French rail pass: €49 ticket to launch after German success to World – 416 points –
French rail pass: €49 ticket to launch after German success

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And the German government in charge of the ticket already voiced their interest in making both tickets compatible so that people can use the traffic in either country with the ticket of the other one

Could lead to a pseudo-standard that could result in an eu-wide ticket of such type in the long run

That would be amazing and would up the value of the EU as a connected zone.

Now if we could have more than one single high speed rail coming out of Italy into Europe, that'd be great. I'm freaking sick of airports.

Interrail or eurail has been around for decades

Interrail allows you to train everywhere in Europe EXCEPT your home country.

It's clearly meant to be used for traveling and not regularly.

On the other hand, a pass like that is meant for people that use train regularly in their home country.

It's two very different products.

Having public transport available without having to worry about buying a ticket just because of the subscription you already have anyway is far better than interrail

This ticket is not for long distance travel but for shorter distances - it will be an extension to interrail and not a replacement

Could lead to a pseudo-standard that could result in an eu-wide ticket of such type in the long run

and that's contradicting my point how?

In Germany the ticket is only for regional trains - if you want to go from Berlin to Munich you'll have to pay money to get there in 4 hours or spend the whole day travelling in 12+ hours

how would that be an alternative to interrail?

What did you mean by an EU wide ticket?

EU wide for regional transport

That's for member states to implement, not the EU then. EU wide would mean freedom of movement, and if you couldn't get over a border with an EU wide ticket, it'd be shit.

So what? It's for young people only. The kind that find your username "funny". Just a meme bro!

Well, thankfully for other young people too. Leaves out the other part of the population. So this is welcome.

EDIT: I stand corrected, adults can also buy. Starting at 194€ for the right to travel four days a month in more than a single country.

This is what I always hoped would happen. Once one country does it and it works, there's no excuse for other countries to not follow suit

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