Third party Reddit apps just got canned. to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 2531 points –

Influx of Lemmy brothers and sisters incoming. Already 3K and growing deep, we may as well rebuild together. Let's do this! 🤝

Edit : Yes there are workarounds using Revanced. Check the comments for some awesome help on how to do this if you wish! Just know, in the future it will most likely end up being patched annoyingly and I therefore recommend looking forward to the future with us here.


Switched yesterday and so far, really liking it. Might even say, it’s better than Reddit at the moment already.

No heavy echo-chamber/ toxicity (yet). Just waiting that it becomes more active with more communities.

I just switch a couple of days ago and I feel more willing to post and comment

My last day on Reddit I shared an excited post about a fun thing in a hobby sub of mine and I got such awful negative responses and people telling me I was attention seeking. It was really ugly. So that was pretty much when I decided to uninstall my Boost app and switch to Lemmy full time

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Rif refugee reporting in

Tried the "official" app for the first time in years, uninstalled after 10 min... RIP Rif

I've been trying it for concurrent to Rif and Sync. The differences are individually small, but taken as a whole the official app is just horrible. If it weren't for Rif and Sync, I don't think I would have become a Reddit user. I'm desperately hoping Lemmy reaches the critical mass and Sync for Lemmy becomes a thing.

Good news! Sync for Lemmy is already being worked on! Really excited to see how that turns out. I'll follow that dev anywhere. Sync was amazing to use. Easiest purchase of my life.

You can sign up for Sync for Lemmy, you may have to use a Chromium-based browser and disable uBlock to register tho

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The official app os total junk and utterly unusable.


Looking forward to building something new here.

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Rest in Power RiF. Time to figure out Lemmy

There’s a ton of awesome apps in development, it’s only gonna get better! Here’s a sneak peek of one I’m working on:

That looks tidy AF, looking forward to it. Is it Android/iOS/cross platform?

It’ll be starting out as a web app, and then I’ll be releasing it on iOS/Android when the web app is stable.

The main goal with this project is to create a friendly, high-quality, public-facing website that aggregates all Lemmy instances, posts, communities, etc. so that Google and other search engines will be able to index the content easily. It’ll also make Lemmy more inviting to the average person on the Internet. Beyond that, I just want to build something that’s accessible by default, supports moderators with good tools, makes community discovery easier, and just makes the whole Lemmy experience more fun in general.

It’s gonna take a lot of work, but I think it’ll be worth it!

Yeah I’m trying to figure out Lemmy as well!, Thunder, Connect, and Liftoff are already amazing btw. Boost for Lemmy and Sync for Lemmy are in the works.

Jerboa actually gives off RiF vibes for me, though it's definitely still its own thing.

On pc use this to make it look a bit more like old.reddit. I hope tweaks like this get combined into a single extension later like RES

I used snyc for Reddit and would absolutely buy it again for lemmy.

Mlem and Memmy are in the works for iOS as well and these apps seem promising. So much better than using Lemmy in a mobile browser.

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I'm using Memmy ( and even though it's still in testflight I'm socked with the vast amount of updates, you get pretty much one a day and features are building up very quickly. It gives me a similar experience as Apollo used to. RIP Apollo

Yes Memmy is nice. I liked wefwef obviously for its UI but it lack one big thing, being able to save a post.

But on Memmy I can save stuff so it’s my new Apollo.

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Ah man, I was like this is not a very big deal but in a way I felt a little sad when it actually stopped working. They should rename the app to, reddit is not fun.

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It's time to teach them we can actually build a free, open source and popular alternative to their dystopian monopoly!

The sad part is reddit actually used to be open-source. They've become what they wanted to destroy. Sad times.

Much like Google's motto used to read; don't be evil.

And now they are easily one of the worst predatory tech companies. Go figure.

I feel like Aaron Swartz exiting and later dying played a role. There was no longer his voice to check bad business behavior.

Take it as a reminder that we should always be faithful and coherent to our ideals!

I didn't know that reddit was open source. How the times have changed

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Apollo refugee here. Wefwef and Lemmy are very nice :)

Wow, wefwef really does make me feel at home as an Apollo refugee. They weren’t lying!

And that just makes it that much more clearer how much we need Apollo for Lemmy!

Indeed. If Wefwef can reach feature parity with Apollo (and I suppose lemmy with reddit lol) it would be an awesome alternative since it is cross platform

I really liked Wefwef, it led me to finding Connect, which I like even more. Excited for Sync too, it'll just get easier and easier to help build this community

Another Apollo refugee here. Wefwef and Memmy (haven’t settled on one yet) both have me feeling a bit at home. I hope Christian does an Apollo for Lemmy, but if not, these are great options.

Same here. I tried Lemmy and while ago and wanted to switch, but was held back by lack of a good app like Apollo and just the lack of users. Hopefully this will be the start of a change. Either way, not going back to Reddit.

Let's go.

Reddit is dead to me anyways.

As a former Apollo user, using wefwef for lemmy has made adoption so easy. 10/10, it's basically an Apollo clone in-browser and has been working great.

I found wefwef and it was the only thing making me less sad when I deleted Apollo. Basically feels like Reddit in 2010-2011 but with a modern third party Reddit interface. Better experience and I don’t have to support /u/spez? Sign me up.

As a former Apollo user, wefwef is a god send. Absolutely love it.

I'm using wefwef too, but it doesn't keep me logged in for some reason.

Since it's browser-based, do you have a setting that auto refreshes your cookies, or are you using a privacy mode browser?

I'm really liking wefwef, much like Apollo it's made the experience of the platform much better by smoothing out the interaction. Web apps really are coming quite a ways from what I remember them being.

Yeah, but I do think a lot of clueless folks won't leave. Honestly, I wonder if reddit is undergoing a massive brain-drain right now. I rather hope so, because it would mean Lemmy is getting some high-grade folks.

This is pretty much why I'm here... It feels like the folks who left are going to be good company.

Mods are leaving first, their tools have been neutered, and they'd rather move to lenmy, kbin or anything else where they don't have to fight the admins. Users will follow

The way I see it, the people that don't want to leave reddit can keep whatever is left of it. The people willing to leave and find something better are the reason I originally signed up. I spent twelve years over there and think it's time for something better.

Time for a change. The "improvements" made to reddit over the 12 years were honestly laughable and I think lemmy will be a vast improvement to reddit. We'll look back on Reddit like we did to digg

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Hopefully we can help create new communities on Lemmy. Nothing will truly replace Reddit but new groups will be created and over time they will become great.

everything will be replaced eventually in time but whether lemmy will replace reddit (in this case) is the question.

I don’t think Lemmy will replace Reddit, just like Mastodon didn’t replace Twitter. But I think we can build them into great alternatives for people who want to avoid using the big corporate originals (like me).

I personally don't want lemmy to end up as a reddit replacement. I'm scared the discussions will get worse like it did in reddit. Nowadays, people in lemmy actually discuss with you and not downvote-bomb or make a snarky comment for karma. I do hope we grow, though.

Yeah, the discourse on Reddit hasn’t been good in years and years. Normies using it was good for numbers, but the content suffered greatly. I like reading sentences that have at least a semblance of structure.

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Much like Reddit was in the early days. I think bots are a real problem and presumably nobody is making bots for Lemmy yet if that is even possible.

Lemmy has a massive botswarm problem right now

However they are simple and stopped by captchas and easily detected with email verifications.

I’m a new convert to Lemmy. It feels a lot like old reddit before it hit the mainstream and the digg exodus. I hope it stays like this.

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Lemmy us only superficially similar to Reddit. In fact it is much more, or so much less, depending on what you need in your social networking.

That level of control makes it more complicated for some people.

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Sync refugee here, RIP Sync. I can't wait for Sync for Lemmy.

I'm really liking as a former sync user.

i just checked it out, looks great. good call out

Just figured out how to get on wefwef too! Was a weird signup process and could be streamlined to attract even more redditfugees.

I was hoping for Relay, but the dev is sticking with Reddit and switching to a subscription model.

Yeah Relay was my preferred app and I'm super bummed it's staying with Reddit. I'm using Liftoff which has some issues but works well. I'm looking forward to the first 1.0 releases of various apps still.

It’s been a very chill and peaceful switch, once I get used to the change I plan on helping any way I can to help the community grow. We can rebuild together 🖖

Same. I’m posting more because these are real communities on a platform that isn’t run by a bunch of corporate pricks. It’s real community. Not a business.

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Digg refuge reporting in.

Think you may have gotten lost in a time warp for a bit there.

He just skipped a step. Didn't miss much in the end.

I want to believe they lived a life worth living in the meantime, and now has had enough of that.

He just skipped a step. Didn't miss much in the end. Most likely lived a life worth loving in the meantime, and now had enough of that.

Likewise… I was hoping Reddit would never get DiggV4-ized, but I can’t say I didn’t expect it.

It started when they removed being able to see how many upvotes and downvotes people had. They started inflating and fuzzing numbers to promote corporate stuff. Then the influx of mobile users…

The popularity of this community might finally get me into pirating, lol. I subbed out of curiosity.

I like that this community is dedicated to the concept of piracy based on their principals. I'm not involved, but I appreciate it

I'm not involved either. I definitely would never do anything so abhorrent and inconsiderate of rights holders who purchased their copyrights fair and square.



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Can see clearly, this server is much slower than yesterday, like if thousands of users are switching here

I'm very glad my instance is small in comparison... Noticed lemmyworld and lemmyml were unresponsive for a while just after the apps started getting cut off

Beehaw has been riddled with crashes. Its a growing pain, but kind of a good thing

Fuck Reddit and the bootlickers all over the site now. Enjoy brown nosing spez as you scroll through ads on the shitty official app

I’m using for Lemmy and it’s awesome.

It’s a straight-up Apollo clone as a web app.

I am floored.

Wefwef is amazing. Only thing that I’ve noticed I’m missing so far is the endless moving back and forward by swiping to right/left.

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It’s crazy to me that this is a web app. I usually prefer native apps, but this thing? Wow.

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Left reddit and won't look back. I like it here more already. Great community. Everyone here just wants it to work so bad and is being very patient through growing pains. Love you guys and fuck reddit!

Just an FYI - some apps are still working as of this moment... But yeah, most of us know it's only a matter of time.

Honestly, the content seems higher quality here. Perhaps the cesspools of Reddit were hard to spot for those of us who lurked there for over a decade.

Quality over quantity. Cheers to a new horizon, everyone.

I'm keeping my reddit account alive for just a handful of subreddits because there aren't really equivalent communities here or elsewhere.

This is what I think needs to happen for the tipping point to occur.

It looks like people have done a good job building out the "Top 100" (minus all the duplicates across the various instances) but now it's time to build the next 1,000 subs that give people a place for the more nuanced said that once made Reddit great.

Same here.

There is a very good Ex-Mormon community on reddit that is so stuck in their own bubble of problems, I can't see themselves moving. And I enjoy checking in to see what shenanigans the LDS/Mormon church are up to.

But that's it.

I feel like the past 3 weeks I've moved to a new city. And I'm discovering new communities here.

I'm trying to start convos/posts in the type of subs I used to like, in the hopes it'll snowball. Also, upvoting people who have made similar efforts, to encourage them.

It's been a while since I haven't lurked, but back in the day (long before reddit) small forums absolutely had a handful of active people creating the reaction mass that draws other people in, and we'll have to replicate that here.

Same. There's a lot of subreddits that aren't here yet that I need and that there aren't many active forums for.

For example, I play a not uncommon instrument and I use the instrument's subreddit occasionally. It's a really good source for auditions, techniques, and resources. Unfortunately, there isn't a community here and most of the forums on that instrument are dead/closed. I could go on Facebook and join groups on there, but is that really better than Reddit

yeah there are a few things, I still have reddit for, such as gun based subs and some comic book circle jerk pages. Mainly the gun stuff.

Other than that I pretty much only use this site. I probably need to take advantage of the reddit thing to leave behind these kind of forums in general and break my addiction

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I enjoy being able to make posts/comments/whatever and actually respond and get responses. And everyone actually interacts! It's great!

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Fyi the real member count is almost 20k; the sidebar only shows how many are subscribed to it from your instance.

It shows 360 from for example.

I signed up through vlemmy, idk if that means anything significant though since I'm able to subscribe to whatever.

Doesn't mean much; vlemmy is a pretty normal general instance.

It's best to recommend,, and to new users though imo to prevent strain on the bigger servers

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I didn’t know who Huffman, spez or the fact there was a bid to IPO until Apollo’s announcement of closure occurred. Why? Because I didn’t subscribe the Reddit’s main subreddits, I was very niche.

Once I learned about all that, I vowed if they didn’t reverse their standing and treatment of Christian, I was leaving.

Once the last week of June came and Spez triple-downed on his terrible business decision, I began using tools to destroy all of my content including topics I made that were all ranking #1 in Google, that causes plenty of PMs years after creation.

I’ve since deleted all but one account that I’ll probably hold onto just in case they decide to block my access to information I need.

I’ve deleted Apollo, Reddit’s official app and logged out on all browsers across all platforms I use. I’m done and liking WefWef as a replacement.

Well that's that I guess. No more Reddit on my phone.

FTFY: No more Reddit.~~ on my phone.~~

Honestly I might check in time to time with my desktop. One of my favorite game modders only posts there.

But desktop time is way more expensive than phone time!

desktop time is way more expensive than phone time!

I was asked why I wouldn't viist on my desktop. This is a great way to put it.

I installed as a PWA, which allows you to subscribe to subreddits and customise the theme, I expect it to stop working at some point but until then I can observe some of my old subs without directly using Reddit.

Especially without the ability to add content to their platform.

Y'all are missing the real tragedy of this situation. This api fiasco means the end of RTV, reddit terminal viewer, the world's finest TTY compatible reddit client. The days of reading reddit on an electronic typewriter are over.

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I was on Reddit for 13 years. I've been using sync for as long as I knew there was a mobile app. Lemmy seems really relaxed and I'm looking forward to it!

Same. It seems like it's far less corporate and more along the lines of early Reddit.

got my data takeout request from reddit just in time

ran powerdelete suite to delete everything

it took almost 3 weeks to process the data takeout request, that means it is computationally expensive, everyone should ask for it to send a signal

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A few last minute loopholes were carved in according to comments in this post

  • some apps have gotten a temporary reprieve such as Narwhal
  • Some apps have gotten an exception for access for visually impaired.
  • the NSFW block is exempt for mods so if you start your own sub, you can still see all content or so it seems (I’m not quite sure because Narwhal still seems fully functional in this regard and I am not a mod)

I heard from somewhere on Lemmy that nsfw support for 3rd party apps is stopping on the 5th for some reason. (Don't quote me on that, not sure if it's true)

Yeah switched to lemmy yesterday and currently finding it ok. I’m usually just on phone so it’s a little weird, but I’m here for the community XD

I highly recommend You don't even have to download it, it looks almost exactly like Apollo. But there's a bunch of other apps that look like RIF, Sync, etc. to make the browsing more pleasant and usable/familiar.

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Can't wait for more Reddit refugees

Hi, I'm a reddit refugee. Just set up an account and am using Connect app. It took me a while to stop unlocking my phone and slecting the rif icon, muscle memory is pretty weird thing.

Very new to this as I'm sure many others are. Finding my feet, and am looking forward to creating new muscle memory for this!

Same for me except I was previously using Reddit Sync Pro.

Have you signed up for the Sync for Lemmy beta?

I was a Reddit sync user. Are you telling me there's going to be the same app for Lemmy!? And I thought I would spend less time scrolling my phone! 🤣

Boost refugee reporting in! Can't wait for the boost app for lemmy!

Never used anything other than boost. Right now on connect for lemmy. Its similar in a sense.

Infinity for reddit user here, as much as I love the app, and the work the developer has done on it, and even though the app will continue on a subscription based model, I have had it with reddit, full fediverse citizen from now on

Same sentiment here. Even if reddit made apps come back, at this point they have completely eroded my goodwill and shown that when they are publicly traded they will cave to investor pressure almost instantly.

I for one think it's a good thing that the main Lemmy devs are so called "tankies" because that makes them that much more unlikely to sell out (not that that would break Lemmy, it still would suck). The software itself is not opinionated so while I think genocide denial is reprehensible, imo the comments about it are generally FUD.

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Hope it happens but most of the content posted here seems to be about people complaining about Reddit. So right now not to hopeful.

Reddit was the same when we migrated from digg. It will get better. :)

It's gotten less reddit heavy over the past couple weeks, and will probably get more reddit heavy for a bit, before eventually normalizing into the tone it always will be. People have just lost something they spent a lot of time on and they kinda need to talk it out

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Well, not all the users will jump to another boat at the same time. So you mostly hear complaints from new Lemmy users. It will pass after a few days.

As a redugee I don't necessarily plan to spend much time bashing bc it's a done deal, but I anticipate a lot. Personally I'd rather help the community grow instead of making it the community to bitch about another community.

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did all of them stopped working already 😔 ?

The ReVanced team have made patchers available for a number of Reddit apps including Sync

thank you may your ratio be high and the copyright trolls after you be blind

those fucking MVPs i am gonna clone it right now

-don't shill it to "anyone" like some idiots did to a certain website not long ago

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Yes. Which is why I am here

that's just sad well i hope this is for the best

most probably. finally communities got rid of spez looming over them. personally can't wait for sync for lemmy

Lemmy seems interesting. A bit confusing, we’ll see as it grows.

If you haven't already, try one of the mobile apps. Makes lemmy much more ui friendly to me. Same reason I fell in love with reddit so long ago. I ended up going with jerboa for those rif vibes.

I am using wefwef! My biggest hurdle is just finding all the communities, then, I used to be primarily a lurker, I have a feeling I’m going to have to contribute to content in some of these places until there are more users.

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Relay is still working. It's moving to a subscription model, but it's free in the interim.

Relay was my app, I was wondering why he wasn't as active in the last month as every other app. I already deleted Relay and switched to Connect but I'll be interested to see what price point he was allowed to continue at. Apollo was making money off Reddit using Apple's famed SaaS model, but relay only made money off selling the pro version of the app and ads on the free version. I'm wondering if Reddit was more accommodating to them because of that

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Sync refugee reporting for duty!

Good, there's 3 of you - remember, only posting or commenting counts as an active user around here. We have to participate, to make this work. I'm a notorious lurker, but i have too change.

Godspeed fellow sync refugee

Why is that exactly?

If folks aren't posting and commenting, Lemmy looks empty and inactive. If potential new users peak in and see what looks like a ghost town, they don't stick around.

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Never really posted on reddit, but enjoyed scrolling on Apollo to while away the time. Sad to see it go, but excited to see what Lemmy has in store.

Quick heads up: if you loved Apollo (I can relate…) check out - it’s a pretty good clone for Lemmy!

Already got it, it definitely eases the transition from reddit.

RedditSync checking in. Looking forward to the LemmySync app in development.


Don't have much to say, gonna miss Baconreader, but whatever, reddit had become stale anyway, gonna give lemmy and squabbles a go now

Reddit refugee here. Thanks to everyone helping others learn the fediverse. Lemmy seems like the last stand of the internet forum wild west that I grew up with. Gives me hope.

I'm experiencing a bizarre glimpse of humanity in the Internet, before the bots have been written and move in, the experience of communicating with actual people without the influence of karma, business, or astroturf just yet.

They will come, but Lemmy sets the new terms of engagement.

I'm dropping Reddit completely in a social aspect. I'll definitely be using it for the treasure trove of information it contains.

Powerdelete suite is actually editing all my Reddit history to pass a message while I’m trying wefwef and memmy (both available on iOS).

I like it so far, I might only keep a Reddit porn account but even that is filled with OF promotions.

Apparently a bunch of automods have shut down too, can’t confirm that but that would be hilarious

Not just refugee but participating this round instead of lerking

I'm with you on that. 12 years of lurking on reddit, feel like it's time for a fresh start

Boost and Infinity working fine for me. Let's see, how long.

I use infinity too and it seems like the Dev is going to be keeping it free for a while. Although, comments from the Dev make it seems that Infinity will switch to being a subscription app at some point in the future to cover the API costs.

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Guys, Connect for Lemmy is really good on Android.

Former RIF user here; Connect is very comfy to use. Almost no learning curve save for learning how the fediverse works and even that's been made easy.

Seconded - it's actually very good and has been helping fill the void that RIF once did for me.

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RIP boost.

For some reason my Boost for Reddit is still working

Well shit, I haven't actually tried since it was supposed to shut down....might have to give it a shot. UPDATE: Still working for me! Let's see how long it lasts.

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RIF just started working for me again... Weird

Boost hasn't failed me yet, but aside from checking to see if it's down, I'm being careful and popping away without browsing. I don't want the dev to get slammed with more API fees because of me.

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Same, but only logged out. I don't really care to comment/interact over there anymore anyways.

Logged in or just out? Others have said logged out works but not in.

Or just delete it and stay here a while 😀

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I'm doing my part! (Starship Troopers plays)

Now for Reddit also still works, though I've only launched it long enough to check a few times today... It's best to give reddit as little traffic as we can right now. That insufferable douch-weasle Spez needs to see Reddit's Fidelity value drop again.

A fall in traffic and engagement will at least alarm Reddit's internal staff. All the bad press may help as well, though... And enough people dropping off will also be noticeable.

Who knows, though... I like Lemmy better, so far. I'm not sure I'm even protesting at this point. I didn't even plan to actually fully leave reddit, but at this stage... This is nice.

i prefer reddit UI, but, there is no way im going back to reddit

Hi there - someone just mentioned a PWA (not even a full app, just a installable web page) called wefwef - look it up. It's pretty usable beyond some of the other android apps out there already. Again, I emphasize and agree with you that the Reddit app ecosystem's UI is still better at this point.

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I've been using RIF and for as long as they existed. Reddit since the big Digg transition. Hope to never see the same happen to Lemmy!!

The magic here is that it can't happen. People can just start their own instance up and it's all open source.

If ever turns evil, you can create your own Lemmy, with blackjack, and hookers..

Or just go to one of many others

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What communities is everyone subscribed to?

I'm mostly subscribed to the lemmy equivalents of my subreddits + some nice ones ive found

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Apollo refugee. Piracy is always there for you!

hopefully many more will still join lemmy in favor of reddit. For now many subs are still very sparsely populated compared to reddit.

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Sync is out but infinity still works, Ill probably use both Reddit and Lemmy and see which app I stop using but so far what an easy switch. It's quite relaxed at the moment.

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Slide for reddit person here I hope they or someone makes slide for lemmy

Sync refugee here Joined a couple weeks before the APIcolypse and got the shutdown message from Sync yesterday. Can't wait for Sync for Lemmy.

I'll miss Infinity for Reddit but looking forward to Infinity for Fediverse

Boost seems to be still working. Not that I intend on continue using Reddit, I just got curious. Maybe it's a staged rollout of enforcing the new API terms.

Any lemmy client suggestion ? For Android

I just got started today, but Connect has been working pretty well for me on Android. I had some issues with Jerboa, but I've heard others say it works well for them. For now, I'm waiting on Sync for Lemmy to release, but I'm also thinking of spending some time writing my own UI as a fun side project!

I'm with you I'm waiting for the sync app. Loved that one for years!

Jerboa has been the least buggy with the most features for me.

You can also set up up so that it looks very similar to rif. The devs have been pretty active with updates as well. It's been my go to since leaving reddit.

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Liftoff is the best one I've tried so far

++ for liftoff and I've tried probably 5 apps. I love sync and will switch to that when lj delivers it

Also recommend Liftoff

Have thunder and jerboa installed, too since neither of the 3 apps is feature complete right now but at the moment Liftoff comes closest to what I want from an app

Boost for lemmy is in the works.

Also, at the time for writing, boost for reddit still works

If you can wait a bit you can get sync for lemmy.

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I'm using Joey for Reddit and it's still working. It's noticably more quiet on Reddit though.

Relay is also still working. Seems there's a similar deal in place as for Narwhal...

But yeah, reddit's in a downturn, like a bunch of users just went quiet. Almost like most of the big power users would have been using third party apps.

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For now it’s a haven for misfits and outlaws. And those who like decent UX.

I tried Red Reader for about 5 minutes and deleted it.. awful compared to boost/sync.

Same here. Even after digging in the settings menu it felt pretty bad...

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Long time lurker and former Apollo user on iOS and Sync user on Android. Glad to hear Sync for Lemmy is in the works!

Was using Bacon Reader for almost 10 years, kinda sad to see it go. But fuck Reddit, I'm here now.

I'm 3 months from joining the 10 year club on baconreader. Also sad but also kind of excited to see something new develop.

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The dystopia app is pretty good. They don’t have to pay API fees for the time being because they have no revenue for it, and it’s intended for blind and low vision users.

It supports moderating as well as chat. /r/DystopiaForReddit

Relay for Reddit is at least comming with a subscription model but to be quite honest I think I'll start using Lemmy much more.

I just don't see it being viable for them. The math doesn't work once you get power users as the base for using it. Then once people realize they are missing NSFW tagged content that might be a deal breaker. This was legitimately planned by Reddit to not work on purpose.

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Currently using wefwef as it’s a straight copy of Apollo. Almost feels like I didn’t lose anything.

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