3 Post – 150 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sync and Boost officially are.

Infinity for Everything (Fediverse) is on GitHub.

wefwef and Memmy are starting to feel like Apollo already.

Connect seems to be inching closer to Relay with each update, and Jerboa gives off RiF vibes.

People need to post about this on reddit more to perhaps encourage the other devs to do the same; might've actually worked for Boost cuz the dev didn't originally plan to port it to Lemmy it seems

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Sync and Boost officially are.

Infinity for Everything (Fediverse) is on GitHub.

wefwef and Memmy are starting to feel like Apollo already.

Connect seems to be inching closer to Relay with each update, and Jerboa gives off RiF vibes.

People need to post about this on reddit more to perhaps encourage the other devs to do the same; might've actually worked for Boost cuz the dev didn't originally plan to port it to Lemmy it seems

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YTA- wait sorry wrong comm

I was expecting something really dark; glad I was wrong lol

This needs to be integrated into Lemmy asap; really hurts discoverability and makes comms look way smaller than they are to new users.

This, instance migration, and assigning new users to good general instances (that arent overloaded) like or upon registration (letting them change it of course) so they don't need to know about instances would go a long way to being user friendly.

That definition comes from a false myth; a documentary made a bunch of lemmings fall to their deaths and purposefully misrepresented it iirc, fucked up.

It's time we reclaim our name and honour!

Loaf-shaped black-orange lemming sitting on shallow water surface

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Fyi the real member count is almost 20k; the sidebar only shows how many are subscribed to it from your instance.

It shows 360 from for example.

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Isn't that the whole point though? Not relying on a single entity by spreading out, but still being connected?

Fragmentation would be fixed by just integrating's functionality into lemmy itself (like in this github issue), allowing users to see the true user count/activity of comms and incentivise them to join the most popular one.

Needs to be done asap imo; comm discoverability is not good right now and is probably the single biggest hurdle for new users

Absolutely agree that instances featured in should all follow those basic rules:

Active moderation against racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia

Concerning to see that both and are federated with them; I'm mainly on these., Thunder, Connect, and Liftoff are already amazing btw. Boost for Lemmy and Sync for Lemmy are in the works.

Jerboa actually gives off RiF vibes for me, though it's definitely still its own thing.

On pc use this to make it look a bit more like old.reddit. I hope tweaks like this get combined into a single extension later like RES

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We're just getting started. Sync for Lemmy and Memmy's (heavily inspired by Apollo) release in a few weeks will go a long way for accessibility, and will likely already offer better UX than reddit.

No doubt contributors in the GitHub will add similar UX features as those fantastic apps once they're out.

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Key difference is that they're making (alot of) money of off the stolen work, and in a way that's only possible for the already filthy rich

Wouldn't mind it personally if it was foss though, like their name suggests

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It opening back up before the big wave of users on July 1st is also very unfortunate.

Subs should stay in protest at least until a week after Sync for Lemmy and some of the many apps in development release in a few weeks imo

B-but lemmings...

Loaf-shaped black-orange lemming sitting on shallow water surface

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Dear god

What's a windows

It's only gonna get worse lol; they're removing old.reddit next, going after nsfw and increasing ads.

The ux is already better here within the last few weeks with clients like Memmy and Connect; Boost and Sync are gonna be awesome when they're out in a few weeks

Use and recommend,, and to others

Seriously, stop recommending large servers when lemmy hasn't been optimized for that yet. The point of decentralization is spreading out and still being connected; let's not waste that advantage.

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Clearly not a enjoyer 😔

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Yeah Lemmy really needs a shared user count across all instances for proper discoverability.

Already opened as an issue on the GitHub, and needs to be added asap imo

Exactly. I was active in the sub for a few days after the move, inviting them to Lemmy, but found it exhausting. Though it did help those confused it seems.

I'm happy here; things will only get better when Sync for Lemmy and Memmy fully release.

Hell yeah, it got alot of people to Lemmy.

I'm very curious how reddit will handle it; they would probably hesitate openly supporting a piracy sub by putting in new mods

Guys, stop recommending the massive servers when lemmy hasn't been optimized for that yet. The entire point of decentralization is spreading out and still being connected; let's not waste that advantage.

Use and recommend smaller instances instead like,, and; they've been around for years and have been upgraded for the surge of users too

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Live in a third world country and all software is free software. No strings attached

Most people coming to a piracy sub would know what forums are, and by now have probably heard of Lemmy already


Memmy is starting to look like it could be an Apollo for Lemmy soon.

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wefwef and Memmy almost feel like Apollo already; it's crazy how fast they're being developed.

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All that matters is you shouldn't recommend the already massive overloaded servers like when lemmy isn't even optimized for this sort of traffic on a single server yet, and those large servers are having issues because of it. The entire point of decentralization is to spread out and still be connected.

Recommend smaller general servers that have been up for years and also upgraded for the surge of users, like,, or

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Probably because blahaj is on 0.17.4, and Jerboa only supports 0.18 and later right now.

Use wefwef or Thunder. And Connect and Liftoff are on the playstore already.

There are issues opened on the GitHub for it already.

Mastodon already has it; it just needs to made a thing in Lemmy too.

This game hurt me. In the best way possible.

Easy recommend. Only wish the game made it clear that ::: spoiler Meta spoiler the real game is after the first ending; continue your save file after it. :::

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::: spoiler Yup (nsfw obv) :::

Clearly not a programmer

I've actually had lemmy results come up in google the last few days sometimes, so maybe more people just need to use it.

Granted, those questions were lemmy related, but it's a start

People need to stop recommending the massive servers when everything's connected anyway.

Join/recommend some smaller ones at random, like,,, and

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You can though?

Man bumps into someone, dodges his punch, kisses him on the forehead instead of getting confrontational. Captioned: "I have no enemies"

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You should definitely keep an eye on Infinity for Everything (Fediverse) then

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