Can someone explain to me how kbins reputation system works? to /kbin – 121 points –

Because currently, it seems like the only thing it's recording are downvotes. Meanwhile upvotes are completely ignored, leading to pretty much every profile I see having a negative reputation.

Also, I have a very fragile ego and my -6 reputation hurts a bit.


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It's like talking to the police: the more you talk, the more you incriminate yourself. Never talk to the police.

Well i'm screwed then.. Cause i'm the worst kind of ex redditor. After like 10 years on that site I had maybe 2k post karma... 150k comment karma lol.

A modification of this is used when giving a deposition. You want to answer the question without giving any more information than necessary. If they ask about time you say it was after 9 in the morning. You don't say it was 9:15 because you'd just gotten your coffee and had checked your watch.

I learned this during audits -- Always try to say the Minimum Correct Thing. Be honest, be precise with your language, and only answer questions that are asked.

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