
0 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That's been happening for ages. I'm sure if you check the profiles you'll find other posts with all the same bots commenting. A lot of lazier ones wait exactly a year to repost, and it's pretty obvious in subs for something like a live service game where they'll be reposting complaints that are way out of date. One in the Monster Hunter sub reposted a trailer for Iceborne which had been out for 3 years by that point.

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"After" profits tumble? We haven't even had a chance to buy FF16 or Rebirth yet, and if they're like Remake there'll still be a year to wait for it to get off Epic and onto Steam. Just sell us the damn game if you want money.

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Right. More often than not when these posts pop up you can check their comment history and see exactly why they keep getting banned.

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I'm struggling to think of any situation in which invisibility would benefit me personally. Teleportation would save me over an hour a day of driving to/from work alone, plus hours at work itself, fuel & vehicle maintenance costs just about disappear, world travel becomes something possible to do any time of any day on a whim, you could do anything.

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If I'm reading this right, it's a program that users sign up for to donate their processing power (and can opt in or out of adult content), which is then used by client companies to generate their own users' content? It even says that Salad can't view or moderate the images, so what exactly are they doing wrong besides providing service to potentially questionable companies? It makes as much sense as blaming Nvidia or Microsoft, am I missing something?

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I've had several people comment on the way I tie my shoelaces. I can't even remember how to do it the "normal" way, but I use that knot that takes about half a second where you make both loops at once and pull them through each other.

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Surely that spaghetti-topped pizza isn't real, that's got to be from one of those ragebait tiktoks or something right? That looks and sounds awful.

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We may also close long-term inactive accounts to maintain our database. You will be notified by email if we begin the process of closing your inactive account.
If your account was flagged as inactive and you would like to keep using it, you can cancel the closure of your Ubisoft account.

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There are definitely times when it seems like he's had a hit of something during commercial breaks. He's often drunk on air (and drinks during the show) so it's certainly possible.

Edit: I just listened, he's drunk on air during this episode. And the headline is a quote from Steve Bannon, bit misleading.

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The first security job I ever worked was for a rich girl's 21st birthday party at her house, my main duty was making sure nobody went to the stables and bothered the racehorses. I heard one of the kids say that her dad owned 2 Toyotas & her mum owned a Subaru, and I thought maybe they're not so different from me after all because my parents have the same cars. Turns out she was talking about owning the car dealerships.

Jesus, adblock detectors are one thing, but news sites are even blocking private mode now. People not reading past headlines is enough of a problem already without it being enforced.

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Liftoff is my favourite so far, but every time I use it I get the theme song from the old Australian kids show of the same name stuck in my head and it drives me insane.

I used Boost for a couple of years and will almost certainly be switching back to it as soon as it's available, it's set to download immediately from the play store when it releases.

It depends on the type of game I guess. I like the way Final Fantasy 13 did it when you arrived on Gran Pulse. Everything was there from the start of the chapter, there were some enemies you could handle, some that were a challenge, some that were out of your weight class and some that would wipe your team without even noticing you were there. You had to pick your battles and know when to bail. Despite the problems that game had, you could at least feel yourself getting stronger while the world stayed roughly the same.

How did you get that? Did we read the same article?

They said they did.

However, by default the software settings opt users into generating adult content. An option exists to "configure workload types manually" which enables users to uncheck the "Adult Content Workloads" option (via 404 media), however this is easily missed in the setup process, which I duly tested for myself to confirm.

Honestly, and I'm not saying I support what's being done here, the way I see it if you're tech savvy enough to be interested in using a program like this you should be looking through all of the options properly anyway. If users don't care what they're doing and are only interested in the rewards that's kind of on them.

I just think the article is focused on the wrong company, Salad is selling a tool that is being potentially misused by users of their client's service. I can certainly see why that can be a problem, but based on the information given in the article I don't think it's really theirs. If that's ALL Salad's used for then that's a different story.

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If shitposting on a site you don't like any more out of spite is honestly how you want to spend your time, go for it I guess. I'm sure you could find something more fulfilling to do.

I haven't played Tekken since 3, but Eddy is one of the few characters I remember and he was unstoppable back then too. I just realised he certainly would have unconsciously been my inspiration for getting into Capoeira years later. Godspeed, Mr Gordo.

I watched the clip in the article, is that slow-mo and zooming part of the game by default? That's unbearable, it's worse than a Zack Snyder movie.

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I was in the Summer event and came third or so for Jarvonia overall. Like a dope I stopped using Discord right after that and haven't seen anything from the game since. Looks awesome, can't wait to get in.

Average night when you accidentally open tvtropes.

Since it's been mentioned here but nobody's said anything else about it yet, Beeper is nice because it connects a bunch of different apps and everything syncs instantly between PC and mobile. I personally use it for Matrix, a couple of Discord servers, Messenger (for those friends who won't leave) and SMS.

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I recently got into making desserts. I end up with something I can be proud of, get to share sweets with my friends & family and satisfy my sweet tooth all at once. With $10 worth of ingredients and zero experience you can whip up a basic batch of fudge in less than 15 minutes and put pretty much anything else you want into there.

Well, at least Abbott's gone and, let's see... has just been nominated for a position at Fox Corporation's board of directors by the new Murdoch who appears to want to be worse than the old one. Oh boy.

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I was in a similar position. I've at least tried almost all of the games since Demon's Souls on PS3 (plus a few other Soulslikes like Surge 2 & Last Remnant [edit: Last Remnant is something else entirely, i dunno. It was something like that]) and I could never get into them. Elden Ring especially is exactly the kind of world I love in games and I wanted so much to enioy it. It took a handful of 10-15-hour attempts over nearly two years before it finally clicked with me and I started really getting into it back in December. I got the platinum last week and then started Sekiro for the first time a few days ago, so let's see how that goes.

My advice, if you can't get into it give it a few months then take another honest crack at it. If you don't enjoy yourself that's fine, just try again next time you start thinking about the game, but if that switch finally flicks on you can clear your schedule for the next fortnight.

Right, so it's not like they're being tricked into generating porn or anything. It's not some option that they would have turned off if they'd known about it, they just don't care what's happening because they only want the reward. Again I'm not saying I agree with it or that Salad's right to do it, but if they say that's potentially what it can be used for (and they do because the opt-out is available) then the focus should be on the client companies using the tool for questionable purposes.

Only text channels I believe. There's a sidebar sort of like the one in the actual Discord app that shows your inbox, SMS, Messenger, etc. Discord servers show up in there, then when you select one it shows you the list of channels as though they're regular conversations. You can set whether or not they show up in your inbox and/or notify you individually for each channel, and the ones you don't want you just set to low priority and they'll be hidden. It's not a perfect replacement, but if you don't need voice/streaming it works fine.

I heard (no idea if it's true because I really don't care enough to look into it) that he made a bland and inoffensive movie because comedy is too woke and you can't say anything any more, so there's no point trying to be funny. I'm not sure if that being true or a joke would be sadder for him.

There was, just replace the "one" with "two" in the url and it's there.

Plans to announce an upcoming game? How uh... exciting. Give us a buzz when it's available.

On the Connect app on mobile I get

Private mode detected! In order to read our site, please exit private/incognito mode or login to continue.

I could copy it into Firefox easily enough, but if they don't want me looking at their site then I won't 🤷‍♀️

More screen space with the taskbar on the side. I only use taskbar icons so I don't have (or want) programs stretching across the whole bottom of the screen, they just bunch up together in the top corner. Also 99% of the websites I've used in the past decade have had big spaces on both sides to allow for smaller resolutions, so losing that couple of blank centimetres means I gain a couple vertically that actually get used by the site.

Stuff+ generally always has a Prison Architect and one other game series going, then does one-shot videos of random indie stuff in between. He's also not loud and annoying the way youtube gamers tend to be and doesn't have a webcam feed covering a quarter of the screen, it's just about the games.

Ah that makes more sense. I thought it was doing that throughout the match which would be a nightmare.

Same. Until these things are physically in my hand I've got plenty of other stuff to get on with, what's the point of wasting years chasing them. It's the same with any marketing really, give me a title, pitch & release date, I'll see you then.