1 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Of course Germany already paid billions of Deutsche Mark and Euros to polish survivors over the years. Not that any amount could be sufficient, but it's not like Germany did not pay anything until now.

Capitalism IS the crises

Bruh, they talk about even to deport Germans who oppose their politics. And as German we know that mass deportation is a dog whistle for killing .

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Language is always a barrier. Without good German skills you have the opportunity of being a cleaning lady or building Autobahn here in Germany.

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Emphasis on different parts and context.

In Berlin they simply ran a cheap hotel on the embassy property instead of a real embassy, ​​no joke.

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An instance is more like an own reddit and not a sub. is a reddit. is a reddit is a reddit

Each of them act like reddit does.

But those reddits connect to each other and you have access to the content and communities of the other instances.

All those instances have several communities which are like subs

Then the sheep would've been fucked

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They tried to look at every part of their body. Yes, this includes the asshole.

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As a German: oh fuck

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They talked about building camps and forming a new state in northern Africa where they deport people to. Even other Germans you are politically opposed to them.

That's almost what they did in 1940 when they discussed to deport the Jews to Madagascar and we know how it ended.

Uhm, you see in what community you posted this ?

As a German I feel deeply insulted.


North Korean hackers don't have a free pass. They straight work out of government offices

I'm from a European country and you can drive 30 miles in the same country but there's already another language or different dialect that you hardly can communicate and they have 1000years old traditions and celebrations totally different from your own area

The fan fiction we didn't know we need

What? Most people buy manuals here in Europe. And automatic are available... Tho, with the rise of electric cars, both manual and automatic get obsolete

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Luckily we Germans are responsible and peaceful people in that matter.


If I read that correctly, then it wasn't the military but the coast guards involved. Doesn't this happen regularly?

As a German I had a good loud laugh about that.

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So, now when even human rights watch says it probably wasn't Israel, suddenly they don't speak of 500 killed civilians anymore?

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I'm in Germany too and in my first run ever! I'm in week 2 and I think I just found mites eggs.

Cheers my friend and good luck

Not to the whole internet, but to important websites. I have no doubt you wouldn't use those websites, but a person who is in the fediverse is already not the average user

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Yeah, no. I think every country has it's sheep fucker region. We, in Germany, have the same jokes you do about the Welsh for the Saarland.

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They provide lists of such sites, even checked if they are still up.

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Uhm, common knowledge? I couldn't recite every country of course.

That's what's happening in Germany right now. with cannabis.

They legalized it on April 1st and at the same time somehow not. They call it partial legalization. You can have 25g in public and theoretically smoke weed in public. but not in sight to schools, playgrounds, sports clubs, etc. All around there is a 100m spell. In cities that's like everywhere .And you're not allowed to smoke in front of children. The law is so vague that it can be in such a way that you have to change the side of the street when a child comes towards you. Or you would have to put out the joint.In reality, it is very difficult to really consume 100% publicly.

At home you can grow up to 3 plants. But you may only have 50g of dried material, the rest must be destroyed. You are not allowed to make chemical extracts . You can only buy in cannabis social clubs which are allowed to be at. You must be a registered member there. You can buy 50g a month there. The cherry on top at the moment is that the CSC are only allowed to start in July, so there will only be harvests at the end of the year. Since you can't have any selfgrow yourself since the beginning of April, you can't have legal weed yet.

The whole law is planned to make it fail. You can later say 'we tried'. And make it impossible to really legalize for the next few decades.

Edit: You cannot sell or share any material. To a party you have to smoke your own joint.

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Yesterday here in Germany it was 36°C with high humidity. This single day was enough.

8h and no comment. Oh boy, would this be about Israel it would have 50+ comments.

The party 'die Linke' used to be 'die Linkspartei'. Die Linkspartei was a Union of the West German party WSAG and the PDS. The PDS is the direct successor of the SED, which was THE communist party in the GDR. Since the successor parties no longer explicitly described themselves as communist, the article probably calls them post-communist

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Including time we experience 4 dimensions all the time

Unfortunately that's normal here in Berlin, too. For Jewish people it is the new daily life in Europe. What a shame.

Hey, it's me.

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But better use the condom dongle for only $59 !

500 of these assholes got dusted in milliseconds in Syria.

What do you mean?

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You wouldn't have access to the websites with a non ' drm ' compatible browser

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And in the last decade maybe Russia itself supplied NK and gets back their own stuff now.

/s ... right..?