6 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is so wacky it's astounding.

You don't buy a company for their servers or employees, those can be found elsewhere for the same price. You buy a company for its users and its brand. To throw away one of the most icon brands in the world, which is present in the footer of every major website in the world, is baffling.

What is the end game here?

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Right? This is just a wacky line of thought. 99% of cases are "prejudged" that's why we have a trial process with arguments and counter-arguments. To show evidence and convince the judges of your opinions.

Sad that impeachment is continuing to be wielded as a weapon more and more. It should be reserved for extreme situations. Not just because you want an excuse to get rid of your opponent

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Thanks to everyone who is contributing! Awesome to see all these changes and fixes

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Agreed. I like the positive vibe of beehaw, but I'm really here for the Reddit alternative and for the fediverse. I don't want a walled garden, I want to be exposed to other communities, I just want them to be civil is all.

I already have accounts on other instances, so I'll likely switch to an alternative instance and be very sad for it. But I respect the admin's right to do it.

From the perspective of someone who uses Visual Studio Code, but also knows how to exit vim, there are a couple reasons that most developers who prefer one of the three, at least those I've spoken to.

  1. VS Code is a Microsoft product, and while "open source" it isn't really open source. The core utility is but Microsoft ships the final application with some proprietary features. If this is your main gripe, then you can try VSCodium instead, which is a "fork" that doesn't have the Microsoft additions.
  2. VS Code uses Electron, which is essentially browser emulation and isn't exactly optimized. CLI editors like the above take up far fewer resources than a Visual Studio Code instance would. Unlike point (1), I don't think there's really a way around this in all practicality. It's just an unavoidable fact. You can chose to still use VS Code of course, most personal computers can easily handle the load. But many see that as unnecessary when they get the same amount of "power" from a CLI editor.
  3. Plugins for the CLI applications are very powerful, and the ability to navigate using only the keyboard is by design. Many swear by keyboard-only operation of a computer because it's faster and promotes more optimal methods of doing tasks. It forces discovery of new features and hotkeys by making things annoying to do otherwise. VS Code (and most editors) include a "vim keybindings" specifically for this reason. You'll find that it's a very popular method of working.

Really it comes down to personal preferences and what you "grew up" using. It's really hard to transition into something like vim and it takes a concerted effort to switch by most users. You have to want to switch, otherwise you'll find it too difficult a learning curve or find yourself wandering back to more "featured" applications.

There are likely more reasons out there, but these are, in my experience, the primary reasons.

There's a scene from the OT that kills me. When they're on Endor in the evening and Leia and Han are being "romantic" and it is some of the most soap opera dialogue in the whole series.

Its arguably not terrible when you read it, but watching it I was rolling my eyes. People love to hate on the Padme+Anakin romance but the Han+Luke+Leia love triangle is equally as hard to watch, in my opinion. If we're going to give one a hard time we can't ignore the other. Lucas just isn't the best at dialogue

Leia holds back her tears as Luke slowly lets her go and moves away. He disappears onto the walkway that leads out of the village. Leia, bathed in moonlight, watches him go as Han comes out of the Chief's hut and comes over to her. Leia is crying, her body trembling. He realizes only now that she is crying.

HAN Hey, what's goin' on?

Leia attempts to stifle her sobs and wipes her eyes.

LEIA Nothing. I - just want to be alone for a little while.

HAN (angry) Nothing? Come on, tell me. What's goin' on?

She looks up at him, struggling to control herself.

LEIA I...I can't tell you.

HAN (loses his temper) Did you tell Luke? Is that who you could tell?


HAN Ahhh...

He starts to walk away, exasperated, then stops and walks back to her.

HAN I'm sorry.

LEIA Hold me.

Han gathers her tightly in his protective embrace.

Probably the hardest part of React, for me, was getting used to the callbacks. Passing data up to the parent component using a function. It's a little difficult to get used to if you haven't encountered it already

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You can also print at a library in the US

Really interesting, it's an application I didn't see coming. Definitely will be looking into this, and hopefully it spurs GitHub to do the same as well

It sounds like a too good to be true situation. Definitely an interesting concept though. Sounds like they use remote servers to connect to the third-party apps using your credentials and then transcribe the messages using the Matrix protocol to the app. Source here and snippet below

Beeper consists of two main components:

  • A client app that runs on your devices.
  • A web service run by Beeper.

... Beeper’s web service consists of a Matrix homeserver and infrastructure to run open source bridges that connect to 15 different chat networks.

Currently free but also will be a Plus version eventually rolling out, according to the FAQ

For now, everyone has access to all the features of Beeper Plus for free. At some point in 2023, we will begin charging $5-10 per month for Beeper Plus.

Also, no humor is lost on the fact that it is dangerously close to Wuph from The Office...

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One thing I don't understand about this situation is that they took what was almost certainly a profitable service and abandoned it. Meanwhile, they have services like Gmail and Maps which can't be profitable, in my opinion, and just shove resources at them. They're way too set on user data and advertising. It's a shame

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Just want to plug markdown as a phenomenal resource. You can use it to write documentation both online and offline, and with pandoc you can even use it to create beautiful PDF documents from your computer. Here's some places I use markdown daily, some additional resources, and tips

  • GitHub parses markdown files from their web UI by default
  • Obsidian uses markdown for their note taking application
  • Pandoc can convert Markdown files to other formats including PDF
  • Because it's plaintext, there are fewer formatting errors when moving between applications and you don't even need an application to read them
  • Plaintext also means documents can be easily tracked via source control
  • Lemmy and Reddit both use Markdown
  • Discord uses a variation of Markdown

I think the hate for Andromeda was a little overblown. I enjoyed the heck out of the game, regardless of any weird facial expressions! It of course was never going to live up to the original trilogy but it stood out on its own in a lot of positive ways

Everyone saying "Good news everyone" but the real Dr gem is

"Oh my, yes"

And the variation

"Oh my, no"

I use them weekly

It's exactly what social media platforms, particularly Facebook, want. They want you to feel locked in because your friends are there

I don't know why people don't just use more SMS. You don't need all the fancy bells and whistles, it shouldn't change the conversation you're having, especially with the gradual rollout of rich messages, and it has a wider audience than Facebook will ever have. More people have SMS than have Facebook

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I hit this today. Was playing God of War and couldn't find out how to get back to a certain collectible. Couldn't find any resources that had my problem exceot reddit posts that were now private. I was pulling my hair out in frustration knowing the answer was so close had the questions archived, but before there were answers

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If you're technically savvy, it looks like you could self-host the application.

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100%! It's wild to me that the majority of Americans are just OK with not using one. Reddit introduced me to the concept and I have never looked back. You can get a super cheap introductory one on Amazon, but I would personally recommend the one by the Squatty Potty company, it's superb quality.

While you're on the website for Squatty Potty, their namesake is another must have under $100. It revolutionized how I use the bathroom, and I have one in every bathroom in my house. If I use the bathroom at work, I end up sitting there missing my stool and bidet. It's hard to go back once you've gotten closer towards perfection

Definitely would second Plex. Previously I just had an external hard drive with my library on it but that isn't as accessible.

With Plex, you can easily get started just installing it on a personal computer and let it grow over time. I had mine on my personal computer for years before recently upgrading to a NAS and it's top tier. Makes streaming to any device effortless and helps you organize your library

Here's the GitHub which links to ModDb

This article makes me realize how not picky I am! Besides the profile switcher all these tips are just personal preferences that the author wanted to have in Firefox and were all things I've never even noticed

Probably Kif

Everyone outside of the U.S. almost assuredly still has SMS capabilities, it's just not common utilized because everyone is already on WhatsApp or Telegram. It's where their friends are, locking them into the ecosystem, which is exactly what I just said. And I would be willing to wager the only reason WhatsApp really got huge was because SMS hasn't always been free to use and may still not be free in some countries and with some plans.

Telegram, Signal and WhatsApp are fine, as for privacy how exactly are SMS better?

I wasn't speaking to privacy specifically, but where all your friends are.

If you want privacy, then you shouldn't be using Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp anyway, considering both are owned by Meta and their privacy track record is shaky at best.

Signal is a great choice, but we get back to the main point where not everyone is on Signal, and once you are on Signal you're locked in to using Signal and must have their app to participate in the conversation.

My point wasn't that SMS is better, but it's simpler and more widely available and doesn't require a standalone application to use.

Ideally we would use an open standard like the Matrix standard to communicate, that way you can download whatever application you want and have all the privacy you could ever desire, but not have to download some random messaging application just to catch up from Gary from primary school

Awesome list. I was already using most of these but the DNS is new to me, so I'll give it a spin. I was already using AdAway on my phone but that was already handling the DNS traffic, so I had to disable it. I like the Mullvad DNS better because AdAway was working as a psuedo-VPN which wasn't ideal

That's definitely what they're after, if you ask me. But if you ask them, they'd claim your privacy is protected...

Can you give an example of websites not supporting Firefox?

From a personal use perspective, I have rarely encountered sites that do not work on Firefox, especially in recent years. Two years ago I may have needed to keep a Chromium browser around but recently I have had no issues.

And from a professional perspective, dropping support for Firefox would be asinine. Most modern web frameworks handle browser compatibility for you, and you essentially get it for free these days. It is almost no extra effort to be compatible to all modern browsers, so why stop? Firefox is has great browser support in general and is far better than the current state of Safari

I agree that they don't have a device which they can use to force or promote their browser like other companies can. Which is a shame and is why they should perhaps try to advertise more aggressively. However, it's a free, open source browser, I don't really want them to advertise or be profit driven

In the United States here and I haven't had non-streaming television since I moved out of my parent's house.

Toyed with things like Sling and YouTube TV once, but they just aren't worth it.

Pragmatic Programmer is OK, there's not any code that I can remember and it's just general purpose, helpful ideas for programmers to follow

I sing a lot around the house, but not just regular songs. I sing about what I'm doing or sing about my cats/wife, using the rhythm and notes from famous songs but with my own improvised lines, rather than the official lyrics

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Has a presidential campaign been sundered for anything less?

I prefer Edge to Chrome (for Chromium uses, Firefox all the way for anything else), but Edge is starting to get so bloated. It's becoming reminiscent of the old Internet Explorer toolbars. They just have so many features the screen is getting cluttered

I've found most use it to just refer to any communists at this point

Wait is it removable? I thought it was glued on there!

Bonus points if it also includes jumper cables with that battery. Having a portable jumper when your batter dies is insanely useful.

However, the model I have doesn't hold a charge forever, so I find that I have to recharge it every couple months or else it will be dead the next time I actually need it. An unfortunate flaw so I'd look for reviews that mention whether that's the case for any you look to purchase

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I find they WORK too well. I have a Yeti one and the damn liquid is still undrinkable eight hours later...

You can take the lid off to let it cool but it's too easy to forget and miss the sweet spot

Yeah that's a jinx if I've ever heard one. Better buy two just in case...

Thanks for the reminder to uninstall! It's been sitting on my phone for years just to avoid the "Open in app" message

They truly are some of the greatest disappointments of our cinematic era. So much hype for nothing. The Hobbit and Game of Thrones will outlive most movies and shows culturally just based on how badly they were received

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I'll lend some of the opposite experience here. I've been to quite a few movies since COVID including Barbie, and have not had any issues whatsoever. I feel like this is an example of the negativity bias coming forth. We only hear about the negative experiences because people don't go online to say how quiet everyone in the theater was

This line is likely the most accurate

social media – TikTok especially – has made it easier for people to record and publish fights in cinemas

Just downloaded it to give it a try! So far missing autocorrect a little bit, but, honestly, I'm optimistic about how the keyboard can improve my typing (and diction). Much slower but also more well thought out. Auto lets you type fast, maybe too fast.

I will have to get used to typing apostrophes again though...