AI System Helped Cops Identify a Drug Trafficker Just by Analyzing His Driving Patterns

Flying to – 247 points –
AI System Helped Cops Identify a Drug Trafficker Just by Analyzing His Driving Patterns

Well this is terrifying...


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Slipping?!? Actively sprinting towards several black mirror episodes.

Just rewatched the robot dogs episode...

I believe the problem is that agencies have been collecting all this data, they just have no way to sift through it all the data.

I see the route forward where you have no privacy outside your home.

I see the route forward where you have no privacy outside your home.

your cellphone has entered the chat

Cell phone is without question, but the stories I'm hearing about ring cameras and other house cameras...

I have just one driveway camera hooked up to home assistant. The amount of data I could pull on my neighborhood is nuts I don't want to know what Amazon and correlate

Not to mention most people and their grandma have standalone Alexa or Google devices always listening.

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