1 Post – 157 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Pfft Linux can't even deal with a bit of rain. This is why I use my abacus.

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Look at all these C# dev who don't know the witch hunts are starting in 2024.

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Hey now, why don't we trust the court to fairly judge Trump.

.. Has Thomas accepted the 1 mil/year to fuck off already?

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Never trust twins, even your own.

It's because of the capitalization. If the title was "SanDisk's name is now mud" this wouldn't happen.

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Fuck legs, release working buttholes.

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Standing up to the church was brave. Great singer as well. RIP

It's sad that data migration and storage is more and more out of players' hands. There wasn't even a notice period for LBP...

What kind of glasses do I need for the apocalypse?

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These signals are too subtle, maybe you're just being kind.

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Perhaps the crunch is the cause of burnouts.

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As a student you think you're smooth, as a teacher you'll probably let it slide because the cheater puts in effort.

Please explain abbreviations that aren't universally known.

There's nothing worse than having somebody reply deadpan serious to something you thought was an obvious joke. Kills the mood for both parties.

If I were to troll people and call them white and whitey those words would not be considered a slur. Same with American, two footed, food chewer or bloodtype A+. Yet cisgender deserves special attention from Musk.

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Yeah you don't the man and the goat to be left unattended. Good job Meta AI.

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Nature is healing.

God wants you to feel up people in public places, clearly.

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Is all modern media just another copy of Evangelion?

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This must why they named it Gettysburg!

That does not make it a slur and should not be treated as such.

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No you are not engaging with the arguments I am making. Respect for what people associate with is different from a word being a slur, or treated as such. Going around calling people who does not want to be is disrespectful and is harrasment but it does not make a slur in a general sense.

Cisgendered is a word to describe people's gender identity, not for insulting.

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From what distance can he tell I am stressed?

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Even if it references the unification of germany in the 19th century there's no way most of his base thinks of that Reich when seeing the word.

False advertising is awful.

Imagine the guys developing Lemmy. For years this was a fun hobby project and all of a sudden Reddit decides to implode giving you magnitudes more users and servers requesting changes.

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Reddit’s PMs and are deliberately designing ad placement to maximize clicks (and get more money). What they don’t realize, is they’ve made everyone miss-click on ads, so both users and advertisers miss out.

What does this mean? Are ads being sent in Private Messages on Reddit?

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Who is this? Am I too old or too European?

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0- Atk Pidgey Peck vs. Lvl 20 0 HP / 252+ Def Gyarados: 72-85 (97.2 - 114.8%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO

With neutral natures and no EVs it is a OHKO however.

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Are the horses a million years old or did humans go extinct recently and are they being snarky about it?

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They should just pretend fire him and see if he notices it's the wrong brand.

Why did the paw curl? Did it respond to "I don't want any wishes" or is it into fisting?

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I was thinking of cookie monster's eyes.

If you take it to a small repair shop you'll get your pills refilled and a new apple.

Vanquished potatoes sound tasty.

Are you talking to yourself or giving friends advice?

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Jeff Goldblum telling me to touch grass might just do it.

Tomorrow, after a good night's sleep.

Honestly Portal Kombat is a great name.

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When you accidentally consider your hyperbole to be factual.

God gave you the boner that got your ass beat.