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Joined 11 months ago

Something might but it has to meet a bunch of criteria. A lot of these handheld have flaws or drawbacks and none of them are perfect:

  • powerful APU to run latest games
  • OLED screen
  • VRR
  • Front firing speakers
  • comfortable to hold
  • back buttons not in the way, but easy to reach
  • hall effect sticks and triggers
  • trackpad(s)
  • good software for device control
  • large battery
  • lots of fast ram (24gb)
  • full size nvme expansion

Most handhelds I see meet a bunch of those but not all of them.

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Like, can you run gamepass games on there and Blizzard games right from steamOS? What about games from the Epic launcher?

This is what I'm referring to when is say it restricts games you can play. Steam games mostly run pretty well.

Edit: Blizzard games do run

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I mean, if she's good at her job...

Everyone is laughing at Don Poorleone

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Microsoft is buying up companies to stockpile IP. Simple as that.

Then they have a lot of redundant workers so they let them go, leaving the IP in their hands to be filed away for potential lawsuits against infringers.

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This is pretty fantastic. I have two kids that I share with, and when one plays any game from my library currently, my entire library gets locked out from the other kid. Changing this to a game by game basis makes so much more sense.

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Yea, it's pseudo code.

The answer is 6. It's 6 characters long.

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This always comes down to the fact that labor is competitive. Why pay someone $200k/yeae when someone will do the job for $80k/year? Competition drives the prices of labor down. Maybe there needs to be better regulation for labor competition like corporations enjoy.

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I'm waiting for the day when actors and game devs refuse to work on things owned by WB because the risk of wasting their time and efforts is too damn high.

Suing Boeing? Better hope he doesn't get suicided

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Just the cost of doing business. I bet they made more on the sale.

Lol, free speech doesn't mean he is free from the consequences. The gag order is there to protect him from breaking the law as much as its there to protect the jurors from intimidation by him. Is free to break the gag order I'd he wants, he'll just have to pay the consequences if he chooses that option.

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So much potential, perfect actor, lots of lore and stories, and they just decide to make whatever story up they wanted.

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Don't get your hopes up. This guy wriggles through everything. He knows who to buy.

They do, but the costs to store all of that high resolution video is enormous. Especially since it must be replicated to local repository for quicker access as popularity raises and removed when popularity falls on videos. The amount of content stored and served is significantly more than Netflix houses. That being said, ads are getting way too intrusive.

A trump never pays his share

He will declare war on all liberals and his sole purpose will be to cause pain.

It's not bad reviews that kill companies, it's bad products.

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It's this. They want to impeach Hunter and are using this as a farce to do so, but... Hunter isn't the president, so....

She's saying that not seizing his property,and letting him acquire the funds through alternative means to pay, puts him at risk of being bought. That makes him more of a security risk to the country just so he can keep his assets.

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He must mean finish the "solution"

The dude talks at a 3rd grade level.

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One side who is facing criminal charges for the laws he broke, and one who didn't break the law.

Yeah, it's clear who the fuckup is in this race, and it's not even close.

Such little respect for human life is disgusting. Killing in the name of overcrowding is not valid reason to murder.

Lemmy users are just going to believe whatever they want to believe, instead of actually checking the facts.

It's 100% about privacy. Data collection, and algorithm manipulation to sway what users see in the interest of the Chinese government. If users think Russian interference is a problem, we'll this amounts to the same thing.

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The problem isn't actually just that China takes our data, it's that they control the algorithm on tiktok for what users see, thereby giving them the ability to manipulate the public.

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Yea, it's not as bad as this thread is trying to make it out to be.

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It's 100% not about how much market share they have, it's about the restrictions on hardware and software:

The DOJ claims Apple has used anticompetitive tactics, such as blocking innovative new apps and degrading how Android messages appear on iPhones, to maintain a monopoly on the smartphone market.

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Getting off youtube is pretty difficult with no true alternative.

You forgot to add get off Android, which would also mean just going Apple. There is no good alternative there either.

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Maybe it's Russian interference. Send white power derived envelopes to prominent players on both sides to get the people riled up against each other.

Ceo pay is advertised and used against each other to get top dollar. Lowers like us have out pay hidden so companies can low ball without us knowing. That's what needs to change. It should be law to be advertised pay rate so the lowballers get exposed and no one applies, forcing pay to go up.

1/5th want no or fewer kids... so 4/5 were pushing forward like normal.

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If this was 1945, these people would be shot on the streets.

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Won't these lose brightness over time as the chemical reactions die out, forcing you to buy a new tv?

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If you rob a bank, then later return the cash... you still robbed a bank, and it's still a crime regardless.

The bank chose to overlook that crime because it made them money, and they want more business. You don't see anything wrong with overlooking a crime for money?

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Roku is a terrible product. It's cheap, and they have full control over every part of it and aren't afraid to exploit it to users' detriment. Like the recent user agreement changes that bricked TVs until you agreed.

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If all cities enforce this, then what? Close up shop?

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Who invented Google home? Like, what's the person's name? What about the person that designed the Sonos Move?

There's no legacy. There's business objectives and getting those completed so upper management can move their plans forward. Who gets them there is irrelevant.

Just click the "not using an adblocker" button. If everyone does that it'll probably whitelist the blockers, we can hope.

The problem with this is, they buy bananas at $x, then the price goes to $x+5, so they raise theor prices +$6 to compensate, however the stock they bought was still only bought at $x.

People end up paying a lot more when prices jump, when the store paid a lower price a day ago for that exact food. The price drops are also implemented with way less vigor so they drop slow but you can bet they spike instantly as the cost price goes up.

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