"Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy"

simple@lemm.ee to Games@lemmy.world – 13 points –

Is this the fastest video game death of all time? Not even Lawbreakers died this fast.


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When God of War was popular, they wanted a God of War of their own.

When Call of Duty was popular, they wanted a Call of Duty of their own.

When Overwatch was popular, they wanted a Overwatch of their own.

When Fortnite was popular, everyone wants their own Fortnite.

Rinse and repeat.

I mean sometimes it works. Pubg was the big Battle Royale in town until Fortnite (as a battle Royale) came along. League of Legends too. The problem with Concord is it took about 6 years to come out so it couldn't draft on the hot trend.

League of Legends is a pet peeve of mine, since one bad person took down DotA forum, stole ideas from it, created LoL, and acted like a big shot. He wasn't alone, but you know what I mean.

To this day I think that Blizzard hates esports, because they left DotA with 0 support, and only after many years of Dota 2 they created Heroes of the Storm, which was even more watered down than LoL.

And LoL is such a simple game, which is OK, but once you actually understand Dota, it doesn't come anywhere close. It brought nothing innovative. Which is sad.

Source: I played hundreds of hours, and put hundreds of dollars into LoL back in the ~2010.

Conceptually, LoL filled a hole. DotA was DotA, complicated, hard, lots of nuance. Some people wanted an even more complicated DotA. Heroes of Newerth filled that hole. Some people wanted a simpler DotA. LoL filled that hole.

I personally preferred HoN, but I can't fault people for preferring LoL.

It’s not like any game is completely original anyways. They all take inspiration from games that come before, some more than others.

While that is true, the issue is that they are trend chasing for a quick cash grab and put in next to no effort to make the game good or listen to consumers saying that this isn't what we want.