3 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The connection from Assange to Russia was laid out in the OP. Russia had a vested interest in skewing and interfering with US politics in 2016.

There's the relevancy you failed to see.

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Kyle Rittenhouse's sister Faith is seeking $3,000 on a crowdfunding website in a bid to prevent the eviction of herself and her mother Wendy from their home, citing her "brother's unwillingness to provide or contribute to our family."

The piece of shit is being a total piece of shit? shocked pikachu

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Oh boy I can't wait to see which commandments he broke. My bet is on the coveting. He seems like a coveter.

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If you install the duckduckgo browser and turn on app tracking protection, you'll see just how much data is harvested from mobile apps, which is genuinely scary.

This is why these sites are pushing the mobile app. It's much harder to prevent trackers through an app than it is through a web browser.

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Maybe I'm cynical, but this seems like something that would be incredibly easy to fake

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Everyone is mad about this but I still don't understand how RDR2 was even nominated for Labor of Love, let alone won.

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This is a little misleading. It's $170k in pay and benefits, not just salary. Still, UPS drivers deserve it and this will make everyone's experience with UPS so much better.

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Dude, can you at least do a bit of research first before clutching your pearls?

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corporate-owned america, baby!

The fuck is "3 people are typing"

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Mrs. Alito has a long memory: She complains at length about a Washington Post style section item from two decades ago that critiqued her attire.

That's not a long memory. That's a spiteful grudge.

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She killed her dog and then immidately killed one of her goats too for shits and giggles.

She's not a politician. She's an unhinged lunatic with bloodlust and an itchy trigger finger.

This seditionist asshat shouldn't even be allowed to be in politics anymore. The more we allow people to try to overturn elections, the more impossible it will be to stay a democracy.

When Playstation reads a disc, it looks for a special sequence on the disc that tells the Playstation "hey, this is a Playstation game. You should load it."

That sequence is proprietary and isn't on burned copies of games. This is anti-piracy protection, and makes sense from a monetary standpoint.

When you put Alien: Resurrection in the console, which has that sequence, the Playstation is told that "hey, this is a real Playstation game. You should load it." The game loads, then you can put in the cheat, which tells the game to stop loading from the disc momentarily while another disc is loaded (think "please insert disc 2 from final fantasy"). At this point, you can pop in your burned copy of the game, then press a button to continue loading from disc, at which point the game tells the system "hey, this new guy is with me. Let him through", and the Playstation loads the new game from the disc.

Look, we all know he didn't off himself, but here's my issue with these stories where a friend or family member says that the person said they told them it won't be suicide:

If Barnett really said that, why not also set up a dead man's switch? If he was truly afraid that he had info so damming he'd be killed for it, then why not set it up so that the info still finds a way to come out even in the event of his death?

If anything, ensuring the info comes out one way or another might have even protected him.

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You probably are also wondering the same thing we were — well, one of several things — which is how in the hell Sylvester Stallone got on this list. Is the next Rambo movie going to nod to modernity by rebooting the franchise with a bloodthirsty female Green Beret? Does he have a heretofore-unknown-to-us reputation as being a feminist filmmaker?

But last year’s 12-member award committee included Stewart as well as Jennifer Flavin Stallone, Sylvester’s wife.

Ah. Well then.

So this award is a joke now.

Why does anyone need an "astrology influencer"

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Doesn't surprise me that she's a deluded narcissist.

They're probably training their AI-powered level generation

You can also watch either movie if you're stupid and alone. I should know because I did it.

I bet the attack is coming from Big Hollywood

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After years of failing to define what "woke" means and why they hate it, they've decided to pivot to blaming Obama on Hillary running in 2016.

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The terrible content moderation policies and adblock bans will ruin it long before shorts.

Yeah, but Kenya make AI any better?

Until he sees his bill...*

*assuming this fantasy takes place in the USA

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The thing on the bottom is called Neopolitan, not Napolean. F-tier meme

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The one thing that Shawn forgot to say is "Larian's boardrooms aren't filled with people who don't play video games!!"

Good. Now just expand the definition of "election meddling" to include gerrymandering.

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Pretty sure this is illegal.

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When you turn on app tracking protection, it activates an always-on VPN that funnels the trackers to a deadzone so that they can't actually phone home.

It's called Predictor, so it's probably predicting the birth gender of the baby and not a pregnancy test.

Nope. It's because it's easier to harvest data through the app, so they funnel people towards it.

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Started happening for me too. Reddit can pry my data out from my vpn's cold, dead fingers.

Her right arm is pretty clearly visible tho. She's got a long orange sleeve that goes into the brown glove the falcon is standing on.

There's been a small movement towards going tipless that hasn't yet caught on because tip culture is primarily backed by greed. Restaurant owners want customers to pay their employees directly instead of providing them with a decent wage.

I know I'm likely misrepresenting, but that's the gist as I see it, and until greed goes away everything said holds true.

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50/50 shot she only demonized the press and refused Biden's win because it got her psychotic fanbase happy since all republicans do is posture and whine

Hasn't it changed from FAANG to MAANA?

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Honestly I'd be surprised if he was even close to being rich. The guy takes out loan after loan after loan in larger and larger amounts. He's most likely living on borrowed money based upon what he says his properties are worth.

This could run in Javascript if you setup print as an alias for window.alert or console.log

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