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Joined 1 years ago

The sad part is reddit actually used to be open-source. They've become what they wanted to destroy. Sad times.

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They have no idea what they're doing. It's kind of hilarious but also really sad.

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Somehow I feel like they won't care, those reports probably go directly into the bin.

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They are really trying hard to piss off all their users lol

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To add onto this, when someone who can't afford something pirates something, there is no lost sale because there never was a sale there to begin with. It didn't take any money away from the company since they were never going to see any money from that person.

With that said, the only piracy I partake in is for archival purposes, and like you I buy Steam games regardless because it's too convenient like you said.

It's the only thing that will actually make a difference.

It's kind of crazy how these popular services are always insistent on killing themselves off with these horrible changes.

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I bet Google searching in general has gone down too. It's often times quicker to just ask ChatGPT for an answer, and usually you can tell when an answer is correct or not. It's like the old days of manually searching on Google for StackOverflow questions and then finding answers, and then trying to determine which one will work.

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Yep. I feel like all of the high-value like high-quality posters are now here or elsewhere and are done with reddit. I used to post a ton on reddit, even across multiple accounts. Now I just post here. lol

To be fair to the thumbnail, and zoomers in general, scanners and printers are generally universally awful lol

We can put a man on the moon, but you want to print text on a piece of paper? ERROR: PC LOAD LETTER

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This is 100% it. People who think giving additional traffic to reddit hurts reddit are very dumb lol

The only thing we could do is write join Lemmy and hope that more people will join Lemmy.

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Yep, which is all Spez and the other higher ups care about. Stop using reddit.

There are some pretty serious bugs, though. One serious bug is that when a registration application is denied, the applicant has no way of knowing, it doesn't send an email like it does for approvals - you can find out more here: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ui/issues/1096. Another serious bug is after rebooting, active/hot have trouble updating, which makes Lemmy appear much less active than it actually is: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/3076

These are just two serious bugs I know about, they are practically tier 0 bugs IMO, and I'm sure there's even more serious bugs that are even more serious than these two.

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If he keeps doing this people are just gonna switch to Mastodon lol

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I think it's important to care about the fact that Reddit and especially it's users are being squeezed dry by a profit-hungry CEO with a net worth of already more than 10 million. Reddit is becoming bastardized and that's not a good thing, we should be talking about that and protesting that, and realistically just moving away from that.

I'm so glad I work for a remote company that states in my employment contract my job is a remote job (or at least, it doesn't specify in-office requirements), so if they ever try to force me to relocate, it would be considered a constructive dismissal and then I get to collect unemployment benefits until I find a new job. That probably won't happen though cause we have people working all across the country. Though, this isn't in USA so maybe things are different there.

Of course, always get your contracts reviewed by an employment lawyer.

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Google has more resources than Mozilla, and Chrome has long been the most popular browser so it's not surprising others would want a piece of that pie.

Yes, the Fediverse is actually awesome. It's decentralized, there's so many open-source implementations, etc etc. The Fediverse is what Zuckerberg wishes the Metaverse could be.

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That's a ChatGPT generated answer 😭

Is it bad that I use ChatGPT enough to to be able to recognize that's a ChatGPT generated answer?

Honestly those reasons aren't the main reason why they went with the fediverse. For communism, it's because decentralization means that companies can't own the technology - by design. The meme "you have no power here" applies. For trans people, I believe it's because they can have their own community that they truly own, and decide who they can link with through federation/defederation and being able to decide who can participate rather than having to put up with a company making those decisions.

If you're gonna have an account dedicated to ChatGPT-generated answers, at least have it do something cool like a catgirl maid typing style.

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If you want to talk about going from Reddit to Lemmy, probably lack of infinite scrolling, so I went ahead and made a Firefox addon called Lemmy Infinite Scroller. It's 11 lines of code. It's literally an addEventListener for the scroll event. Apparently it can take up to 3 weeks for it to be approved and end up in the Firefox Add-ons store, so I won't link it here, but it's coming.

edit: A few hours later, it's up to 40 lines of code because of handling race conditions. It should work well under normal use now but if people scroll too fast it could cause problems loading two pages ahead instead of one. It's obviously not ideal compared to an official implementation but it's something at least, unless it gets officially implemented in Lemmy before my add-on gets approved. lol

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It's a feature that makes the website more convenient for me to use. I like to work on software I know I will use myself, and then I share it with the rest of the world in case somebody else wants to use it too.

I'm sure Lemmy will get optional infinite scrolling implemented with a better implementation than mine, but it was a fun afternoon project (started out as a quick 30 minute project before the race conditions) the day before starting my new remote dev job.

I think more options and user choice is a good thing.

Yeah some of these sound straight up aggressive lol

I did, ever since the first day of the blackout. I have only gone on reddit like maybe two or three times since then, since I redirected it to lemmy in my main browser.

Point 1 is part of why I'm gonna start self-hosting a Lemmy instance at some point. If I host my own instance then I can back up my data and ensure it's never lost.

Might as well leave them down indefinitely. I'm gonna block reddit at the DNS level, I'm done.

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this guy is doing exactly what he wants to do and their goal is to make money not to lose them.

How does this make him money exactly? lol

He is literally just killing off his website.

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I like Lemmy. Version 0.18.0 fixed some annoying bugs I had so I'm quite happy about that, and newer versions will fix even more bugs.

I still want to be able to click on a message to mark it as read without having to click specifically the checkmark.

That's the CEO lmao, the CEO is the dumbass.

Yeah. I was born too late to explore earth, born too early to explore space, but born just in time for dank memes. I'm honestly very grateful for that. We live in a pretty exciting time, as sad as it is that we'll eventually all go extinct.

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For me:


  • It runs Linux, I am a big Linux fan so this is a big plus for me because it helps advance Linux gaming.
  • It has better emulation capability than almost anything else.
  • It's more affordable than alternatives.
  • It has great battery life vs power especially for emulation.
  • It has enough power it can handle almost any game you can think of running at least at 30 FPS.
  • It's pretty comfortable despite it's large size (that's what she said).


  • Mine had a stuck B button despite them saying Q2 2022 units would have it fixed, I had to sand down the edge of the case where the button would get stuck, sliding the 240 grit sandpaper back and forth between the button and the case with.
  • Mine has the noisy Delta fan, this isn't a huge problem honestly I don't even find it that noticable but it may bother some people to varying degrees.
  • It's a bit bulky, but it's also understandable and the large screen is pretty nice.

It's my favourite gaming handheld device I have ever had. I'd absolutely recommend one.

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Eh, I don't think that's fair. There's still a lot of good redditors out there stuck on reddit because they don't know any better. More technical and veteran redditors are more likely to be willing to jump ship because they know how much reddit is a sinking ship and how it's going to end up dying out.

That's why I'm not sure that letter was intentionally leaked. He said all the wrong things for de-escalating this situation.

I like being able to customize it, I like being able to develop or at least modify apps for it since I am a Java/Kotlin developer, I prefer the more open ecosystem, etc.

Yep, but it never will be a $2.5 billion fine.

If you want to run a seedbox behind a VPN (like I do) then you'd want to be connectable, so a VPN with portforwarding would be crucial. I run my own OpenVPN server on a public VPS (so a dedicated IP instead of shared IP) but I only use private trackers so a dedicated IP is fine and also technically required, so my local seedbox whitebox server connects to my OpenVPN server as an OpenVPN client, and tunnels all traffic over the VPN with an iptables prerouting rule on my public VPS for the traffic on my qbtorrent-nox inbound port to reach my local server.

This way I can run whatever hardware I want in my seedbox and have full control over the hardware while also masking my home IP.

If that actually were the punishment, you'd actually see companies behaving a lot less evil very quickly. A tiny fine that isn't even a blip in the companies pocket won't do anything.

Yep, this is why I always back up my posts and any other important posts or anything else important.

He's not, his whole account is ChatGPT generated answers.

I use X11/Xorg every day. It may not be the most modern thing ever, but it has absolutely every feature I want, and doesn't have random apps like Synergy (sorry) that say "This app is not supported in Wayland"

Still some improvements need to be made but it's way more usable now than before 0.18.0.