3 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Friendly Neighborhood Computer man

Your not wrong, but Voldemort gives him too much credit, He's more of a quirrel

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Google started out the same way. Hopefully this sticks

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This was proposed once before with Germany going open source. They eventually went back.

I hope this is different, would love some nation state backing of FOSS

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Just keep repeating, Biden may not be the best, but his administration has been fantastic!

In comparison to the other party... Not just Biden you are voting for the administration. Supreme court justices Which affect everyday life!

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Sounds like the no-ops of a decade ago and cloud will remove the need for infrastructure engineers. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣

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Why not self host vaultwarden? I was using keepas for all of the reasons OP mentioned, but my woes went away when I migrated over.

Clean export from keepas and import into vauktwarden. Plus with passkeys being deployed, is there a reason against it?

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Hey, you guys need to get out of the echo chamber every now and then. Originally discovered from a south Korean team. The experiment has been replicated by US, Chinese and Russian teams.

I'm very team skeptical, but I also like to celebrate good news and by itself. This is good news, is sort of the spirit of OP post. Once this gets out the lab what are the possibilities

Here here, was a RIF user but after the blip, I haven't looked back. More and more ppl are migrating over, and I really enjoy no ads!

I would suggest starting a community if one doesn't appear.

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Are they being encouraged to move to mastodon?

This would be q great time to provide thw fediverse

Damn, black gays for trump must be getting pounded then. Pun intended 🙂

Doesn't this ultimately backfire and train ppl to not blindly follow information?

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I disagree with feinstein, she needs to go too. If Biden was doing the same.thing as Mitch, I would say he needs to go as well.

Slipping?!? Actively sprinting towards several black mirror episodes.

Just rewatched the robot dogs episode...

I believe the problem is that agencies have been collecting all this data, they just have no way to sift through it all the data.

I see the route forward where you have no privacy outside your home.

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Well said, but I will say reddit felt more like being out in public. So you kept your distance and didn't really interact, but here feels more like being at someone's house that you know. At the moment. The federation aspect is a different wrinkle but ultimately will lead to a better experience overall. No ads is a huge bonus!

I still say the elderly is ripe for development. Not having an issue sitting or standing for long periods of time. Plus the constant problem solving.

There should be a way to get seniors to work with and foss keystone foss projects.

Not to mention after they start its the monthly group meeting...

I didn't realize ppl were just squatting on connections

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There is a good radiology community here. Which means the medical community you are looking for is here.

You can always start the community your looking which will be slow but will grow. Just becareful how you mention it on reddit as I've heard people get banned for promoting lemmy on reddit.

I would like to see more lemmy posts out in the wild. Mostly its reddit links that popup on searches

Define avoid? Actively repelled by any political discussion?


Will lerk in a political community and not commenting due to not wanting to dip a toe into the toxic gas lighting pool?

Or something normalized in between?

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Find a hobby, an actually hobby and something else yo.occupy your time.

Gardening, where you can't force time, you have to plant something and wait, but not forget which is key

Anything that you like, but has to be a hobby

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Its a jobs program /s

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Especially since the propaganda machine is working on the current round of charges.

Once Trump goes down the rest will follow

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When. 10.0 is released, they should call it megapint

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Infiltration... As I've moved over from reddit the community feels much more open to discussion rather than comment section filled internal jokes.

We just need Lemmy users who are daywalkers to post links into reddit. Or recreate certain communities here, but bringing over the good and not the toxic. Ama, but maybe amapolitics bringing more hyper local awareness to the masses?

Quality over quantity any day

:f For the sophisticated users, for the gen pop :q!

Or just one more thing to add to the open seas of piracy. Or start supporting nebula?

Although this would be the case for piracy, as a better means to support artist, because I pirate my music. I do attend more live music venues which gives more revenue directly to the artist

Not just refugee but participating this round instead of lerking

Would be nice for developers to remake some of those games. Steam or Switch would do well with that ip

While very true, dont discount apathy and lurking. I may have made 15-20 comments on reddit for tge 10+ yrs I was on the platform. There were so many ppl 1. That typically someone else would respond. Two reddit descended into ppl who just want to argue semantics. Here without the karma farming people have more genuine responses

Over on mastodon on the other hand... I get the feeling people brought some of the negative aspects of twitter over there. Still overwhelmingly positive but I tend to get more info on lemmy now than mastodon Imo

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I have reolink cameras and they were pretty plug n play.

HA picked up the reolinks once connected, but integration with frigate requires some setup. The frigate HA integration works very well.

Oh and for notifications to work well... Or how you expected to work. Having the mqtt server setup will help as well.

I wouldn't say OP is advocating for everyone to adopt their path, just for individuals who take that path yo not feel stigmatized.

I see two solutions to the issue presented. Issue one, proximity. I personally don't hear or see the pressure to be in a relationship from ppl who aren't. But family and friends who have a vested interest in the person, who also think relationship is the natural state will always worry.

The solution to proximity involves part of solution 2 whivh is marketing. There should be a concept of monoship which society has largely forgotten. We had terms for them but never classified as a group. We would call these ppl "hermits" or "spinsters". In reality introducing this concept and say your are in a relationship, just one a healthy monoship with yourself

While I'm glad to see the system healing itself, it's still painful to watch. It would be nicer to see protections in place to prevent fraud as a means to gain and slightly remain in office.

Plus the process of voting out for this instance feels unnecessary. There needsnto be updates to these procedures

As reddit refugee the biggest plus of lemmy is the ease in which it feels. Almost like visiting Canada from the States... But the longer you stay the difference are clearer.

Ive had to change my habits, I was a lurker on reddit and realize abunch of lurkers moved over and are just looking for traction ans information. I now receive just about all of the news I was learning from reddit and the last push is engagement.

The other added bonus is commenting here is not commenting on reddit. Ppl are interested in a dialogue even if they disagree with your point. This will be what saves lemmy.

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Im surprised Usenet doesn't get mentioned more, except rare anime or shows Usenet has all the pros none of the headaches of torrents

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What's the equivalent phrase for "hip hip hurray" in Portuguese?

Here is the thing in the US and isp's and companies. Any data that is collected and be subpoenaed.

This is one of the main reasons vpn companies do t keep access logs, because when they are subpoenaed the response would legally be, we don't have that data.

In cases like this most companies and admins if they have an abuse email or can validate over the phone in cases like these. Admins will hand over details

Also makensure you thank your significant other for healthy clam or trouser snake

It all depends on the approach, Let AI control everything. I will pass Tie AI into the lights, cameras to better keep up with traffic patterns. I could see that as possible win

AI isnt the devil, but it doesn't solve everything.

Charter has/had a dark fiber ring ready for use back in 2005. I assume most other cable providers have similar, because they had to build it out after the first FCC spending bill after 99

Whatever Gaetz does, it needs to be frames as whatever vs predator!

The environmental implications are crazy. Take arduindo program it and seed it with fungus and have the fungus reprogram the forest floor...

Bio markers for toxic areas, or even program fungus to clean up various super sites at a fraction of the cost...