Satanists expose the GOP doublespeak on "free speech" and bigoted rhetoric to politics – 648 points –
Satanists expose the GOP doublespeak on "free speech" and bigoted rhetoric

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Why does any club exist?

I don't have anything against it, just wondering about their motives.

Like another comment said, your best source is going to be their own websites. But from an outsider's perspective, their motive seems to be taking the good ideas from the Abrahamic religions (love your neighbor, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, etc) and replacing some of their worse tendencies (close-minded devotion to YOUR interpretation of God and anything less will send you to Hell) with their polar opposites: "Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world" (Tenet V from The Satanic Temple's website)

Why should Christians have a monopoly on fellowship and community? TST can be a secular, humanist way for people to be part of a community without all the baggage of religion and dogmatic thought.

They shouldn't, nor any religion should. Again, I don't have anything against it I just wanted to know how it formed and what are it's beliefs, most religion have a god or some shit I just asked what are theirs.