The Real King Gordon

@The Real King
2 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The gop has no plan or intent to govern. At all. How can you run a government if your entire platform is that all government is bad?

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When you Google symptoms of Alzheimers and all the links are purple.

When will these asshole narcissist CEOs learn? We dont want to go into the office to stroke your fuckin ego, douchebag.

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Did he though? He supported orange man in every way for 4 years, defended him, and did nothing to stop him.

In the end on jan 6th he didnt act because he knew he had no legal standing to act.

In my opinion, he is evil because he saw true evil and abided it.

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Larose has been trying to fuck up the election the whole time. Hope they put this piece of shit behind bars. Republicans know they are in the minority and are trying desparately to hang on to power any way they can and rule against the will of the people.

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Fuck spez.

Please remember we are gerrymandered to the hilt in Ohio. Elections are not reflecting the general populace.

Which is part of my point about republicans clinging on to power by any means necessary.

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That's more than several.

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Me too. The flavor left me flat.

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Nothing worse than an asshole zealot that wont shut the fuck up.

News flash, we never did. So STFU blackrock and let me work from home. I dont give one shit about your commercial real estate speculation.

This is why I keep my 2006 toyota in tip top shape. I will drive that car as long as I possibly can.

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Same. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

If you show up to my house in a costume, you're getting candy at any age.

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Fuck spez the twat.

Neil DeAss Wipeson

Friday the 13th part 65: Jason the Ultimate Cockblocker

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Oh no. Anyway.

I dont have anything to offer but support and encouragement.

Congratulations on making it as far as you have!

And the IQs!

The official app os total junk and utterly unusable.


Looking forward to building something new here.

You're good! You sound friendly and smart to me.

This just keeps on getting better. What a twatty twat.

Crack. He was a crackhead.

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I’ve heard good things about levels.

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And all their designs are dated.

I would fly into the dangerzone.

And to Israel as well. Cut them all off.

All chromebooks have a drop dead date. Be sure to check the date for any model chrombook you want to buy.

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A conservatory. In a separate building. With huge trees inside.

I hate crocs and mcdonalds. But i love these.

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Only one way to stop and i don’t recommend it.

Buy a fat book.

He will do anything it takes to remain marginally relevant.

Shut down the FFL background check hotline.

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50 year old here, can confirm.

I definitely preferred oral history.

Corner Gas

Nice 'lude, dude!