The 8-Bit Guy: How Cathode Ray Tubes Work [18:32] to – 139 points –
How Cathode Ray Tubes Work.

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I also used to watch this guy very regularly but stopped when I found out he's a political gun nut who open carries his AR-15 specifically to anger people and make them uncomfortable.

There's a video of him inside a store with a rifle ranting about some poor politician and their effort to prevent gun violence. Easy to find if you search for it.

I just remembered the line that made me stop watching. It was him saying that any future packages would be thrown in the trash.

This after ranting for like 3 minutes that too many people love him, and gift him so much stuff.

I was brought up to appriciate every little thing people gave me. Even as a kid.....that knock off power ranger that has a hollow inside, made of cheap rubbery plastic? "Thank you for the gift!"

So to see him say "I will throw any future packages in the trash" just felt like a slap in the face to any fans he may have had.

So I stopped being a fan. It's easy to unsubscribe on youtube.

This is his most current views on the subject if you care to watch.

Thanks for posting.

I'm glad he's thought through a lot of his more inflammatory positions and seems to have evolved a more nuanced take on things.