Reddit is ending Reddit Gold and users are furious

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 983 points –
Reddit is ending Reddit Gold and users are furious

Reddit is ending Reddit Gold and users are furious::undefined


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They are really trying hard to piss off all their users lol

Well, Spez did say he admired what Musk did with Twitter...

What if Spez's intention all along was to tear down the machine from the inside. Anyone who was on it 10+ years ago could see it had perhaps grown a little too big for it's britches.

Glass onion, mate. There's a human psychological blindness to see the rich as fundamentally competent and smart. To believe there are layers to it. But fundamentally, it's transparent. It's just incompetence.

I definitely subscribe to Hanlon's razor, as well as the idea that for every rich person who earned it there's a hundred, or a thousand, that were given it.

I was just being sarcastic though. I don't know anything about spez either. I just like to joke about everything.