
2 Post – 226 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

These textbooks are trash and written by morons. When I was in college one of the required books said very clearly that sleep and hibernate are exactly the same thing. It said that both suspended to RAM and hibernate was just some lower power version of sleep. It was even a question on an exam that I got wrong for some reason. I argued with the professor about it and proved to him thats not the case by taking one of the lab computers, hibernating it, physically taking the ram out and swapping it with another computer and resuming into the same state on power on. He said “Well thats what it says in the textbook so I have to mark it wrong”

It really highlights that there are probably a lot of other inaccuracies that I didn’t notice. This is the standard of education nowadays.

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oh god i felt this one. Devs too busy, incompetent or just plain lazy to figure out why their code is so slow, so just have ops throw more CPU and memory at it to brute force performance. Then ops gets to try to explain to management why we are spending $500k per month to AWS to support 50 concurrent users.

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you should only need to reboot when updating the kernel. Why are you rebooting? Is it because the system is unresponsive?

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fuck it. rm -rf repository; git clone repository

Been using git since almost as long as its been around, still can't be bothered to learn to how to fix conflicts.

Im pretty happy with protonmail. Email is kind of important you may not want to go with the cheapest option.

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oh please please please let “tweets” now be called “excretions”

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I don’t see how youtube or any private platform should have any obligation to host any kind of content legally.

The problem with free speech is that if you want to have it you have to give it to everyone. Even the morons. And my god are the morons vocal, closed minded and opinionated.

If you leave the videos up, it spreads misinformation. If you take them down, the morons cry censorship and spawn conspiracy theories gaining possibly even more traction. I personally think everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be able to speak freely, but the truth should drown out the lies.


pretty much all smartphones past few years have been incremental upgrades. Sometimes theres some gimmick but it really feels like we’ve reached a peak

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and this is why linux is gaining so much market share in the desktop space so quickly.

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I was rear ended a couple of months back on the freeway. 100% not at-fault and I have the dashcam video to prove it. Anyways, I submit a claim through my insurance and I specifically asked what I should do about a rental car while mine was in the shop. I was told over the phone that if I was able I could book a rental car on my own and just submit the receipt, they will reimburse me and recover damages from the other driver's insurance.

So, that's what I did. I booked the rental car and after I returned it I submitted the receipt. A few hours after uploading the receipt through the claims portal, They called to inform me they weren't going to reimburse me for the rental, and that if I wanted it to be paid back I had to submit a claim directly through the other driver's insurance. So, I gave them a call.

The other driver's insurance told me they absolutely weren't going to pay for my rental car since they were already way over the property damage minimums on the policy.

So... I guess now I have to file in court against the driver directly and probably wait years to get reimbursed from someone who probably has no money to pay me anyway, just racking up more and more in court fees compounding my losses. Any attempted conversation with my insurance about how they outright lied to me just goes to an echo chamber. Emails get no response, Voicemails go unanswered, I even let my agent know about this and he followed up on my behalf. Nothing, no communication or response at all. They're just hoping I give up it seems.

State farm customer for 15 years, no claims, no tickets, always paid premiums on-time and in full. This was the first time I so much as called them. Right out the gate I get screwed over. Time to find another provider.

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lol my kids are always disappointed when we’re done charging on road trips because they weren’t done with the episode of their TV show. We can’t even make it through one whole movie 20 minutes at a time on an all-day road trip. Supercharging really only allows enough time to stretch your legs and go for a quick walk before getting back on the road every ~200 miles or so, which you should absolutely be doing anyway.

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I think a coffee with 8 sugars is still WAY less sugar than a soda.

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x86 has been the standard for waaayyyyyy too long

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lol sorry I broke your mental regex filter

I dont think there are any “main” instances. That’s kind of the point.

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This is amazing! I had no idea there was an actual term for this. But yeah I frequently encounter flat out misinformation in most news sources and always have the thought: “If I know these parts are BS, how many of the things I’m not familiar with are also BS?!”

I feel personally attacked.

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https://github.com/johang/btfs btfs lets you straight up mount a torrent as a directory and stream it. Most torrent clients also have an option to download parts in order so you can stream.

When you send an email to a mail server, you can set the "FROM" address to literally anything. The mail server does not care and forwards stuff on, as long as you're authenticated. Anyone can run their own mail server anywhere that will dutifully just relay emails, which is what spammers often do. There are entries in DNS called SPF records (Sender Policy Framework) which mailservers use to validate on the receiving side that the FROM address coming from the mail server matches with a list of allowed mail servers IP address(es). If it doesn't match it gets sent to spam, or outright rejected (depending on if the record says ~all or -all). It is often not ideal to reject any message that fails this check, because if you have some local system that runs its own mailserver and sends alert emails it might not necessarily match.

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gdm works pretty well with selecting and jumping to all kinds of different DEs. It shouldn’t really be a problem. The only thing I might watch out for is KDE/gnome for example can install a TON of dependencies that you might not necessarily want in both. You can wind up with a lot of duplicate programs. and your home directory will be full of all kinds of config files.

But you can run hyprland, i3, xfce, awesome, etc alongside each other without too much hassle.

I have had the same arch linux install for the past 13 years and have been on a ton of different DEs in that time including times when I switched back and forth between a few concurrently installed. It never caused any issues for me other than trying to clean up all the K programs that had been installed, and cleaning up my home dir.

its trying really hard tho

lol when a windows game wont launch on windows but works on linux. what a time to be alive.

My main gaming rig is 100% linux now. It gets better performance in most games than windows.

This is actually a sign of autism

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If I post some work publicly on the internet (like open source code) so that an AI is able to scrape it why in the hell should I expect to get paid for it?

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I 100% Guarantee you that EV owners spend less time charging their cars than you do getting gas. You don’t have a gas station in your garage (or destination chargers at work, shopping centers, hotels, parking garages etc) that add range to your car while you’re doing literally anything else. You also don’t start every day with a full tank. These destination chargers in parking lots etc are often FREE.

DC fast chargers are only used when you need to travel 200+ miles away. Which isn’t very often.

Example: With the amount that I drive I would need to go out of my way once per week to get gas. This would be conservatively 15 minutes to get to the gas station, pump the gas, and get back on track. With 52 weeks in a year that is about 12-13 hours spent pumping gas into my car. When I get home I plug in my EV and walk away, its fully charged by morning. I spent 0 minutes fuelling it. With occasional road trips I need to use superchargers about 10 times per year at 20 minutes each. ~3 hours vs 13. You would need to fast charge about 50 times per year to start to break even. At 200 miles of range each charge that means you would need to be driving 10,000 miles per year above your normal around-town and commute habits for this to make sense. Like needing to drive straight from NY to LA and back twice every year.

This is a terrible argument against electric cars that needs to die.

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Yeah one of these views is more valid than the other:

"I got an error message! It says, Please right click the application and select 'Run As Administrator...' What does it mean?! What do I do?!!! Why are these instructions so confusing?!"

"I got an error on the page! It says 'Password incorrect' What does that mean? How do I fix it?" "Have you tried using the correct password?"

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CPU brand (as in AMD/Intel) makes little if any difference in linux, stark contrast to Nvidia/AMD GPU. There was a period of time where some of the intel CPU "efficiency cores" were not properly scheduled in the kernel but I think that's a lot better now as long as you use a relatively new kernel. There are different power/frequency management flags you can pass to the boot params based on intel/amd but that probably makes more of a difference if you're on battery: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Ryzen

I think there used to be some limitation in using resizeable BAR with an intel CPU and AMD GPU, but that hasn't been an issue for a while.

I have a 5950x with a 6900xt in my linux box and have had no complaints.

I had some abdominal issues that caused me to be buckled over in severe pain most of the day. I was unable to eat anything for days at a time. I was constantly feeling faint and nauseous and vomiting frequently. I did a video appointment with my doctor and he referred me to get an abdominal ultrasound.

It took about a week for the office to call me to schedule the tests. They told me the next available appointment they had was 8 months out.

I wound up getting better on my own after about 6 weeks of hell. I never did find out what was wrong.

BTW I’m not in Canada I’m in the good old US of A where we “Don’t experience delays” and have “Top-Notch Healthcare” thanks to out non socialized systems. I even had good insurance.

The healthcare system in the US is in shambles. It is extremely inefficient and absolutely resistant to any kind of change, because as bad as things are right now, change introduces risk that might make it worse. No matter how slim the chance or how much the benefits outweigh the risks, nobody wants to accept meaningful changes.

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Not exactly what you've asked for but you can download something like lidarr and plug it into your spotify recommendations and let it go. you'll wind up with a huge library of everything you like to listen to.

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Wayland first, but have both installed so you can fall back to X11 if you need to. If you do have to go back check wayland again after every few updates. X is dying a long-needed death. It started off has a hack decades ago and has just been held together with duct tape ever since. There are some not so great things in wayland with some apps, sometimes issues with context menus or screen recording for example, but they’re getting fixed over time.

I do kind of miss x forwarding over SSH. It was really convenient, there might be something for wayland but I haven’t looked for a while.

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Changing your mindset from "I went to university, therefore I should have a good paying job" to "What can I do to make myself more valuable to employers?" makes a pretty big difference.

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ditch torrents. usenet is still alive and kicking

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I had to laugh at this: A total of 75,735 people were affected by the data breach, including nine residents of Maine

That's.... specific?

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I have no idea whats going to happen here but discovery on this case is going to be crazy revealing. Someone shot themselves in the foot here and its either going to be Musk or the ADL.

thats assuming 100% efficiency. which is impossible

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Have you seen how humans drive? Its not a very high bar to do better.

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An Incinuendo?

This is great. but maybe factor in if you have solar. I can generate my own free electricity but I can’t generate my own gas no matter how many visits to Taco Bell.

Even without solar there are lots of places to charge for free (slowly, but it adds up)

Also gas is way more expensive than that here in CA. And gas prices fluctuate like crazy. Electric prices generally don’t.

My electric company gives me monthly credits because I let them control when my car charges based on demand. I just set it up to “be ready by 7am”. Combined with solar it makes my charging cost negative.