Third party Reddit apps just got canned. to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 2531 points –

Influx of Lemmy brothers and sisters incoming. Already 3K and growing deep, we may as well rebuild together. Let's do this! 🤝

Edit : Yes there are workarounds using Revanced. Check the comments for some awesome help on how to do this if you wish! Just know, in the future it will most likely end up being patched annoyingly and I therefore recommend looking forward to the future with us here.


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Fyi the real member count is almost 20k; the sidebar only shows how many are subscribed to it from your instance.

It shows 360 from for example.

I signed up through vlemmy, idk if that means anything significant though since I'm able to subscribe to whatever.

Doesn't mean much; vlemmy is a pretty normal general instance.

It's best to recommend,, and to new users though imo to prevent strain on the bigger servers

dang I was wondering why the wefwef community only had 1 subscriber

Yeah I really hope they show the total shared user counts for comms on all instances; you currently have to do that through, which is not user friendly at all.

It's already been opened as an issue on the github though, and I think this needs to be implemented asap

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