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Joined 1 years ago

For people put off by the shitty title, the video is actually really good and comprehensive, and sets realistic expectations. It's a shame that these garbage clickbaity titles are a thing.

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I have resolved to never again buy "points" of any kind, whether on an app or a game or a themepark or anything else. Either let me spend real money or I am going to assume it is a scam.

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Your comment made me curious, so I looked it up and found a 2006 study that says you are absolutely correct, inmate-on-inmate sexual violence is almost 4 times higher in women's prisons: I seriously did not expect that.

Middle aged white bi guy here, I just cut off several family members within the last week for being transphobic. Fuck the person that said that to you and fuck transphobes. They are a cancer and they're everywhere, unfortunately. You deserve better and I hope you find people that support you for who you are.

Was she the one who released an nfo where she went off on a random insane rant against trans people?

I just read up on all of this drama and it's quite dumb, IMO. I don't know why I did this to myself, but I figured I'd write a summary here. I apologize if this comes off as overly negative, I tried to avoid it as much as a could but it was kinda like watching an episode of Real Housewives of the Fediverse.

There's this trans woman named Eris who seems like a jerk, they use some channer speak and are aggressive. There's this other cis white dude named Puf who goes on and on about Eris being anti-black but can only provide screenshots to Eris being a bit of a dick, and seems to have digitally stalked Eris in order to try to find any possible way to discredit them. They've both circled the wagons with their respective followers, with one camp calling the other anti-trans and the other camp calling the first anti-black. In reality, Eris is a jerk and Puf is psychotic and the fediverse would probably be better without either of them, but is pretty obvious that neither of them are racist or transphobic.

I have no idea why would be suspended because one of their admins boosted a random, unrelated post that Eris made. It's like a big self-defeating, incestuous left-wing witch hunt.

Do it, diaper boy. I dare you.

Moved to a small town earlier this year, tried to make friends, met some cool people, last month I found out one of the group was super openly transphobic, so I stopped hanging out with them. Tried to reconnect with some cousins, last week I found out one was a transphobe, homophobe, and racist, cut her off. Started to get close with a different one, found out yesterday that he was transphobic, cut him off. I'm not trans, but I don't want to be around idiots that think trans people are groomers. Feeling pretty goddamn isolated and terrible about myself. Wishing I could just stay inside and never see people for the rest of my life.

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This is pretty accurate for the U.S., at least based on what I've seen of people online. I am not American, but one of your political parties built a gallows outside of the capital building and broke in while carrying weapons and chanting about hanging the vice president. I don't think you can really be centrist when that's one of the choices. You're either for or against the "murder the government, ban democracy and institute fascism" party.

I would recommend watching Whose Line Is It Anyway from the era where he was a performer. Timeless, classic comedy.

The character creator is amazing! I can't believe how good the faces and hair look! I made a beautiful female forest gnome druid and then ended up making a male guardian that was even more beautiful.

For people using smart TVs, consider hooking up an old laptop or desktop to your TV. You can use a wireless mouse/keyboard (or other input peripheral) and you've got a living room setup that allows you to use ad-blockers and your own browser and video player (I recommend PotPlayer), among other advantages.

Hasbro’s marketing budget behind it.

Agreed on all points except this one. Swen said that they had to pay Hasbro to use D&D and that Hasbro didn't provide them with any funding.

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MSG. When I discovered how versatile and effective it is, it became a part of my daily cooking to the point that I keep it in a little spice drawer right next to the salt and pepper.

You might be right for some of them, but I don't think there's anything wrong with them enjoying a little power and importance, especially if it's in relation to a community that they are connected with. But I agree with you that it might be a good idea to at least consider quitting, since it's likely that Reddit is just going to get worse as it becomes increasingly controlled by dead-eyed shareholders.

My favorite part of that saga is that Jason Aldean does not, nor has he ever, lived in a small town.

OMG this drives me nuts.

Agreed! If it lets people like this guy make videos like this, a little clickbait isn't so bad. I just wish they'd phrase titles slightly differently, like "THIS COULD CHANGE EVERYTHING" would still draw eyes without being a lie.

I would only be very minorly surprised if Musk is arrested in the middle of a small town in Louisiana, covered in his own shit and clumsily trying to hump a crocodile. And yes, I know that crocs aren't native to Louisiana.

I believe part of it is that managing huge buildings is actually a pain in the ass and requires specialized experience to do efficiently, so many companies end up saving money by not owning their buildings.

Remaster it on the RDR2 engine and bring it to PC and I'll happily pay $80 CAD for it.

Socks. I spent my life wearing cheapo Walmart socks but my partner bought me a few pairs of merino wool socks last christmas. Hoo boy are those things amazing, they keep your feet cool in the heat and warm in the cold, and it feels like you're wearing silky little clouds.

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Awesome, congrats!

I hear you, it is a nightmare. I bought my first home earlier this year and ended up moving an hour outside of the city. Paid less than half what I would have paid, don't have to worry about crime, and everyone is generally more chilled out.

I use "queer person" and "queer folk" as I find it sounds softer than just "queer" and also serves to differentiate it from bigots use of the word.

Thank you so much and sorry it took me so long to reply. It's nice to hear there are other people out there like me that are going through the same things. Hugs back!

I'd recommend repairing your install in case some of the bugs are caused by corrupt files. I'm doing a multiplayer runthrough with a friend and we've encountered minor bugs like a exclamation mark being stuck over Wyll's head, but nothing gamebreaking.

Walking into Erana's Peace for the first time in Quest for Glory 1 (1989). For a more recent example, walking or driving into safety with a massive load in Death Stranding, as well as most of the rest of the game.

So is it time to stop pretending that there are checks and balances on U.S. lawmakers? They can just be openly bought by horrendous monsters to let them poison the land, so why keep pretending that anything can be done short of guillotines? (not advocating violence, just referencing history)

I find it funny and sad when headlines are phrased like that when in reality they should read "Previously Secret Memo Laid Out Strategy for Trump to Overturn American Democracy and Install Fascist Regime."

MS Teams comes with a pretty good Whiteboard app as well.

They go to space heaven?

Exactly the same for me, I find my work iphone to be unintuitive and unresponsive compared to my Pixel phones. Although I will say Apple's face authentication is pretty great.

Quest for Glory 1 (called Hero's Quest at release) shaped my humor and gave me a lifetime love of fantasy in general, my username is the name of one of the minor characters. I recently spent a couple hundred dollars on a painting because it reminded me of Erana's Peace, a location in the game. Its sequels are great too.

Well, I hope they can somehow convince their security guards to remain loyal enough that they'll fend off the inevitable guillotine carrying mobs.

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I'm sorry to hear that. I have really bad self-esteem issues around my body and I have spent my life avoiding the public most of the time for that reason, it's really limited my options in life. I promise that there are other people like me out there that would support you if we saw you, not criticize you. You deserve to be you wherever you feel like being.