Polish opposition leader Tusk declares win after exit poll shows ruling conservatives lose majority

TransplantedSconie@lemm.ee to World News@lemmy.world – 337 points –
Polish opposition leader Tusk declares win after exit poll shows ruling conservatives lose majority

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This could be insanely important for the European Union if Poland isn't blocking sanctions against Hungary by default anymore.

But it wouldn't be surprised if Italy is taking their spot in protecting antidemocratic populism now...

No, Italy badly needs the European funds and can't give up on them just to prove a point

Italy will do what America wants and seemingly the US do not want Europe to be too strongly connected and cohesive...

Genuinely curious, why do you think that?

My statement had two parts: one about Italy failing to act in the genuine interest of the EU and another one concerning what the US want for the future of the EU. Which are you asking about?