
7 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The depressing fact this is already in their calculations really suggests fines should be vary based on a percentage of the company’s profits, not a set number for all.

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Interesting direction, any recommendations? As I feel like I’m starting all over again these days lol.

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It actually isn’t, but those in charge know our legal system works so slowly. So the companies already know they just have to delay and they’ll only pay a percentage of a fine for swindling patients. And instead of being accused of robbing, their legal team will get charges lowered and the company will just change its name and start over. Until the punishment fits the crime, the rich scams will continue.

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No, that’s to logical. They’ll spin the numbers to mean something positive for the party.

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Bingo. Which is why they comfortably hide using the infighting of the two party system. One party has to be willing to accept they’ll be doing most of the work to fix the situation. Up until now, they wanted us believing the task is Sisyphean and impossible, the truth is we can easily catch them with their pants down.

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Trump is not some genius, he's just an abusive asshole with a megaphone.

As the son of a former abusive asshole myself, there’s truth in it. A large percentage of people will accept abuse for close to a decade, but usually they inevitably snap and try getting away from the abuse. It just requires constant small losses to realize, and you can’t let them rot alone. Otherwise they fall even deeper into a cult-like thinking. Maybe it should be seen a little akin addiction, they need a reminder, there’s a small way to get back to how things were before.

Canceling Apple TV over this, knew they were spineless, but this is pathetic since it’s one of the few shows I watch on it. Growing really tired of all these service subscriptions as it is.

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No kidding, it’s ridiculous to think they expect us to fork over $25k for cars that will invade our privacy. I have a 23 year old car I’ll drive till it’s dead before that ever happens.

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Good. It took way to long for this to occur.

It’s because hands are hard to draw and lastly that looks like an average guys body hair, kinda shabby and pubic like. Use public showers enough and you’ll see all the types of body hair. Personally I look like Zangief thanks to steroids.

Technically dying several for minutes after a stroke due to an aneurysm, worst thing I ever felt. They considered me dead, yet somehow everything restarted and I woke up gasping incapable of speech. I was thrown in an ice bath and they induced a coma. And yes, you can hear the outside world and the worst experience I’ve ever suffered mentally. I was in there for what I assumed was decades of masochist torture for realizing I wasn’t awake, despite my minds initial insistence I was. I still question if the acceptance, would have meant my dying and the torture was the pain of trying to stay alive. I eventually woke up to discover it had only been 10 days, and I was capable of basic speech, but my muscles had decayed to the point simple movement was almost impossible. In under 2 weeks, I relearned English and how to walk again. Since therapy, nothing is even remotely scaring as what your own mind can do to you.

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Don’t forget the itchy cotton candy they put in walls.

Pretty clear stuff like this is why we’re speed running to a dystopian future. Hopefully Googles profits can survive. /s

Haven’t watched Netflix in months, guess this is the push needed so I can cancel and save $20 a month.

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Any recommendations on how-to?

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Need to undo this 1950s era of urban planning and transportation

I was a kid when I saw it, but wasn’t that one of the end messages of the movie, Roger Rabbit?

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Mostly for shits and giggles lol.

Especially with all the rich developer’s that’ve been flying around the bereaved, like eager buzzards. Probably to build condos or something equally gaudy to the locals.

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Amen, and love the username lol

Depressing and sad, but it’s likely and they can tell themselves “nature caused it”, so they can sleep easier with their choice. Until they start taking those statistics into account, they’ll continue paying to ignore it. The governments are complicit, with the lower rungs trying to squeeze into the survivors group.

So, public espionage, no one sane should accept this behavior for something they paid for.

Lol I won’t throw $48k at the turds on the market these days.

Wow, now I can’t stop hearing the song in my head.

You’re such a charmer, you probably say that to all the users.

Quadratic breathing

This is what I do, works well for me.

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Feels like every Spez topic needs to remember an image he tries deleting.

Here you go bud:

Demand they give the service charge to the server. I’ve done this with a manager recently and he was so embarrassed when it was brought to public attention he promised he would. Then I said, it was simply disgraceful to see an attempt to double dip with a mandatory charge a server wouldn’t see. But I’m a large man, so might not be easy for everyone.

Interested to hear more about SohCahToa, my only terrible subject was Math, or more specifically, Algebra.

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I was rewatching a Futurama episode and it all flooded back in myself.

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I think we’re all loaded with those now, even the clouds are polluted with them.

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Why do so many fools have so much money?

Rich parents/family.

Another reminder to never trust a site run by a guy who has sex with busty cats.

Whelp all these recent shenanigans got me to cancel everything. Taking to the high seas again, me mateys.

I don’t use PIA, but for anyone also wondering, what VPN for you suggest investing a subscription for? Any why?

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My friend in the bureau told me this, years later I realized how right he was. Thankfully, I escaped early, I still have trouble sleeping, can’t dream anymore and I haven’t cried in decades. But, if it wasn’t for therapy, I would still be defaulting to aggressive behaviors when in fight of flight mode. Sometimes getting punched, ends better than punching back.

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This should be illegal, hell I have a TP-Link router and it’s got a subscription model for the features, that a decade ago were basic features of a router that you’re spending hundreds of dollars on. Unless we make it unpopular from a media/social standpoint, they’ll keep it up. Too make it worse, the router won’t even allow you to manually choose your own channels, you have to let it decide for you. Even if you have an IT background and can decipher the better channel, it decides to choose heavily trafficked channels on all bands. Let me make me own mistakes and learn, I don’t want to be forced like an invalid in a nursing home.

Whenever I see this meme, it always looks like he’s pooped or jizzed his pants.

The bottom left guy looks a little like a North Korean Tom Hanks.