
5 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 2 weeks ago

Just a PSA: VPN and cover your ass as you pirate.

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In a perfect world, every dollar we spend goes right to the creators who made the creation.

I would support musicians more if I knew my money was going straight to them. But a lot of the time, they aren't, so I pirate out of spite against the labels for robbing the musicians through contract, how much they get.

I would support movies more if I knew my money was going straight to them. But a lot of the time, they aren't, so I buy movies second-hand from thrift stores and not the studios themselves.

I would support games much more if I knew my money was going straight to them. But a lot of the time, they mostly aren't. So I buy games dirt cheap and occasionally pirate.

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How defeatist of you, Mozilla. Whatever happened to your pride? Oh, it went a long time ago when you make a big deal about going 3.0 and how you claimed to have improved Firefox's performance. Been a long time, but Firefox remains ever more the same as it did way back then, just cluttered with more features that weighs it's performance.

That should be a mandatory phrase for all pirate communities.

Dumb TVs. I love the option to turn it into a pseudo-smart TV with just a streaming stick. But, I'm always okay with a TV that just has the ports for basic things.

Mozilla in early 2000s: We're glad we've broken you away from Internet Explorer's chains. You're welcome.

Oh...this is not good.

This is just going to be the floodgate effect for when copyright of any kind is going to be challenged against Internet Archive and we'll see more losses.

I'm sad to say but I don't think Internet Archive is going to have much longer.

Because the bigots seemed to have found ways to get in positions of influence to spread their toxic ideologies and get laws passed that targets their 'enemies'. Even when the Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same-sex marriage is legal, I knew in the back of my mind that things are far from over. Because after that? Like one month later, Kim Davis denied legalizing a same-sex marriage.

And things seemed to have worsened thanks to the existence of people like DeSantis, Trump and any GOP still somehow breathing that wants to antagonize everyone over sexual orientation. Because in their psychotic structure, they want America to be purely Christian, purely White and probably Blonde, Blue-eyed and fair skinned.

Even in 2004, George W Bush back then on February was quoted to have said: "Our Nation must defend the sanctity of marriage". What he means is, to protect the sanctity of STRAIGHT marriage because he seems to have it in his head that marriage is the property of the church and all that shit.

Doesn't that sound exactly like the kind of people a certain country named Germany aspired to be like back in WWII? Ironic.


Akira personally doesn't like him, which may explain so much as to why Vegeta really never got too much of the spotlight as Goku did. Sure, Saiyan Saga Vegeta is an irredeemable prick but by Freiza saga, he actually developed gradually. His complaints of being second to Goku gets tiring at times but it's a vessel he uses to actually keep going on.

It is because of him firing off that energy ki to Cell, is what gave Gohan the advantage he needed to finish Cell off for good since he was struggling even with Goku's help.

I just like the progress of Vegeta's character build. I like that even though he's not prodigy he was lead to believe in surpassing Goku, he's still second-best compared to the rest.

Trump definitely will.

He is a symbol for a large part of America where people will look at and wonder '...why?' even if they understood. Trump is just a symbol of everything wrong with America contained.

You can edit the main post you know.

The Dark Web is full of honey pots set by the FBI. Chances are, you're never going to find an actual hitman for hire without it being a sting operation.

I think their direction has gone astray mixed with losing general interest mixed with aging mixed with getting caught. I think Anonymous now has just turned into a parody of itself thanks for 4chan (yeah I know it was born there) who turned it into a symbol of just shitposting trolling than doing the right things.

They used to have been prominent during the days when SOPA and PIPA had been brought up. Since then, activity has dwindled.

And anyone that performs any successful hack, can also declare themselves as part of Anonymous.

And the video games industry can give a single fuck less about preserving them. Only bringing them back for a limited time under reselling compilations or as we've seen, those small consoles a few years back where only a hand picked library of games were pre-installed on them. They're only brought out to simply make a quick buck, nothing more.

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Capitalism makes me view the world and society as manufactured. Nothing I buy brings me true happiness, because it is just a means to survive or bring some bare minimum amount of comfort. Nothing out there to watch, play, read, listen to brings authentic joy as they once did, knowing how much capitalism has affected all of those mediums.

I've had to watch my dreams and ambitions die on the chopping block, because they'd require a level of financial stability or requirement I'd never ever get to see in my life even now.

They say you should turn your hobbies into a job. Well to me, my idea of a hobby is to enjoy and to escape. To monetize it, would mean I have to let that toxic friend be more of a friend than I am already at a discomfort with being my unintentional friend in the first place.

I already have a very jarred and jaded outlook on everything in the world, thanks to capitalism. I even despise the word 'consumer' because that's a derogatory term to devalue people by, but we've come to accept it unfortunately.

And one day, I will be a victim of this capitalism. I am just one car repair or emergency visit away from wanting sweet release.

Out of those four, Cox is the one seemingly being the one who's combative. The other three will fold easily and are complicit with any demand the studios have done.

So it is very hard to imagine, really.

Same. Wished it had just stayed as an idea. Wished it had stayed as just a concept to be used in movies, games, shows and books. Wished it had just stayed in it's boundaries.

Oh my god, yes.

I've even talked with people who're like;

This..is an example sentence...just to tell you..something.

Usually you see that with older people not used to texting or someone who's first language is not english. But you see so many of that, it makes you wonder. I think they're trying to make it look like they're processing their thoughts as they're typing?

I don't expect people to be Charles Dickens here, but jesus, I'd rather someone take their time getting a thought out than for me to see a poorly written draft of it.

Why would I take the time and energy out of my day to jump through hoops to prove my case. At the very likely chance that someone like you will refute it anyways and waive it off like you did with my comment?

Not worth it.

I think the dawning of the Chromebooks was really a huge sign. Sure you could install Linux on some of the early models. But then Google just caught on to this and decided to take even that away. So now you had all of these Chromebooks that can only ever run ChromeOS and whatever Google approved that could run on them. You just can't do jackshit with them because they were also online-only.

And those were pushed onto everyone, particularly schools.

I apply the rule to Temu.

They're only good for small things like enamel pins, maybe some stickers and probably some everyday average stuff.

I start getting skeptical when it comes to dealing with electronics, clothes, any furniture and any other good that's considerably higher value. That's when I turn to thrifting in some cases.

So all that these places are good for is again - smaller stuff.

What about them? Pffft...dude, they'd rather make fun of lolcows all day and pretend that they're still in their edgy teenage years where worshiping Hitler and dropping the N word was the coolest thing to do to them.

These days, all that dude now needs is a phone and probably a tablet. Maybe a laptop slung over his shoulder.

I think the causes are right. The execution is just very poor. I don't understand what blocking traffic has to do with it, I don't understand what throwing paint around has to do with it.

Honestly, I think protests should be a matter of information vs information and using the right information to combat the lies and deceit projected by those they're against.

You lose traction of your cause if all that you're doing is trying to be the biggest intolerant prick.

I didn't like the Black Lives Matter movement, because their ranks contained people that destroyed streets and they seemed to just budge right in on everything.

I didn't like the Stop Oil movement, because all that they did were examples of what I brought up about blocking traffic and throwing paint.

When God of War was popular, they wanted a God of War of their own.

When Call of Duty was popular, they wanted a Call of Duty of their own.

When Overwatch was popular, they wanted a Overwatch of their own.

When Fortnite was popular, everyone wants their own Fortnite.

Rinse and repeat.

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They don't know how to do that and never did.

It's always been "Uhhh let's have people make Firefox accounts, yeah!" When, in this day and age, the last thing people need is yet another account to keep track of.

"Lets get into AI, yeah!" Said no one ever.

Like, is it too much to fucking ask for a simple, privacy-centric, security (not overreaching), performance priority browser?

I mean look around how many forks of Firefox that there are out there, having to do the legwork because Firefox isn't that much of the shit it thinks it is.

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Uh so one side rabbled louder than the other side who also rabbled.

Haven't watched it, can't care to.

In a Trump-lead administration and Ajit Pai heading FCC, this totally would've been passed by now. I don't like how this is on the table at all and how the decision could go either way. But I'll take that trade off than it for it to be guaranteed.

But, one bill (PERA) is from a Republican. The other bill (PREVAIL) is from a Democrat. So, this is a bipartisan effort to fuck over everyone here.

Yeah I mean, it would really be nice right now to have some body around that can contend and combat the legions of crazy QAnon/MAGA people online. But I guess that really isn't in their interest.

It took SOPA/PIPA to get them to act for a while. I don't know, they run off of arbitrary rules only they themselves know to keep the mystique up. It's like when we needed them the most - they're sometimes there. When we kinda sorta don't need/want them, they just show up randomly.

Oh, I looked at the back of the book. Yeah I didn't know they dared trying to mess with the FBI, VISA, MasterCard, PayPal, NATO and more.

Yeah, that's going to paint a lot of targets on you. Wondered what got into their minds to do all of that.

That's some closeting coping mechanism right there.