Third party Reddit apps just got canned. to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 2531 points –

Influx of Lemmy brothers and sisters incoming. Already 3K and growing deep, we may as well rebuild together. Let's do this! 🤝

Edit : Yes there are workarounds using Revanced. Check the comments for some awesome help on how to do this if you wish! Just know, in the future it will most likely end up being patched annoyingly and I therefore recommend looking forward to the future with us here.


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Using the wefwef app is just like using Apollo, good clone

IKR. The best part is we can use it in Android as well as a PWA ( progressive web app)

It works surprisingly well for a web app!

I just wish I could sort by top :,(

What happens when you try to?

I remember reading about an issue a few weeks ago where the Lemmy server process that refreshes the "top" posts was struggling with the influx of new posts and would crash, resulting in some users' "top" feeds having really old posts. IIRC that has been fixed now though