Rule of orthography to – 244 points –

How do you tell the difference when spoken?

Pronunciation, context and most importantly most of these sentences wouldn't be used like that. (Except for "die spinnen", i say that probably daily)

Good question! Sometimes it's stress but sometimes just context

Context. In the first two examples both sentences sound exactly the same, but it has never been a problem.

In some examples I‘d maybe expect stronger emphasis on the noun. ‚Sucht‘ (short u) vs ‚sucht‘ (long u) from the last example are pronounced very differently.

Duolingo has yet to enforce these capitalization rules. Boy, it is going to get difficult in later stages.

It’s just simply nouns that are capitalized. It’s not crazy at all, and I learned that in Duolingo years ago in the first few courses.

„Wir fahren die Kinder um“ 😇
„Wir fahren die Kinder um“ 😈

Das ist aber grammatikalisch nicht korrekt, es wäre

„Wir umfahren die Kinder“ 😇 „Wir fahren die Kinder um“ 👿

Besser wäre z.B.:

„Wir werden die Kinder umfahren“

Sie haben Recht. Ich lerne noch Deutsch, deshalb vergesse ich manchmal die richtige trennbare Verbformen. Danke für Ihre Korrektur

Et ma blême araignée, ogre illogique et las,

Aimable, aime à régner au gris logis qu'elle a.

Its nonsense because in most of these examples at least one is gobbledygook , like something no normal person would actually say or write.

Also with context you 95% of time know whats ment. Same in every other lanuage.