1 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This looks like a Sam o Nella academy drawing

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Wow almost 2k for a laptop? Ok it has actually good specs, but still it's alot.

I checked out the website on my phone and it was a hot mess. Wtf is going on there?


How did I not know about this website? It's Batshit crazy and also super fun. People arguing in a stock kinda way about outcomes is genius

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Live love laugh

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Hallo, möchtest du meine Steuererklärung sehen? ;)

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I'm excited to see the benchmarks

I only missed a flight once and i felt pretty stupid at the time as well. I took the metro to the airport and then I realized that I forgot some medicine.

I barely had time so I headed back but I messed up pretty badly because my medicine was the whole time in my backpack I just didn't find it or was so sure that I forgot it.

Then I obviously missed my plane since I didnt get there 3 hours earlier. I missed one day in the beautiful city of Rome, but it wasn't that bad. I think I was high at that time

Then still everyone thinks that Putin did it. There is no way to know. I think even the US said that it was an accident

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Yes please, let it have a headphone jack

What the heck is brainfuck?? Maybe a hot take but I wouldn't wanna program in that /s

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First of all, no one would understand you, but how someone already pointed out, make a spool with copper and spin it. For bonus points, put a iron slab inside the spool

Edit: as someone pointed out you kinda need a magnet

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You little pirate ;) when was the last time he posted a video? :(

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Looks pretty good, like some Rorschach test. War sit a picture of trees?

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I thought chatgpt is kinda shit now since the newest updates

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Nope image does not load

Have you heard about gothic? They are kinda old except gothic 3 which is also pretty old but not that much. It has supreme story and a rich fantasy world but I dunno how well it aged since I have nostalgia glasses on.

In my opinion gothic 2 is the best, gothic 1 was also pretty good but it crashed at a specific point and I couldn't play on. Gothic 3 is buggy as hell

Care to elaborate? I would like to know more about the situation

I'm sorry but what is a LLM? A quick search didn't do anything

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That is pure insanity, wtf USA are you alright? I always use my kettle at least once a day. For tea or for heating up pasta water much faster

Today I had a talk with my boss. Apparently I'm not a good enough programmer to handle tasks alone and they don't want to keep me around to learn the languages they want.

He said, maybe if we find a project for you that you could handle. Then we won't fire you.

I'm just so done .. I knew that i just started and it's my first job and I don't have much experience but I was hopeful that they wanted to teach me stuff. Now it doesn't look like it anymore. I don't know what to do. Who would take someone who got fired after not even a year?

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Zeig mir bitte vorher deine Schufa Auskunft

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Interesting that you said Arch has a good wiki. Maybe its just because its not common for beginners to start with Arch but when i read through the installation guide i noticed that there is no explanation on how to create a bootable usb in windows, at least the part for how to verify the signature wasnt explained for a windows user. For Linux Mint it was pretty much at the top, how to create a bootable usb in windows. I was very suprised that this guy called fedora and ubuntu the "devil" when i saw many people here use fedora.

One question though, you talked about packages and how they are sometimes different. How much had the amount of options for packages an effect on you, or anyone, while choosing your distro?

thanks for the explanations. I only used Ubuntu like 5 years ago and since then never again. From what i understand flatpak is a linux command to install applications. Ubuntu uses apt / apt-get (whatever the difference is there). Why does this guy shit on apt so much? I dont know whats wrong with it and why is flatpak so good?

I use both and I just think that chess.coms UI is superior to lichess. It just looks so much nicer. Obviously lichess gives you free puzzles and free analysis for all games which is arguably better.

yeah i guess this one didnt scream clickbait as much as the other videos of his. I got some in my feed afterwards and quickly realised that this guy doesnt shy away from using clickbait titles.

What is DE or WM? Is it actually that easy to change distro? Dont you have to basically install everything again from scratch? I read somewhere that you can seperate your directories on your SSD so that you can just change the kernel but i dont know how easy or true that is

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And with this setup you don't need a VPN? I just checked what debrid is and it still downloads illegal files but it isn't a torrent or something similar, right?

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What was the easiest and hardest meal you made?

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That is very true, but maybe they would just kill you or think that you are crazy before you would have the chance to actually change mankind

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Omg yes I imagine all types of bread are hard to make. I once made pita bread for my birthday. Everyone should have two so there were like 22 pitas to be made. It took so long to roll them out, let it rise and everything else. Next time I'm just gonna buy flatbread

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as a noob, why are snaps so bad? Thanks for the bullet points btw, it cleared a bunch of stuff up :)

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It is the first quote that came to my mind, I don't even know if I see it often in real life but I do see it on the internet

Wtf that's insane :D it really looks interesting to say the least but hey it works and apparently it works well, so good job. Never did something like that and I can imagine it's a lot of work.

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Fucking around at work is always fun :D

Can confirm, I bought a Poco phone F1 and I still use it to this day. Bought it in 2018

The first two gothic video games. The first one started to crash when I entered a specific area and the second one I don't even know why I didn treat that one

How the fuck are you supposed to start a new job when you have little experience? Just do a YouTube tutorial? I really thought that I would get thaught in this company but apparently not...

I got it yesterday on Firefox and ublock origin. I was kinda shocked to be honest

literally never saw this posted here so is right

Can you also watch twitch at 1080p without lag? Maybe you don't watch it, but I always had problems with that. Chrome works perfectly on twitch but not Firefox

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