Do you pronounce it "bee-haw" or "BEEE-HAWWW" with some pepper on it? to – 4 points –

Hopefully I'm not the only one to do the latter


I can’t but help to put some cracked pepper on the β€œhawwww”, no matter how hard I try.

Talking about it in a proper conversation? The former. In my mind or in bant? Absolutely the latter.

In banter with polite and gentler audiences?

(and I cannot stress this enough,)

"Bee-HAWWWWW! BEE-hawww" If you don't click the link/open your app while imitating a donkey, then what are you even doing? <3

Neither? When I first looked at the word (mind you I loves bees...), I saw in my mind: "Bee-awww" so now it stuck! πŸ˜‚

I was being normal but that's an excellent opportunity to stop doing that, so I will take it.

Ashamed to say I never thought about it till you. Glad to say it's gonna be a spicier "BEE-haw!!!" from now on!

Definitely agree it’s situational! Sometimes the mood strikes you on a long weekend, you awaken to find that buzz in your ear and those spurs on your boot: BEEEEEEE-HHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW

Always though it was like a Texan yee-haw. Try it, it's just the best.

I like to make sure my Beehaws are thoroughly lathered in spices before I throw them on the grill, yes. It's gotta have that sauce

Beeeeeeeeeeehaaaawww! with lots of excitement and energy

Either, depending on whether the person I'm talking to would be freaked out by me braying at them.

I underemphasize the h and accent the last syllable for my best Howard Dean impression: "byah!"

Has a presidential campaign been sundered for anything less?

I absolutely ham up Beehaw every time I say it. I also make really clumsy cowbee jokes. S'good.

I always say "Wild card, bitches! Beeeeehaaaaw!"