Peachy [they/them]

@Peachy [they/them]
8 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Lilith bless the trans flag

I have to ask, is P3R your favorite Persona game or what

Vamped = to be made attracted to Snuggle pupping = making out/touching above the waist Petting = touching below the waist

Basically, "flappers are causing our boys to be blasphemous and are ruining the religious beliefs of Americans"

Typical religious conservative argument type stuff. Interesting aspect I learned from Ranker is that it was strictly sex-free (depending on your definition of sex) and people typically stayed with the same partner during these parties. This was a widespread behavior from women who were breaking free from patriarchical ideas that they should remain "pure." Very POG.

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Fascists. An alt definition is more specifically nazi and/or racist.

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Me reading a study that milk tea boba drinks lead to depression and addiction 🙄

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Freud being the father of psychology is one Freudian slip from calling him daddy

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Lmao the two above the bottom are fucking wild. I can't believe that many people voted for those options.

It's hard growing up listening to emo/punk/alt/etc. Half the bands I grew up with are now accused of SA (some with underaged kids) like All Time Low, Panic at the Disco, Dance Gavin Dance, Good Charlotte, etc etc. And that's just from memory.

Ronnie Radke did that and then also came out as super homo/transphobic (Falling in Reverse, previous lead singer of Escape the Fate). Dude leaves transphobic comments on cis-ppl videos that even slightly mention his name in a negative light.

I don't see how people can separate the art from the artist; the artist's worldview is put into the art. Also why give that person money?

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I'm in this image and I don't like it 😡

My parents order that dog food and this picture doesn't do it justice with how fucking overwhelming the packaging is.

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There's been no evac orders yet for my area. It should settle down a bit before reaching landfall in SoCal. Sand can still help reduce flooding in your home even if you evac.

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So OP just had eggs, coffee creamer, and bread in the fridge is what I'm taking away from this. Relatable.

Fuck HP. They provided the tech Israel uses to control and surveil Palestinians.

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There's been two movements in the US impacting this.

One, to focus more on the Pro-Palestine protests. If Gaza isn't free no one is free. Submovement: Disabled people still aren't welcome at pride. COVID is still a huge threat and most STILL aren't masking. I call it a Submovement because it was something that wasn't taken very seriously until the encampments and Pro-Palestine protests. Organizers are making it well known that masks are super important.

Second, some organizers recognize that pride as it currently stands is incredibly liberal. It requires substantial corporate backing and some are required by local legislation to have cop presence. The corps that do back pride only do so for good publicity and then turn around and fund anti queer legislation.

Also anti-queer legislation has grown exponentially...I can understand people being scared and not wanting to be open in public.

I'm not saying boo hoo suck it up these are more important. Pride is still necessary. It sucks that it's been quiet. It sucks that people have to hide in fear from sociopaths who are out to kill queer folx. I'm just telling y'all what's going on

It's because only trans people can en passant. Too strong.

No but seriously this is blatant transphobia. There's no reason for this ruling. Stripping titles is just salt in the wound, wtf.

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I hate this

One person isn't the whole. They may just want to vent and aren't wanting solutions. While that may be frustrating to you, it can be just as frustrating to your SO to want to vent and get solutions they don't want

Of course I'm just some rando online I don't know your relationship. I have a BA in Human Communication and this is just one of the most common arguments that happens in relationships

Oh cool let me try. My password is: imjustasillylilguynamedhunter2

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Toilet's just getting their regular prostate check

Based take.

I cannot separate the art from the artist either. Too much of her worldview exists in the media imo.

Correct. The USA still has a substantial slave population via the prison industrial complex. Also I removed your ableist comment further down this point. Prejudice of any kind can lead to a ban.

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Reminder that we have our email

Important tool for those who have been banned and feel it undeserved, etc. While it's awesome that we have a small active community to double check the mod log and post any oddities right now, this may not always be the case. Hierarchies are wack and knowing the tools to hold people accountable is always a good thing. I do occasionally go back and check on our sent folder to see if anyone is being treated unfairly (which to be clear I haven't seen anything on the email side).

Thanks for the post ✌️

The autistic urge to humanize EVERYTHING. A charging roomba is indeed a cuddle


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Honestly wild. SO many libraries are doing away with fees this seems like such a rollback on common policy. Welp. That's America these days I suppose.

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The placement of the logo makes him look like Among Us.

Hey a random use for my degree.

Gender is based on how you feel about yourself, obviously different than sex, which is based on your chromosomes. Each culture has a different idea of what gender means. For example, the US is a mostly patriarchal culture, meaning men are mostly in charge with some exceptions (this is SLOWLY changing to a more equal culture) compared to a matriarchical culture where women are mostly in charge with some exceptions. This puts pressure on people for how men and women are expected to act.

Gender performativity is how you perform your gender. I don't want to assume your gender, so just think about the things you do to feel more like your gender. For some men, this is buying a muscle car or BBQing or going to the gym. These are stereotypes of masculinity, but they show how men purposely try to perform gender. For men who don't do these things, they're called girly or feminine.

(bonus lesson) -Rhetorical questions- What does this say about American culture? If not performing the "man" gender results in being calling a different gender, what's wrong with that? Why is being called girly or feminine considered a bad thing? The US spotlights masculine identities without spotlighting the gender itself, therefore making feminine traits less desirable without explicity saying so. The US have moved away from overt misogyny into subtle misogyny in order to appear more equal. It gives plausible deniability.

The meme specifically is referring to how much harder trans people have to "perform" their gender compared to people who were assigned their gender at birth.

It's a Japanese alcoholic drink. Very tasty

Won't hold up in court, but more importantly, don't order from them because of the free meals they're giving to people committing genocide.

Even if they are so worried about chromosomes, the existence of intersex people completely voids the binary. They don't care about reality, they just want to back up their shitty position

I don't think the SPECIAL OLYMPICS needs to make the semantic distinction between ableism and aviation (I WONDER WHICH ONE THEY WOULD TALK ABOUT)

My queen

Reports are asking for NSFW tag please

Rem is 17-19. I think 9 was a bit of an exaggeration. ...but yeah, I'm not sure what's up with the maid outfits. My honest thoughts, I think it stems from patriarchal ideas of what constitutes the core aspects of what it means to be a over sexualized cook and cleaner. A lot of trans women struggle with wanting any attention at all, even gross comments from misogynists because it validates their gender expression. It was covered in Pose (2018) pretty extensively for anyone wanting media that talks about the trans experience.

And I'll fucking do it again

"lame" isn't super appreciated here. At best it's a homophone of a word that is ableist. At worst, people are actively being ableist. You never know with the internet, we have a ton of extremely problematic people pop in and use words that mean the second option. There's just better ways to express disbelief or calling someone socially inept.

But yeah, prude.

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It's water marked but here's the link to the author for anyone interested

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I really hope you enjoy, I love this game. Just need to finish the game normally and I'll 100% it

Quirky biological essentialism be like

Hand it over