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Joined 1 years ago

Most people can't afford new cars, let alone new cars priced way above average.

I also used to watch this guy very regularly but stopped when I found out he's a political gun nut who open carries his AR-15 specifically to anger people and make them uncomfortable.

There's a video of him inside a store with a rifle ranting about some poor politician and their effort to prevent gun violence. Easy to find if you search for it.

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The police are worse than useless.

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Most people over-index on maximizing compensation or holding on to stability. But there’s more to work than money and stability. Work is about growth, building connections, working on things you care about, being challenged and creating a legacy.

Fucking legacy? Is this a joke? Who gives a shit about what shitty products they launch for FAANG companies? I certainly don't - not beyond keeping my resume and portfolio up to date.

Compensation and stability are the only things that matter beyond basic working conditions and a non-toxic environment.

23 more...

Conservatives are working together to normalize the language of sedition ahead of Trump's trails and the election.

They want us to stop paying attention to words like coup.

Trans rights are human rights

Gay rights are human rights

Black peoples rights are human rights

Women's rights are human rights

Human rights exist.

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This would have been 30x funnier without the caption and... Laughing guy?

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Sure, but... commercial airliners almost never crash?

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College is perhaps the easiest time of your life to meet people irl and find a date or two or twenty. No surprise whatsoever that the apps are more regularly used by people who aren't in a 24/7 social mixer event with thousands of people their same age, education level, and (generally) class.

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No, she intentionally used this language to dilute the impact of the actual, real, attempted insurrection on Jan 6. She's trying to normalize the phrase so people don't associate the word with violently storming the capitol trying to hang the vice president.

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I don't understand how anyone can vote for these ridiculous ghouls.

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I got it from my boss last week. She "had a cold" for a couple weeks but wouldn't stop coming into the office and complaining that she can't stop getting sick.

I should have tried to avoid her more effectively. I've been on the couch for 5 days and I think I still have a couple more.

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Having a penis conspicuously absent from this list.

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I don't know why this is still a controversial concept. Just don't kill prisoners. Horrific crimes are not assuaged by more death. It's never worked in history and it doesn't work now.

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Planes are vastly safer than trains.

"Passenger vehicles are by far the most dangerous motorized transportation option compared. Over the last 10 years, passenger vehicle death rate per 100,000,000 passenger miles was over 20 times higher than for buses, 17 times higher than for passenger trains, and 595 times higher than for scheduled airlines."


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I don't think that's what's happening. I think Apple is "filming" over the course of the seconds you have the camera open, and uses the press of the shutter button to select a specific shit from the hundreds of frames that have been taken as video. Then, some algorithm appears to be assembling different portions of those shots into one "best" shot.

It's not just a mechanical shutter effect.

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Cruelty is the point with these monsters.

This headline is annoying. Dude has done a million cool projects since he got famous as a child actor. Let him fucking grow up already.

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I got boosted in October. Been very good about getting all my shots.

Still got covid from my office in late December, and it knocked me down for two full weeks.

The vaccine is not enough, we need to be masking again.

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It's dangerous and counterproductive to say all conservatives are stupid. It implies they're mere victims of misinformation. While this is true for many, there are millions of smart, rich, knowingly evil and selfish conservatives who willingly design and execute evil deeds of conservative politics.

I've tried to use DDG for a few weeks now, and I find it gets worse the more specific I search.

For general things, it's fine. But if I'm looking for an installation tutorial for a certain kind of plumbing hardware, it struggles to show me anything but brand and retail pages.

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I want to ride a bike really bad, but cars have killed more cyclists in my city year over year my entire life.

It's just simply terrifying out there when a douche in an Escalade is in a hurry.

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Extremely bad take, lol.

If the company isn't financially sound without charging customers to no longer be customers, the business isn't viable.

What an asinine attempt to justify predatory, anti-consumer behaviour from corporations.

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Obviously "the" is a critical part of the trademark. Lawyers win that debate.

But why did the marketers win the "a... game" debate?

It could have been, "The Lord of the Rings: whatever whether Hobbit farm" and avoided all the weirdness.

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You could have said, "that's unjustifiable. It's also reprehensible how many so-called medical professionals kill people with dangerous and negligent restraint practices too."

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They're both enormously over processed and extremely bad.

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Parts of it were repealed in 2018 under trump and the Republicans.

I don't know what the effects of the rollback were.

Regulations exist to protect people from corporations.

I know Facebook sucks, you know Facebook sucks, but Facebook spends billions of dollars to convince hundreds of millions of people they don't suck, and it's extremely effective.

I get the impulse to say, "you should know better than you go to Facebook for important info", but the fact is, a lot of people do go to Facebook for important info, so it's critical that Facebook is held accountable to their de facto position as an objective source of information.

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Bold of you to assume these fridges are built to last

Sorry it's not going in the direction you hoped. I'm personally super into this vibe. Feels bizarre and different. Hopefully they capitalize on the theme and do something cool with it. If the "dragon" flight part is as tight and fun as recent Doom mechanics, it could be really fun.

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25k? Lol, I wish. Average new car sale price is 48k.

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The human brain has a lot of cognitive biases that we have collectively decided to legislate against.

This is one of the easiest to move on from. It takes significantly more effort to justify and carry out judicial murder than it does to ban it.

We banned dueling to the death over honor centuries ago, and that's a very similar cognitive bias. Arguably a lot less impactful on society at large too, since a duel requires 2 willing participants and by definition has no collateral consequences, but it was still deemed wrong ages ago. There is no clear argument killing someone for their alleged crimes.

I agree, and Ive also realized there's just less content in Lemmy. Can't really scroll for hours when you hit the bottom after 20 mins.

Yeah no doubt. Not saying there's no reason to be on the apps in college. I'm just saying there's less and less opportunity for meeting people in person by chance at social events the older you get, and the more your social life includes people from work, married folks, parents, etc.

College is the densest pool of single people with lots of free time you'll ever experience bar none.

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By all accounts this includes most Democrats.

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There's some good points in this article about how launching products irresponsibly has weakened Google's overall portfolio and eroded customer trust.

But there's a whole of of weird anti-worker vibes in here too. Overall I really don't think the problem with trillion dollar mega corporations is that people don't work enough dedicated hours.

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People with money to spare have more money to share. Makes sense. I'm not sure if "poor people don't have enough money to donate to natural disasters when they're all suffering together" is much of a headline though.

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Don't give directions. Offer support. Unblock them. Teach them to be autonomous experts. Good managers help their teams do their work by making sure they don't have to do anything but their work.

You probably already know this, but I'm saying it for the group. Good managers exist, and their role is to help actual workers work more effectively and remove obstacles to good work. Not to tell people how to work.