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Texas was one of the states that could participate in the trial. But it is Texas, so I'm not holding my breath that they will continue being cool with it. Fingers crossed though.

I don't believe so. They will only award a new patent if yours is meaningfully different from previous technologies. I would suspect they would deem the other direction "not a meaningful difference."

Seriously whats with this "former host" bullshit

It's my hypothesis that this generation that is most tech savvy. This was a time when you had to know how to use a computer in order to ... use a computer. Today's generation has grown up with the app operating systems. They don't need to know the first thing about file manager or even ctrl-alt-del.

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That's why it's called filthy rich

My wife is born and raised in Texas. She thinks churches on every corner is normal. Now she is a travelling surgical tech and falling in love with upstate NY. It's not my beloved Pacific Northwest, but I will gladly move anywhere away from these loco church people.

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Well I've been living in Texas for almost 20 years. Mostly Houston and now DFW. Originally, I'm from California and I lived there for 12 years. I'm going back to college so I can afford to leave Texas.

Yes, the major cities are more liberal, especially Houston. But confederate flags abound! It's only been getting worse since 2020. It's a shame because Houston is the most culturally diverse place I've ever been. But be that as it may, this is the South. This is the home of racists.

Normal straight dude here. I've been hit on by a gay guy before. I explained the situation like an adult. All was good, no willies of any kind were had.

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You bartered for drugs and were then surprised that this individual wasn't completely honest?

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Yup. And it's gonna start right after the election results, no matter who wins.

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I've been a chef for 15 years. This job is BOTH physically and mentally exhausting. Not to mention the rampant drug and alcohol addictions.

If you really wanna do this, go for it. I suggest you try to find the ritziest place in the area. Pizza places are where I would go for a new plug in a new city.

Oh, and you aren't gonna get paid.

Lol it's an old story from reddit. Allegedly, this guy was at a friend's house and he went to the bathroom. But he couldnt find the poopknife and called out for it. He was mortified to learn that the average family did not employ the use of a poopknife.

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They can't vote in November if they kill themselves.

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I've been calling him Uncle Thomas.

My hypothesis is lead poisoning.

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Even in engineering it is common to just round pi to 3 and quickly estimate whatever it is your doing.

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You gotta punch it in the nose!

Its still not anti-semetic to criticize Netanyahu. Just because it's a law, doesn't make it right.

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Do it! And the only hand writing from you say something like "just as I suspected"

Infinite wishes

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That's always been my policy. I never used apples so I gave a big 'ol shrug if that's what needed fixing.

Once I get more comfortable with Linux, I'll be giving the same shrug to windows troubleshooting.

Recolonization was Lincoln's orignal opinion. But by the end of it all, and after speaking to Fredrick Douglass, Lincoln's opinion changed. His final address he talked about integration of Freedmen. Upon hearing these words, John Wilkes Booth decided to up his time table and assassinate Lincoln that very night.

From all my readings, there is one thing common across all of the greatest US presidents, and that is their ability to change their opinions when they were wrong.

I worked with a cook who had previously cooked in the military. He told me his boss would occasionally throw an entire egg into the powered eggs so people would think they were using real eggs. Don't know if that true or not, but moral of the story: don't trust the typos.

I've worked as cook and sous chef for about 13 years now. Most I ever made was 55k a year and at that time I was working ~75 hours a week. If we extrapolate to 100 hours... Carry the one.... Yup! Still a far cry from the paycheck of a CEO.

The wrestler guy from the Tobey Maguire version of Spiderman?

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He's just pinin' for the feeyords

This is where I'm at. I'll admit I don't know much of anything about the history of the situation, but what I see right now, is religious fanatics fighting religious fanatics. Fuck all of 'em

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I'm born and raised in the valley north of Sac. Moved to texas after freshman year of highschool and been here for almost 20 years. I married a texan and God damn if it isn't difficult to extricate a texan from texas. She has since become a travelling surgical tech and is seeing the country. It took her a whole 2 contracts to be ready to move away from texas.

texas fuckin blows. The only people trying to stay here are the ones that have never left to see what's out there.

If prisons are going to get nutritious food, then school children need to get it first.

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Don't ever say the words "sugar free haribo" again.

Idk. My dad has always liked going to church. My family is catholic, I don't really engage in any of it anymore. But my dad has always been a proponent of science. His opinion is that religion and science can inform each other.

He believes in evolution. He knows vaccines work. And he certainly is not a trumper. He also likes to tell the story of how the big bang was initially hypothesized by a catholic priest.

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I made the whole thing up. It came to me in a fever dream.

What's goldcops? I tried looking it up, but no dice.

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George Washington bemoaned debt

You can't see John Cena

Hmmmm that's true, I hadn't thought of that.

I usually pronounce 'x' as an 'sh' like the native Mexican language of Nahuatl.

Why does any club exist?

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Because he incited a coup and called for the heads of elected officials.

Perhaps this person didn't present thier opinion in the best way. I believe I agree with the sentiment they were possibly trying to convey. You should assume anything you post on the Internet is going to be public.

If you post some pictures of youself getting trashed at club, you should know those pictures have a possibility of resurfacing when you're 40 something and working in a stuffy corporate environment. I doubt I am alone in saying I made the wrong decision because I never saw myself in that sort of workplace. I still might escape it, but it could go either way at this point.

To your point, I believe, there are instances where privacy is absolutely required. I agree with you too. We obviously need some set of unambiguous rules in place at this point.