Last-Minute Ohio Voter Purge Ralses Questions About Propriety and Timing to politics – 338 points –
Last-Minute Ohio Voter Purge Raises Questions About Propriety and Timing

Democrats are sounding the alarm over Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose’s (R) decision to purge almost 27,000 voters from the rolls after early voting had already begun.


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Please remember we are gerrymandered to the hilt in Ohio. Elections are not reflecting the general populace.

Which is part of my point about republicans clinging on to power by any means necessary.

My understanding is that gerrymandering affects house and state legislature elections. The Senate and ballot initiatives shouldn't be affected by gerrymandering because they aren't decided by drawn districts. Unless I'm mistaken somehow.

You are correct, if elections happened in a vacuum. But disenfranchisement (which is the goal of gerrymandering) has a broader effect on things like voter turnout. So it's more of an indirect effect that drives voter apathy.

Voter apathy is in my opinion the most dangerous thing in American politics

those gerrymandered state legislative elections do affect state-wide votes because those are the people that make their state's election and voter registration laws.

Perhaps there's an indirect influence but you can't argue gerrymandering has the same effect on statewide elections that it has on district races, right?

It does, it has a cooling effect. It takes a lot of voter will to overcome that cooling effect.