Third party Reddit apps just got canned. to Piracy: κœ±α΄€Ιͺʟ α΄›Κœα΄‡ ʜΙͺɒʜ κœ±α΄‡α΄€κœ± – 2531 points –

Influx of Lemmy brothers and sisters incoming. Already 3K and growing deep, we may as well rebuild together. Let's do this! 🀝

Edit : Yes there are workarounds using Revanced. Check the comments for some awesome help on how to do this if you wish! Just know, in the future it will most likely end up being patched annoyingly and I therefore recommend looking forward to the future with us here.


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did all of them stopped working already πŸ˜” ?

The ReVanced team have made patchers available for a number of Reddit apps including Sync

thank you may your ratio be high and the copyright trolls after you be blind

those fucking MVPs i am gonna clone it right now

-don't shill it to "anyone" like some idiots did to a certain website not long ago

Wouldn't be surprised if the ReVanced patches swapped out the API keys for Reddit's own, so Reddit's servers just think it's their own app. For now that approach may be viable, but Reddit will undoubtedly be working on checks to prevent this.

I'm just running into errors here, and the patching aborts itself. Not my first time using revanced either, so no idea what's happening.

Oh nice! I wish RiF was in there but at least this gets BaconReader working again for now.

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Yes. Which is why I am here

that's just sad well i hope this is for the best

most probably. finally communities got rid of spez looming over them. personally can't wait for sync for lemmy

Lemmy seems interesting. A bit confusing, we’ll see as it grows.

If you haven't already, try one of the mobile apps. Makes lemmy much more ui friendly to me. Same reason I fell in love with reddit so long ago. I ended up going with jerboa for those rif vibes.

I am using wefwef! My biggest hurdle is just finding all the communities, then, I used to be primarily a lurker, I have a feeling I’m going to have to contribute to content in some of these places until there are more users.

If you haven't already, try one of the mobile apps. Makes lemmy much more ui friendly to me. Same reason I fell in love with reddit so long ago. I ended up going with jerboa for those rif vibes.

Relay is still working. It's moving to a subscription model, but it's free in the interim.

Relay was my app, I was wondering why he wasn't as active in the last month as every other app. I already deleted Relay and switched to Connect but I'll be interested to see what price point he was allowed to continue at. Apollo was making money off Reddit using Apple's famed SaaS model, but relay only made money off selling the pro version of the app and ads on the free version. I'm wondering if Reddit was more accommodating to them because of that

Teddit and Libreddit are still working. I guess you don't need an API key to lurk.

I think they do use the API so no idea how they will handle it, or if they've started working on it with out the API or what their plans are

They don't interact with the site at all so maybe these things will just use screenscrapers.

Wouldn't be surprised if the ReVanced patches swapped out the API keys for Reddit's own, so Reddit's servers just think it's their own app. For now that approach may be viable, but Reddit will undoubtedly be working on checks to prevent this.

Checked RIF just after midnight. Got a goodbye message and nothing else.

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