Dynamic pricing is coming to grocery stores

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 110 points –

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The problem with this is, they buy bananas at $x, then the price goes to $x+5, so they raise theor prices +$6 to compensate, however the stock they bought was still only bought at $x.

People end up paying a lot more when prices jump, when the store paid a lower price a day ago for that exact food. The price drops are also implemented with way less vigor so they drop slow but you can bet they spike instantly as the cost price goes up.

What happens when I return the expensive food and buy the cheaper food? Like when a TV goes on sale and I return the one I bought last week?

You make a little bit of money? I can see this system being gamed so hard by people with time on their hands. Stores won't care how hard they get gamed, if there are enough lazy people where they still make more profit.