
6 Post – 103 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Australian Cyber Security professional

Fedora is upstream of Red Hat now. It's developed by the community, then IBM/Red Hat steal it lol.

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Fair enough. I didn't know that. Hopefully they don't abuse their position, but at least it's not a full ownership situation I guess.

This shit sucks for men too. I don't understand why anyone is against contraception.

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Well tbf chatGPT also shouldn't remember and then leak those passwords lol.

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You're taking the argument at it's most basic level, assuming that we would kill the billionaires and then sit around twiddling out thumbs. I don't think it's much of a leap to assume we'd change how the system works as well lol.

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Sure would be nice if capitalism didn't exist 🤪

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I wonder how much of this is fulfilment of old orders (prior to Musk ruining his public image). It'd be interesting to see a chart of the amount of orders they're getting rather than cars they're shipping.

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It's more of a satire of them but sure.

Idk why he couldn't have just created a new @ equivalent for his X accounts or whatever he's doing. A $ sign would work, or a +, -, *, !, anything really. If he's trying to make these be the "official" accounts then they don't need to use the same @ symbol.

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Being fooled by Twitter users is worse as they can link to reputable sources (that usually wouldn't post clickbait/bad headings). There's also little incentive for twitter users to not post misleading headlines, while (some) journalists/news sites are trying to build a reputation of reputability. Yes, it would be solved by clicking the article, but you shouldn't have to click every article to make sure the poster isn't lying about the content.

They're not going to give up their control willingly, hence the killing them part.

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Why Lemmy world specifically? I'd just go for Lemmy in general and then it's a shorter message and doesn't lead to Lemmy world becoming even more bloated/slow.

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You're right, but at least the satnav won't gaslight you into thinking it does understand Alfred Hitchcock.

How is this not a bigger story? What the fuck?? This is cataclysmic. It should be all we're fucking hearing about. Fuck.

That doesn't really sound beneficial to me

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I'm sure the Devs will work something out. Tomorrow Corporation have been putting out bangers in between WoG 1 and 2 so I trust them completely.

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I think part of the problem is that they're hosting so much more content than Netflix. It really is crazy that it's free to upload to YouTube to just store all your videos on there. Probably 99.9% of YouTube content does not get enough views to justify the cost of storing it.

All that being said, YouTube premium comes with a bunch of shit nobody wants so surely they could cut that stuff to lower the price (or tiered pricing for people who want it).


That's not the death penalty and they didn't make an argument. They were stating a fact.

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Why do you think it's about wanting a slice? They posted on Reddit with no expectation of profit. But they don't want others to profit off it either. It's not that complicated.

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i tried to get access to facebook's api to mess around (as a student) but they declined my request. i ended up making a bot that ran in a headless browser wasting far more of facebooks resources and i used it to create shitposts that updated the post with the number of reactions lmao.

When apple did them they were seen as reasons not to buy iPhones, now everyone has copied them it's no longer a factor in whether you buy an iPhone or not.

I can't see how this would give google any more data than they already get from ChromeOS?

Capitalism =/= money.

No, it means the AI is unable to actually think. It can't recognise when it's saying things it shouldn't, because it can't reason like we can. The AI developers have to put a bunch of gaurd rails on it to hopefully catch people breaking the system but they'll never catch them all with such a manual system.

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Other economic systems don't incentivise companies to produce trash products that break quickly to keep the customer coming back, or to use non-recyclable materials because they cost 3 cents less.

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The stuff about recording your camera/tracking eyes/recording mic are all bullshit (ish). That stuff is all possible, and does happen, but not from popular apps. You don't really need to worry about that unless you're going to really dodgy websites (and giving them access to your camera/mic), OR if you're a high profile figure who may be targeted by far more sophisticated attacks. These privacy invasions are uncommon in popular websites and apps because it's very easy for users to discover that kind of data/processing usage, and the blow to their reputation is far more expensive than the profits they'd get from recording you (not even sure what the commercial incentive would be for that). There are thousands of nerds like me in the cyber security industry who monitor websites network activity for this kind of shady shit, so they wouldn't get away with it.

Location is a far cheaper (and less conspicuous, data-usage-wise) process, so far more apps will be recording that. Google, Facebook, Apple, and likely dozens more companies know exactly where you've been throughout the day, whether by GPS or by wifi (maps of the locations of different wifi networks exist).

As for targeted advertising - any app or website that has a share button for Facebook or other apps is most likely sharing your usage habits with those apps. This is a symbiotic relationship for the apps/websites, because letting Facebook know you've been searching their site for X means Facebook will start showing you ads for X, and you might go and purchase from them after seeing that ad. Many believe their phones are listening to them because their targeted advertising is so specific, but the reality is they don't need to listen to you. They get far better info from your searches and browsing history.

Sorry no sources at the moment because I'm at the gym, but I guess my source is that I graduated with a bachelor's in cyber security in February lol.

too late bucko


I think the joke is that not many people use the fediverse.

/jk right? Right???

Being 2m tall they have to eat quite a bit more than average, and it sounds like they're not.


13 more...

Fry's voice sounds the same but just slower. Feel like they could fix it by just asking Billy West to talk faster.

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I think the real problem is that Twitter's account URLs are like twitter.com/username. They haven't given themselves any wiggle room to mess with stuff like this. This is why most other sites have URLs like twitter.com/user/username, so then they can mess around with various other pages that don't eat into their available usernames (another interesting quirk of this is that there cannot be a user on twitter with the username "home", because twitter.com/home is the home feed). If they want to change it now it'll break every linked account across the internet.

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How is not wanting capitalist companies to profit off of your content not aligned with complaining about the capitalist mindset of the world? Wtf lol.

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Feels exactly the same to me (if not slightly faster due to adblocking). You might just be mistaking familiarity with Chrome for it being tangibly better.

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Hi, software engineer here. It's really not a possibility.

My guess is they've just reeled back the processing power for it, as it was costing them ~30 cents per response.

Definitely not. There's much less land mass in the southern hemisphere, so there's also less utilisation of natural energy. Speaking as an Australian we're also not super great at embracing the whole renewables thing so that definitely comes into it too lol.

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I think Elon is trying to say they're stealing IP because lots of the Twitter employees he fired went to work on Threads. This is probably where the fediverse stuff comes in clutch, as they're just implementing ActivityPub, so it's not like it's industry secrets or anything.

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