia. They thought Ukraine would fold in a matter of days or weeks. So theirs plans were to support Ukraine for an asymmetric/gorilla warfare. Hence the ride offer to balls of steel Zelensky. And boom ( pun intended) Ukraine surprised experts predictions by stopping the Russian advances, then counterattack, recaptured territories and now is bringing the war to Russia’s doorsteps. No sane people back then would have imagined Ukraine would be able to fight Russia as they are doing now. I’m sure war experts are studying that war really closely as Ukraine is rewriting the rules.

That’s very true. It sad the Russian’s slow acceptance is so costly in lives and so destructive for Ukraine. But unfortunately, this is a war between 2 countries so resolve it cannot be a sprint, it is a marathon. We’ve witnessed war between countries and insurgents that resolved quickly, but that’s not the same case. Western countries made it clear they’re on it for the long time with Ukraine. So sooner hopefully not later Russia will realize it is not sustainable to continue the war. Hopefully if Biden loses the next US president would continue the same support for Ukraine. Some experts think this is Putin last play. Trying to hold on as many captured territories as possible until the next US presidency for bargaining chips.

That is a good way to remind them that are not safe even inside mother Russia.

By using external interference to block external interference.

Can you elaborate on the terrible message? I don’t think China prefers US to be in their backyard than NATO. NATO is purely defensive, so unless China had intentions to attack a NATO country it wouldn’t matter. But US has multiple defence agreements with some countries in the region and some of them is on China’s crosshairs. Which makes a confrontation with US higher then with NATO.

You can travel where you are welcome.

Did you even understand what I said? This is not US bashing post. US was used in this example as comparaison. So I compared the Russian vs Americans . Why I choose US, you would ask. It is because US citizens are very patriotic compared to a lot of other nations. So stop being offended whenever someone points US weakness out. That doesn’t mean we hate the US. Matter of fact I love that country.

Some citizens want theirs countries to be perceived as good, pure. Example: US has full ranges of issues that can make it consider to be a bad country. But its citizens wants to sell it as the best/ purest country in the world. Chant with me USA,USA USA USA. Russian citizens on the other hand has a bad country and they want it to be perceived as your worst nightmare, the country that keeps you awake at night. Hence the normalization of nuclear threats, those threats are for the western world people that are living comfortably and have more to lose. If you are barely surviving in your country do you really care about the end of the world while you can take with you some rich countries?

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This is good news. Ukraine is right for bringing the war to their doorstep. Those assholes needs to feel the fear the Ukrainians people have to endure everyday.

Let’s say Ukraine pushes Russia out of all Ukraine including Crimea without any peace talks.Then Russia kept bombing Ukraine from Russia. What would be Ukraine next move. Would they be able to join NATO?

That’s what we call precision.

There are 2 things that the majority of republicans loves more after their guns; the love for their war machine aka military industries and destroying Russia.

If it’s not your first passport I guess they have your original hair colour on file, since you didn’t colour it artificially, I would say brown.

I’m confused about his rants. He’s all over the place, he is not coherent.

Yeah I’m using WEFWEF, I like the Apollo vibe. Somehow I don’t miss Reddit that much. There is only one subreddit I missed. It is r/Ukraine as I don’t to find that much up to date info on Fediverse. I will open a telegram account to feed the fedi-communities. Hopefully there are some Ukranian/Russian speakers in here to help with translation.

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Why would they cross in broad daylight, and not at night or dawn?

Thanks I didn’t know about that one. I’m still new with the Fediverse.