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And the German government in charge of the ticket already voiced their interest in making both tickets compatible so that people can use the traffic in either country with the ticket of the other one

Could lead to a pseudo-standard that could result in an eu-wide ticket of such type in the long run

14 more...

I really don't understand the boner so many Americans seem to have for vigilantism

Just fix your goddamn police system - there's a reason why vigilantism is outlawed since it's too easy to misjudge or misidentify stuff and the consequences are horrible - let professionals do their job properly

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Can't have the already well-off children go without their steady income that they didn't have to work for...

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I liked the one a while ago about making every blind person able to see again for exactly 6 hours before they go blind again

That sounded just viciously cruel

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It is a monopoly - they just don't abuse it as much against their audience.

For developers it's either take their 30% deal or just don't sell your game because a lot of people only use steam.

Not even Cyberpunk or the Witcher could sell more on gog than on steam even though you knew that there the developers got 100% of the money spent. Gwent standalone flopped so hard on GOG that it had to be rereleased with limited features on steam and sold more there

People are just fundamentally lazy so it totally is a problem that you have one store with such a massive market share even if it's very convenient for the end-user they can completely exploit their position against publishers.

Sure EPICs way of making games exclusive to their store is not elegant but without that no-one would choose that store over steam

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One of the reasons is probably the same why Tesla isn't releasing their Cybertruck outside of the us - the Crash-Tests there just don't factor in pedestrian survival rates if they are hit by the car that you want to release on the market. Most of those giant trucks don't make it here because they'd just run over any pedestrian they hit without them having any chance of survival even at low speeds.

Add to that the totally car-centered infrastructure that basically punishes everyone not in a car and you have the perfect storm for dead pedestrians and bikers...

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I think the most important part is that it launched without DRM on GOG and was able to be pirated from day 1 and it STILL was a huge success because people knew that the game isn't trying anything shady to get even more money from you

It's just something people actually want to support and not like people feel like even if they buy the game they only have half an experience if they don't spend more money later

I really hope the next financial report from Larian is making people think differently about the necessity of putting aggressive DRM in their games

People don't pirate because they don't want to pay - they pirate because they don't trust the game to bit pull more shady shit later and not be worth it in the end

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This could be insanely important for the European Union if Poland isn't blocking sanctions against Hungary by default anymore.

But it wouldn't be surprised if Italy is taking their spot in protecting antidemocratic populism now...

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The "funny" thing is that the moment those people have power they don't have a problem going against free speech (see having books banned (in the US) or trying to stop people from voicing their opinion (Meloni in Italy))

It's all just exploiting the tolerance of the system in order to make it less tolerant That's why completely unchecked free speech is a bad idea as it will eventually lead in its complete demise

Do Bosch tools not exist outside of Germany? Here the professional (blue) line is pretty much on par with hilti and Makita in terms of quality if not better depending on the type of tool

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Something went wrong. Please disable your blocker on AndroidPolice.com

My kind of humour when one of the main reasons for switching to Firefox right now is the adblock

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Also read that Microsoft is holding the trademark on 'X' because of DirectX, X-Box, etc...

I wonder how long until Elon pulls the "it's just a joke bro"

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they are in their official quarterly report and not in some press release though aren't they?

if they lie on that it could have some bad consequences

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"but he claimed to be Anarcho and anti-government"...

Also for interaction - number of active users is a very important metric - and with something like this they basically guarantee that a lot of users are checking very regularly - and the investors for the IPO probably will never see that place

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From a user perspective that's my experience, too

The bigger subs are easily migrated to Lemmy with enough users to produce regular content. The smaller communities here are extremely deserted as the smaller userbase of Lemmy seems to hit those the hardest - also the federated nature making it harder for users to connect groups with similar topics together and select one as the main one

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NATO really needs to step up their game when it comes to those "softer" attacks via misinformation and using refugees as a weapon though

Where was the homosexuality in that movie? Was there a gay couple for a couple of seconds when they first arrived in the real world?

I'd guess they are just having a problem with the ideas about patriarchy that it puts out there and banning it for homosexuality is just something that's easy to do?

Seems like sanctions are working after all - I wonder why so many people always tried to tell a different story?

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Training an AI is not traumatizing - what you think it is moderating public networks

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And probably a bit about UFC fans, too

I thought that guy was supposed to be "Anarcho"?

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I mean that's how the market works isn't it? It's the best way to attract more drivers to those sort of locations.

That said public transport should be in place for situations like this so we don't have 50 cars leaving but 1 bus instead...

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Depending on the game I'd even do the opposite.

I don't care for the 20th fight against bandits to be hard - but a boss should feel like more of a challenge and take more time to finish.

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Didn't he basically put a fire to the whole conflict by moving the embassy to Jerusalem?

It's more that finally it starts to show how stupid firing most of the staff was

Most people in tech anticipated it to run fine for a while but then eventually stuff like this will show up more often because you don't have people that actually understand the code anymore and which kind of side-effects to think about with changes

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The most QOL inventory change would be being able to access everyone's inventory while in camp no matter if they are in my party or not

Having to constantly dismiss someone and get another character to join in order to move stuff back and forth is annoying as fuck

Capitalism only working well for the top dogs while the rest has to fight for the crumbs? Unheard of...

The whole period before about behaving responsibility and using masks showed you all you needed to know about how responsible and interested in the general wellbeing most people were so it only made sense to not leave it up to chance with that.

And it's not like anyone was forced - only other people were secured from coming in contact with irresponsible and self-centred people that couldn't care less about them

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Building new nuclear capacity takes a lot more time than building wind turbines and solar parks though.

Sure shutting the existing ones off is a bad idea but building new ones isn't the way

Also the building part consumes a lot of CO2, too, so it takes a bit longer than with renewables until your are break even.

I feel like a lot of those pushing for Nuclear don't see how France is relying on neighbouring countries in the summer because of the rivers not carrying enough water or not being cold enough for protest cooling and that factor will only get worse - especially with ACs being absolutely essential in summer in the next 50 years.

Sure keeping a good amount of nuclear for base level is good but especially if you're also doing renewables it's far too inflexible to be good if you have a sunny day with a lot of wind - so you need huge energy storage anyway if you want to completely remove gas and oil and at that point renewables are better in using those than nuclear

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Fuck you I got mine

No one chooses to be a pedophile - as far as we know it's just the unluckiest possible sexual attraction.

Stigmatizing it won't help anyone - those people need help and everything that doesn't hurt real children until they get themselves that psychological help is good in my book

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Of course they know that what they do is wrong

But thoughts aren't criminal and if they manage to control their attraction in a way that hurts no-one (like this ai-generated stuff or the child-sex-dolls or other things that are very creepy to almost everyone else) then they should totally be normal members of society

I'm not saying that they should be proud of it and see it as something normal - it's definitely a psychological issue - but denying them stuff that helps them satisfy their urges without hurting anyone should be a good step to help them face their sexuality instead of suppressing them

I think it should totally be possible to access things like it but it should also be necessary to link to a helpline like the one you mentioned (Germany has something like that) similar to how a helpline for suicide is necessary if someone mentions that subject

The only German in the top 10 of the richest Germans that didn't inherit that spot is the founder of Biontec - and while he did a great job there it's just sheer luck that the pandemic hit when it did

If you pirate stuff they can sue you to the ground but if a fine is not related to total income or wealth it's just something to be ignored.

Can't understand why not more people lobby for fines to be proportional in general...

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Just not sending the children isn't an option in pretty much every place in Europe

YouTube has a monopoly that is nearly impossible to challenge because of the network effect.

Sure there are costs but it would be better if as many people as possible would be ready to jump ship to create an alternative

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Not even penises are like that (even if the correlation is stronger)

A guy can be hard but not turned on and a guy can be soft while really horny

It's not 100% related

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Left leaving people believe that every human is worth the same - right leaning people draw lines and exclude people from that equal group.

The more often they draw the line against a part of the population most people aren't part of the more likely is it that they manage to convince one of those that it's actually worth it for them to agree with those divisions

Hydrogen doesn't exist randomly in a well or something it has to be created by using electricity - and that transformation is very inefficient if you then use the hydrogen in an inefficient way to power an engine instead of just using the electricity directly

That argument that energy is coal-heavy actually counts against hydrogen...

Hydrogen powered stuff only makes sense when electric isn't an option like for planes that just can't carry heavy batteries

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