147 Post – 179 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Never underestimate the therapeutic power of actually doing nothing.

MatthiasGaming: I felt like when he got bigger his personality changed, it almost became like a show/fake persona.

Arumba: Became a cranky unhappy person unfortunately..

A fewl (I don't want to give a platform): Became angry biggots:X

Jesse Cox/Pewdie Pie/Markiplier: outgrew the sense of humor/entertainment.

TLDR: Usually some change in personality alienated me.

Many years later, she's out there. She's still doing the nitty gritty. Could of cashed in and been a public speaker. I appreciate and respect what she does.

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George Bush Jnr invades Iraq with fabricated evidence. Lies to allies about proof, drags many allies into shitty desert conflict. Gets halo as in post presidency isn't an asshole.

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If proven in court yes, only way to stop him would be to impeach him. But good luck impeaching a man who can make his enemies disappear with a waive of his hand. Also, I don't think the Dems want thar look.

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I am an amateur historian. I remember someone posted something completely wrong to push an anti immigrant agenda, like Muslims and Christians have never lived in harmony in history. I then pointed our Jerusalem constantly switching hands and pilgrim rights being respected, Coptics living under Mamalukian rule peacefully and overall under Ottomon rule 600 years later there's still large swaths of Orthodox in Turkey just to name a few times. I got bombarded with comments, dms, all my posts on reddit were like downvoted and this crowd followed me to other subreddits to downvote and trash talk. Someone posted you follow R/Hometown so your from X Hometown. It was a very weird situation and I reported it all, it cleared up but I'm 60% I was targeted for being an active poster who leans left. I genuanlly thought I was one step from being doxxed..

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Paradox of tolerance at work here. The Fascist's broke the social contract of tolerance, therefore we should not tolerate them...

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Fun story, I worked IT for an American Telecom company. One day I recieved a phone call from a guy who was setting up his router. We were maybe five minutes into troubleshooting. He asks if he can eat his dinner while we troubleshoot and I say "no worries". Within thirty seconds, I hear a bang and panicd screaming. He informs me he dumped soy sauce and rice all over his router and work space. I sent a field tech to replace the router and set it up.

Edit: This comic is the norm not the unusual...

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Me: Spends 4 hours making a pause menu... "I wish this was true... This man has not met the hell of a 50 state, 100 elif statement..."

Amateur Coders code: " We don't do this because its easy, we do this because we thought it would be easy"

Canadian here, who is aware of the seveirty of of currenr events. Modhi is a problem, popularism and authoritarian behavior disguised as a somber old fellow. The dude has a 2 part BBC documentary about the evil he's put in this world. He plays the victim in cold blooded murder in another nation. I believe it is hard to have a accurate opinion of India as a whole. As it is so diverse and is more of a country of British forced making, with a diverse set of cultures and religions. Pre British Raj I belive had 30-40 countries atleast. But the people whom I met are beautiful and generally kind. But keep in mind most are immigrants to Canada.

TLDR: Modhi is a scum bag and generally immigrant Indians I've dealt with are delightful human beings.

My friend and I, share terrible Minion memes back and forth. This will be am excellent addition.

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Think before you speak, I speak without thinking and it's got me in trouble for petty things. Using WE over YOU is extremely valuable.. even when you had nothing to do with the problem it is OUR problem.

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My god... They're so close to roof and garage technology...

This all sounds so stupid, Idiocracy incarnate. Anarcho capitalism is going to lead to a weak base for your country and you'll be bought out by China or USA.

Calling it now, Chineese or American puppet in 4 years if not sooner..

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China a year or less ago: Hey Phillipines, we should deepen our relationship. We're both close neighbors and you don't need to rely on the states for everything:).

China now: Fuck you Phillipines!! fuck you Vietnam!! Fuck you India!! Fuck my neighbors and friends!!! I hate everyone China #1!!!

Speed run Paraguayan war 2l

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I always viewed Kaioken as a martial arts technique. Like breathing helps martial artists strike harder. In the same breath Kaioken uses the user's energy up at a much higher pace like breathing to perform a strike would. I think Kaioken though flashy, still respects the classic Dragon Ball, martial arts and techniques are important line of thinking. Even to the point one of the core themes of that arc is hard work(Goku learning new techniques) trumps natural born talent(Vegeta). But after that arc martial arts and techniques mean very little it becomes what colour is your hair with no drawbacks and the original message is lost...

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At the current rate of advancement 127 years until Russia conquers Ukraine. At the current rate of fighter/bomber lose this year..... Russia will be out of fighters/bombers by next year. For those wondering they produce three a year and lost like 24 in the last 4 months.

For those who don't know this. This is in line for Moon Knight's personality and Xavier's in the comics. Patrick Stewart really softend the general view of Charles being generally a dick.

Big Company: Well if you can't afford food you should not have food.

Also Big Company:.... sobbing pwease we neeed fweee... pwease we need mowe moneys!

I dont run it

Imagine assuming someone ran a server wow ahah that's wild ahaha

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"My country England" I own England

Regional dialogue as where I am or belong

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This is most North Americans. I've seen people wear Kilts on St Patrick's Day. Kilts are a English thing not an Irish thing and those who think there Scottish, traditional Scottish "Kilts" are more like Togas.

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They drew up draft orders for Moscow. Which they haven't send out since the start of the war. Shoigu said he wants a army of 10 million.. Which is possible and would outnumber all of Nato combined. Now if they can afford it and keep it fed is another issue..

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In the same breath, US is giving items they would be deactivating at a cost. Probably cheaper to give the Bradley's from the 60s and bombs from the 60s that expire next year away.

It's not about deciding your the best friend. It's about being a good friend and it happens naturally. No one owes you anything but you have to keep being a good friend. A good friend is as good as a best friend.

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I love penguins!! this is how I would react but wouldn't pick it up.

I did so by Nielson ratings logic about 2400 of us?

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That Zelda game looks like a banger!!

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Can I invite my friend old dick?

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FYI: SuperEyePatchWolf, Amazing youtuber who goes down internet habit holes and disects media. Top tier youtuber who is probably my favourite.

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Right wing gamer guy has full on panic attack about black samurai in AC game because it'd inaccurate. But Black Samurai existed historically and did quite well on top of that complaining about a game being historically accurate when golden apple god bomb exists is wild..

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Political play, Israel hasn't went all in on Ukraine. This could be part of an agreement for weapon share, experience share, intel share, etc etc. Diplomacy is a fucked up thing.

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Deer are assholes, they tear up my plants, They jump in front if cars all the time, they shit everywhere, the bucks are dangerous, they rip up garbage and overall are stupid as shit. I know this as im a Canadian with 7 of them in my front yard right now. They are here everyday-.-

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If I remember correctly he inserted himself offering Star Link to Ukraine? Then tried to turn it against them?

edit: Even better he offered for free!!

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Meme I took from a discord but a 67 year old gave military secrets to" impress" a female spy.

Fun fact this is completely in MoonKnight and or Deadpool's personality.

I have thinner eye lids, as I have terrible eczema and as a kid they gave me skin destroyer cream for my eyes... This hit way way way to close to home:X

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My coworker had a customer shoot his router. So, yes alot of American small business owners are Frank Reynolds.

Yes, mobilization is a strong message to government in democracy. It says we do not like the direction, we are going and we will vote you out or cause more disruption. In my town we mobilized in front of our MP's office due to the partial privatization of medcial aid. Our MP ended up changing his vote and siding against his party, as it was the will of the people. Participation in democracy is a powerful tool.