13 Post – 278 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They wanted out anyway, Microsoft wants control and they were using Reddit just like DJI is using reddit: they were a bit forced to follow. This is a perfect opportunity to leave and make the support happen on their own platform. Other big brands will be inspired and will leave reddit too.

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Since I heard about this whole fiasco I'm more and more dumbfounded.

There was this guy, who invented a way to dive for cheap (he listens to the carbon, and if there is a suspicious sound then he quickly comes back to the surface), complaining about the regulations which were holding submarines back. He fired the whistleblower who made reports about the danger of the equipment. He was fired and escorted outside.

Make him a meme, let's call him the "I told you so" guy. Surely he will be invited in TV shows about this whole affair.

The equipment, a game console controller? Seriously? Gaming equipment is simple: It's about 3% return policy. Depends on the brand. The people who swear that game controllers are safe are among the 97% who never had a return. They are the people who answers "mine works" on a forum when someone ask why his controller failed. If your game controller is broken, the service is : we send you a new one under 48 hours.

--> This service policy doesn't work at 3800m under the water, folks! This is not the right equipment. What kind of person bets the life of 4 people on gaming equipment?? We all know why he did it, because he hates regulations and he hates paying a premium on redundant equipment. He is in for the money, nothing else. So let's cut the costs on the hardware, let's not listen to anyone and let's not purchase the product of the engineers who designed equipment specially with these constraints in mind.

From time to time there is always a guy who pops-up and believes that regulations are made by people with too much free time in their hands.

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Beehaw was right to defederate many instances and so should we. Beehaw is crazy but not that crazy.

Defederate these instances, what are you so afraid of? Some people here are going full throttle on the freedom of blabla, don't listen to them. Ban this stuff, do you really want Kbin to be known as "this network"? Do you want this reputation? I don't. If you want more then register to another instance which accepts this stuff but don't drag all our infrastructure with you.

Federating this content puts the servers of Ernest in danger.

edit: downvote me more, I take it as a badge of honor because I know who it's coming from.

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"You know, at some point, safety just is pure waste," said Rush. "I mean, if you just want to be safe, don't get out of bed. Don't get in your car. Don't do anything. At some point, you're going to take some risk, and it really is a risk/reward question. I think I can do this just as safely by breaking the rules."

Remember that he fired a whistleblower and had the security escort the guy out. He killed 4 people who trusted him.

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Pressure hulls should be made out of contiguous material like steel, titanium, ceramic or acrylic, he explained, in order to do modeling and finite element analysis to "understand the number of cycles that it can take." That's not the case with a composite material, like carbon fiber, made of two different materials blended together.

"And so we all knew that the danger was delamination and progressive failure over time with microscopic water ingress and ... what they call cycling fatigue," he added. "And we knew if the sub passed its pressure test it wasn't gonna fail on its first dive ... but it's going to fail over time, which is insidious. You don't get that with steel or titanium."

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Hiding voting metrics and mitigating clout chasing behaviors allows platforms to prioritize quality and relevance.

The exact opposite happened on youtube. Once they hid the downvotes we were unable to recognize relevant content from clickbait.

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It's like talking to the police: the more you talk, the more you incriminate yourself. Never talk to the police.

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If you want them mounted before you open steam then you should add them to fstab, it will become a condition for booting your machine.

$ ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid/

Make sure you mount with the UUID, the UUID is permanent on a disk, unlike /dev/sdx.


Will also show you the mapping betwen UUID and disks.

So your fstab will look like this

UUID=7ca0dbbb-459d-4731-a3..... /boot ext4 defaults 1 2

Test if the uuid is correct before booting by mounting it manually in a random location like /mnt with

mount /boot

And see what happens.

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That's not the attitude of someone who's confident that his flock will come back.

Create the subs you need and CREATE CONTENT FOR IT. People will come as long as you have useful information or interesting content. Ask to be given the control of a sub if needed.

Too many people around here create a sub without content just so they can run the place. This need to stop.

For the reddit thing I started browsing reddit without login a long time ago and I don't regret it. Just don't give them any content.

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There is a good case here to defederate every instance by default and only federate based on a white list.

There are criminals in the fediverse obviously and we should split from them immediately. Don't forget that their content is copied to the servers of Ernest automatically.

Again, Beehaw defederated 380 instances and it's not just because they disagree with their political stance, but mostly because of this kind of horrible content. Which will come from another new instance, and another, etc, etc. Which means that we need to update Ernest regularly to protect his servers. Or make the default setting as defederated.

If you want to keep building Linux and its apps with stone knives and bearskins, you can – more power to you. But, the future of the Linux desktop is here, and it's going to be containerized.

Nice job antagonizing your readers. This is insulting and totally uncalled for. I know that his job is to sell clicks but he has completely lost credibility with this one.

They probably have a monitoring tool watching content being edited. Do not make it too easy for the admin to restore your posts. You can use the python script that is posted around to change part of your posts, not all of them in one bunch, fill them with garbage like AI content (not just "deleted").

They have enough time to create these monitoring tools, but they have no time building a sane official app, go figure.

On reddit if you were european you were basically missing the action since the posts were written by americans and already 8 hours old, and your replies would be buried under the hundreds of comments.

Most of the time there was no point if you weren't present like 1h after a post was made.

The only people who would read your comments would be an AI.

Everyone will note that you never address the pedo data ending up hosted by Ernest if we don't defederate. You never talk about that, it's always about you, you you. Well sorry for you but you are not alone and there are real-life implications to hosting this content.

This pedo content has nothing to do on this server.

Just don't subscribe to those communities/magazines.

No, YOU go out and get your illegal content from the source.

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You wrote:

Guess other instances do not care regardless even if its correctly flagged and tagged and everything. I had a discussion about this topic with the mods of, but they are firm to block whole instances if there is any NSFW community on it. No matter what. I am now on kbin and deleted my account there.

Why don't you open an account on one of those instance instead of pushing it in our throats?

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Don't make it too easy.

Turn the nsfw on.... then turn it off. Then turn it on again... then turn it off.

They very likely have a detection, just mess with them a little bit.

Remember Terminator 3? When the army is about to free skynet to defend against an external virus?

This is now, they are going to remove the moderation tools, the bots are ready to devour reddit.

I really don't understand why they don't just join a NSFW instance and be done with it. That's exactly the point of an instance: focusing on meta interests. On top of that those instances are already up and running. It's not as if they had to do it from scratch.

Why would you inflict this on people who don't want it? There is an adoption risk, there is a legal risk...It's not worth it! Why would we take the risk of being defederated by big federations or big names just so a bunch of you can spread more NSFW?

There is a toggle dedicated for it, which means it's a point of contention. Go to a safe space, to an instance where there is no contention. Use the fediverse.

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"Get rid of that useless local account feature, but slowly, make it difficult to use first."

Stop giving them content for free, they are milking you like cows. That's why they are restoring your deleted content, because they are making cash out of your messages. Leave reddit behind and enter the fediverse.

I received a response from Reddit pretty quickly after submitting it. The response told me that I must delete all of the posts and comments beforehand. I'm pretty sure this is in violation of both GDPR/CCPA as it might be physically impossible for a user to delete, say, one million comments. Of course, this ignores the fact that Reddit already restored all of the data that I've deleted.

No tool from reddit allows you to delete all your comments. Reddit doesn't allow you to map all of them. You can check by yourself by searching manually in a search engine for your username and You will see a lot of your comments which are not shown in your comment interface.

I don't want to be "this guy", but what we have here is a screenshot of a Tweet post without even a link or a date. It's the best way to go back to the same old system that we have left behind us. This is whitepeopletwitter in a nutshell.

Edit, seriously it looks like you framed a "motivation speech". Just post the link to the text, don't screenshot a text, we cannot do anything with it. We have the tools now, use them

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The problem is vote manipulation.

Making the vote anonymous will lead to manipulation by the creation of many puppet accounts.

Disabling the downvote still enable someone to turbo his posts to the frontpage. Lobbies will do it, they already do.

This old voting system needs a complete overhaul.

I love it, it makes their intentions so obvious. Milking our content for AI training. Nobody will read our old conversations, except for AI´s

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Lochridge’s recommendation was that non-destructive testing of the Titan’s hull was necessary to ensure a “solid and safe product.” The filing states that Lochridge was told that such testing was impossible, and that OceanGate would instead rely on its much touted acoustic monitoring system.

The company claims this technology, developed in-house, uses acoustic sensors to listen for the tell-tale sounds of carbon fibers in the hull deteriorating to provide “early warning detection for the pilot with enough time to arrest the descent and safely return to surface.”

Lochridge, however, worried in the lawsuit that the system would not reveal flaws until the vessel was descending, and then might only provide “milliseconds” of warning before a catastrophic implosion.

In 2019, Rush gave an interview to Smithsonian magazine, in which he said: “There hasn’t been an injury in the commercial sub industry in over 35 years. It’s obscenely safe, because they have all these regulations. But it also hasn’t innovated or grown—because they have all these regulations.”

Thanks to him we have all grown a little bit today.

If Reddit can bot comments then Reddit can also bot moderators. Come on, don't be lazy Reddit! Show us your leadership capabilities and come up with a solution!

"How to sabotage your community: 101"

Red Hat is taking notes.

The person speaking was Laura Nestler, here is her bio from REddit:

Laura Nestler, Reddit's VP of Community, is a global leader with a 15-year track record of building strategic, high-impact teams and scalable community systems at growth-stage startups. Nestler leads Reddit’s Community Operations team where she is responsible for defining our international community strategy, driving key initiatives for community development, evolving Reddit’s community governance model, and transitioning the team into a global organization. Prior to Reddit, she served as Global Head of Community at Duolingo, working across product, marketing, and strategy to develop community products and programs.

She is a global leader, guys, with high-impact teams! She will solve the crisis in no time, you'll see! Is there anyone among you who can claim to be a "global leader" ? No one?

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The people who joined did it because they saw light and people. They are mostly spectators, not content creators.

The people who joined kbin saw an opportunity to restart from scratch, they are creators.

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Defederate, massively

Beehaw has more than 380 instances blocked. I don't think that kbin blocks anything, where can we see the list?

edit: I see a lot of downvote. You DO understand that some instances are sharing lolita stuff and the police can close the servers of Ernest depending on what is federated? Right?

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I deleted all my content but I did it over the span of a few days, to let the different caches around reddit to update with the new void, and my content is still deleted (so far).

I said it before and I say it again: if you have the patience to do so then make sure you overwrite your content with chatgpt generated content, as the future AI that will feed on your post HATE feeding on already AI generated stuff. It makes the AI diverge.

edit: Filling your previous content with random generated content also make it harder to restore because it is harder to spot, compared with the comments which are simply "deleted". Also, if all of it is really true, congratulation to reddit for demonstrating to everyone and specially the USA how useful the GDPR is for the citizen.

...Annnd they made /m/politics a USA thing only.

It's fine, leave this bone to the attention seekers and get your news from another magazine.

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Let it go, overwrite your content and leave reddit.

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It's like a big shake up of all our habits. First banning twitter, then the move from reddit to fediverse, then picking better news sources, then move from rhel to debian. Honestly I'm thinking more and more about how to integrate the tools from the fediverse to the IT and the work environment.

3D printing. We are entering an era where we cannot mass produce anymore. We will have to rely on repairs. And 3D printing is an excellent way to replace broken parts of what we buy.

Open source hardware can easily become the norm. If your product comes with a 3D plan of every parts of it then it should be promoted by governments, by reducing taxes on your product for example. On top of that this technology can easily be used locally.

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At the time the network was called, it was before it was renamed

In the good old days we have supermods, who owned like 50 magazines, it was the far west, first one first served. it was crazy. I think I saw someone pick up interestingasfuck from the ground. He just found it there. Now he is a billionaire.

AI tech is moving REAL fast

Which is a good reason why you should not settle too fast for any "silicon baked" solution. So far tensors are a buzzword for the people with "fear of missing out", and I certainly don't want any technology that is so demanding on energy that it requires a specific architecture to run. Our houses are becoming ovens and we need to make these graphic cards less demanding, not more demanding, not more sophisticated.

Yep, I already noticed a few people downvoting a full page of my comments, even when I post some neutral stuff like bash code for mounting stuff on ubuntu. It didn't work on reddit but here it does. I did the test with someone pointing at my reputation, I was able to grind like 40 reputation from him by simply downvoting everything he said in comments.

The problem is not just the number, it's the impression that other people will get from your post. It will induce confusion and misinterpretation.

Also, the content you write is duplicated around instances, so there is no deletion possible of your content "a la reddit". Once you write something it's duplicated elsewhere and you won't have jurisdiction there. So if you ever get doxxed it's over, so careful with what you write.

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Honestly the best move now is to overwrite all your comments with replies from chatgpt, since AI's hate feeding from other AI answers. It's like poisoning the well.

Typo here

NOTE: Icons have a max size of 600x500 instead of 600x500, which is why some icons look squished.

What about all the magazines that are dormant with absolutely zero threads and comments, obviously with an admin sitting on the name and doing nothing? Is it possible to reshuffle the admin position? Because I guess this situation is holding back people who would like to post content.

I don't know, I will boost your comment and see what happens... I hope it doesn't open a webcam discussion where we see each others, that would be awkward.

Edit: what is this madness? I see a +1 but with no way to remove it! It's forever. Be cautious!

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